In the current Internet market.

Shopping and social networking are indispensable services for almost everyone! Shopping.

China’s Ali has always been the leader in the industry.

But there are still some latecomers like Jingdong and Pin Xixi who come to the top and share the world.

And the social field.

Market demand is far greater than shopping! But Penguin is always the only company! Not even a second! Whether it is QQ or WeChat, it always firmly occupies a dominant position! It’s not like no one has tried to impact this field.

Remember http:// in one second, but all the challengers failed! Because once users build their own social circle on a certain software.

Even if they encounter better products, they will not easily replace them.

For social tools, if there is no chat partner, then all functions are meaningless! but.

Is WeChat really untouchable? If you add a definition to it, WeChat can be called - acquaintance socialization.

That is, more social tools for contacting acquaintances! But are people’s social needs limited to acquaintances? of course not! If there is really a way to compete with the Penguin Empire.

That is strange social interaction! There is a word that is inseparable from strange social interactions - loneliness.

for these two words.

Brother Liu has a special understanding.

in the past 3 years.

Brother Liu went from being a proud man to a part-time waiter.

Because of the pain caused by the eye injury, he was almost unable to communicate with others.

It was like he was living in another world.

He saw a lot clearly and thought a lot.

Keep asking yourself: Are there people in the world who are in the same situation as you? There is no answer to this question.

But Liu Di also realized that life in this world is not easy, and happiness is even more difficult.

Everyone wants a confidant who can confide in him or her.

No matter how introverted or withdrawn your personality is.

In the bottom of my heart.

Everyone wants to break out of existing circles and make new friends! Liu Di realized that this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to create a new Internet business empire! 3 days ago.

Brother Liu gradually refined this idea.

His understanding of human nature is coupled with the super analytical ability of the Demon Boy.

The mobile phone software ‘Gemini’, which specializes in socializing with strangers, was born! Design, programming, development, and backend service support are tasks that take several months in the eyes of ordinary people.

Completed overnight by the devil boy! And the next part is ‘Guess the prize’.

It is a century-old propaganda for Gemini software! At this time, this young man from a grassroots background was looking at the rising sun from the top of the mountain.

First time starting a business.

The sword is aimed at the Penguin Group! ...backend data.

The number of downloads and registrations of Gemini is increasing crazily! Driven by great curiosity.

Everyone wants to find out! In 10 minutes, the number of downloads exceeded one million! Half an hour, over ten million! In one hour, it was already close to 100 million users! After every netizen registers, he will be deeply impressed by the system's personality analysis! Someone is excited! Someone was amazed! Someone is crying! No one thought that the first person who could speak directly to the bottom of their hearts and reveal the world in their hearts was actually a mobile phone software! However, there’s the next step.

Even more surprising! They will find that in the vast sea of ​​people, there is actually one or several strangers who share the same goals and sympathize with them! Under Di San’s post, the number of comments surged again! "This software is really special!" "It can actually analyze me and make me cry!" "I have lived for 25 years and been regarded as a weirdo for 25 years. I never thought that there would be people in this world who can follow me. "Haha, I met an old guy from Xishan on Gemini. We chatted for 3 minutes and we immediately hit it off and ended up peeing in a pot!" "My wife didn't let me download it at first, but she didn't expect it. I actually met a new best friend here! She now supports me and says this is a truly benign dating platform!” “Although I met a member of the opposite sex on Gemini, it was a complete soul resonance, without any connection. "What's wrong with you? I found out through Gemini that Xiaomei upstairs has been secretly in love with me! I'm so happy and excited!" "I found my first love after being separated for 5 years!" This software is so good, I will pull all my friends into it and use it for the rest of my life!”…looking at these comments.

Brother Liu smiled happily! The demon boy's analysis is so powerful that he can observe almost everything! On the Gemini platform, first of all, all illegal information will be avoided, and secondly, it will maintain a high degree of purity and will not allow any heterosexual relationship that violates morality to occur! If Gemini's strange social business wants to last for a long time, these are two rules that must be followed! at the same time.

Major Internet companies, as well as Internet experts and economists, finally noticed this Di San who caused a huge storm overnight! And Gemini software! "This is too scary!" "In just one hour, the number of downloads exceeded 100 million, which is unprecedented!" "And there are still a large number of users downloading!" "If this momentum continues, in less than three hours, Gemini will rise to No. 1 in the download rankings!" in an economic research institute.

The old professor, who was over sixty years old, stared at the data on the screen.

His lips trembled slightly.

"This Emperor III is very special!" "Two rounds of lottery, one round costs 50 million, one round costs 100 million, a total of 150 million, this number seems huge, but it brings immeasurable exposure to Gemini Software!" "If you use conventional means, if you want to make a software have hundreds of millions of users, there will be no clear price at all! Hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions are possible!" "Not to mention, he only took one night!" "And it received rave reviews!" "The marketing method is very effective, the technical means are superior, and the market demand is so accurately grasped!" "He is simply a business genius!" Penguin Group Headquarters.

The senior executives have gathered in the conference room as soon as possible.

The upheaval overnight made them feel the real crisis.

A middle-aged man pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and asked the marketing director, "Who is this Gemini?" "Mr. Li, the owner of this app is a technology company called Creator, which was just registered!" "How can a newly registered company be so powerful?" The man called Mr. Li said sharply, "There must be someone supporting this Creator behind the scenes. Go ask Qiandu and Ali and tell them that there is no need to hide such things. Play fair!" The marketing director wiped the sweat from his forehead and said nervously, "Mr. Li, I've already inquired about it. Both of them are now like frightened birds! They are afraid that this Gemini will get involved in their business!" "And..." The sales director didn't dare to look directly at Mr. Li and said, "Since this Gemini went online, our users have dropped by 4%, and it's still continuing..." "What?!" Mr. Li stood up suddenly, "4% overnight? We have never had this before!" Penguin has nearly 900 million users, and a 4% drop in activity is no small number! "I heard that Gemini can analyze user personality? What technology do they use? Copy it for me!" The sales director said with embarrassment: "Mr. Li, we have tested it. With the strength of our current technical team..." Mr. Li glared: "Why, can't copy it? I don't believe it. Is there any technology that our Penguin Group can't copy?" The sales director was so scared that his legs trembled and stammered: "It's not that we can't copy their technology, but we can't understand it at all!"

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