
It is also near the No. 1 store of To Lingxi.

On the street in the distance, a motorcade suddenly drove up! A clear black Hongqi car! “Just stop here, don’t get too close.

"An old man's majestic voice came from inside the car.


The car door opened, and a dignified old man in a Chinese tunic suit slowly got out of the car.

It is none other than the big boss of the Chinese Academy of Sciences—Nan Tianhai! After his 70th birthday party, he was surprised to find that his daughter Nan Ruoyi was missing! Also missing with her was that gangster boy! Remember http://Nan Tianhai frowned in one second! Brat! Kidnap my daughter! I want to see what kind of business you are doing! Therefore, he took the car directly to Haishi in the afternoon! Go straight to this to Lingxi model store! As Nan Tianhai got off the bus, there were also several men in black suits with stern faces! Nan Tianhai took a step forward, and these black suits dispersed silently, guarding every corner, carefully observing everything! The only person accompanying Nan Tianhai was his younger brother, Nan Tianfeng! The two old men walked slowly on the street with their hands behind their backs. To outsiders, they looked like two old men in their sixties! "Tianfeng, have you investigated their business?" Nan Tianhai asked as he walked.

"Brother, they are just some express hotels, restaurants and so on..." "Compared with the younger generations in the family, this size...is the last.

Nan Tianfeng smiled helplessly, "Brother, don't be angry."

Nan Tianhai still seemed a little unwilling, "What about the development prospects?" "Brother Nan Tianfeng hesitated for a moment, "What are the prospects for this kind of business? The market structure has long been formed. Large catering chains and hotel chains control 80% of the market share. They have little chance.

"When Nan Tianhai heard this, he sighed heavily! The two elders walked forward.

Suddenly I was attracted by a piece of light in front of me! That shiny three-story building had nearly a thousand customers lined up at the door! There are countless people taking crazy photos with their mobile phones! Nan Tianfeng was stunned, "What kind of business is this, so popular?" Nan Tianhai also narrowed his eyes, "To Ling Analysis? I've never heard of it.


Nan Tianhai was startled! He took out a red envelope from his arms. This was a birthday gift left for him by his daughter Nan Ruoyi! Nan Tianhai quickly opened the envelope, and inside was a small electronic card! Nan Tianhai squinted for a long time. The light was dim and he was a little dazzled, so he couldn't see clearly! He stretched out his hand.

Immediately, a man in a black suit walked out of the darkness and handed him a pair of reading glasses! Nan Tianhai tremblingly put on his flower glasses and looked at the card in his hand! Hiss... Nan Tianhai's expression froze, and his eyes kept moving back and forth from the store sign and the card, confirm! On that small card, it was written: To Lingxi Chain Store—VIP reservation-free privilege! "This..." "This is Ruoyi girl's shop?" Nan Tianhai was very surprised! He quickly quickened his pace and walked towards the store! "Hey...this old man!" "Another one who didn't queue up!" "What's going on!" Seeing the two old men walking straight to the door of the store, the people in line were not happy again! "Wait!" Someone with sharp eyes suddenly saw the electronic card in the old man's hand! "Is that the top level VIP of Spiritual Analysis?!" "I'll go!" "That one can just go in and out of Spiritual Analysis' shop without making an appointment!" "I heard that a total of 3 cards were issued!" "One card I gave it to Mr. Teng from Penguin!” “The other one was given to a foodie named Kun Sang!” “So the third one is here!” “This card was sold for more than 2 million on the Internet, and I even bought it. Not even there!" Everyone looked surprised! They suddenly realized that these two old men were not simple! For a moment, no one dared to speak! Nan Tianhai was also stunned! I looked at the card in my hand in disbelief! The card number does indeed say 003! Is this little card so rare? ! Is Ruoyiya's shop so popular? Only Penguin's Xiao Teng deserves to have this card? Then Kun Sang must be some big shot! The old man was in a daze for a moment! Can the current economic entity do this? He wiped his flower glasses again and looked at the simple, exquisite and technologically-savvy shop behind him.

I looked at the eager queue of people again! The broadcast on the screen also caught his attention! 'ToLingxi is a company that leads the world in artificial intelligence and robotics technology...' The reception robot beside him also blinked his electronic eyes and asked cutely: "Dear Mr. Nan, do you need to enter the store? "You have too much data on the Internet. I have prepared economics books for you, as well as your favorite aged Pu'er tea!" Nan Tianhai took a deep breath! He said in a daze: "Tianfeng, are today's underworld so cultured?" Nan Tianfeng: "This..." Nan Tianhai did not choose to enter the store! Instead, he said with some excitement: "I have to go see Ruo Yi and that gangster boy!" But his younger brother Nan Tianfeng looked strange, "Brother, you can't find anything after wearing iron shoes..." Nan Tianhai suddenly saw the squatting man. Beside the flower bed, those two figures, one big and one small! The old man stepped forward! "Boy, is this the project you and Ruoyi worked on together?" Brother Liu saw the person coming and stood up politely, "Hello, Mr. Nan, to be precise, this is a project done by Ruoyi himself. I just provided some drawings. .

"Mr. Nan nodded repeatedly.

His eyes flashed, "Young man has a bright future! Not bad!" Nan Tianfeng's attitude toward Brother Liu changed drastically at this time, "Young people are scary! Only now do I understand that our family Ruoyi's vision is really unique!" At this time.

A young voice came, "Grandpa, is that the VIP card you are holding in your hand to enter the delicious restaurant behind you?" Liu Xiaodi's professional fake smile reappeared, "I'm so hungry now.

Nan Tianhai was stunned, "Is this?" Brother Liu chuckled, "My child."

""What? ""You have a kid? Nan Tianhai said in surprise: "What about you and our family?" "Little boy," don't worry, I don't have a mother.

Nan Tianhai was stunned again and looked at Brother Liu, "Are you getting married for the second time?" Liu Di pursed his lips and pulled the little boy behind him, "This is not easy to explain!" "

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