My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 483 Birthday Banquet

Mr. Nan Tianhai is still strong in his seventies.

He is 70 years old and born in the year of Tiger.

From 1 a.m. to 11 a.m. the next day, it is an auspicious time for people born in the year of Tiger.

According to his usual practice, the start time of the birthday banquet was set at 11 noon.

At this time, there is still 1 hour left before the birthday banquet.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, there is a row of reception desks! Visitors from all over the world were queuing up, holding gifts, to register one by one and hand over their birthday gifts! Several service staff from Tianhua International Hotel were hiding in the corner with contemptuous expressions on their faces! The official power is so great! Receive gifts openly! I heard that Mr. Nan personally arranged the reception desk and sent a trustworthy subordinate to guard it! Remember http:// in one second! The world is getting worse! Little did I know.

This gift reception desk has a lot of mystery! First, divide gift givers into two categories! One type is friends in the officialdom! One category is ordinary relatives and friends in society! Secondly.

There is a special room behind the gift reception desk to dismantle the gifts on the spot and determine their value! The reason for doing this.

It's because Mr. Nan set the rules! For Nan Tianhai’s birthday, he will not accept any gifts worth more than 300 yuan! If there is a large gift, a warning letter will be sent back to the official! The amount is shocking, and a special person will investigate afterwards! As for ordinary relatives and friends, they register one by one, and if they can make small requests that do not violate the principles, they can help! Those who want to build relationships and take evil ways will turn a blind eye! Mr. Nan holds an important position and controls the country's financial power. People want to take advantage of his birthday, and there are many people who come to flatter him! Such is the social climate! But Nan Tianhai's approach neither ruins the atmosphere nor violates the principles. It can be said that he is careful and has a sense of balance! Many gifts were returned, and the guests who were rejected were only belatedly aware of the situation! Mr. Nan really walks the right path! Thus.

On Mr. Nan’s birthday, almost all the gifts he received were eggs, birthday peaches, postcards drawn by children, etc.! The whole scene.

The only valuable gift was a famous calligraphy master invited by Mr. Nan’s second brother! This man, nicknamed Zhang Mo Feng, is good at calligraphy and improvisational poetry! At this time, Zhang Mofeng set up a stage on the side of the venue, splashing ink, full of elegance! Seeing that the place was packed with people, he licked his brush and got a mouthful of ink! He waved his pen and shouted: "The southern sea, Lao Ji's birthday, full of guests, happy and happy!" However.

The protagonist of today's banquet is Nan Tianhai.

At this time, he was sitting in the hall with a gloomy face! Everyone can see that he is not "happy" at all! The second brother Nan Tianfeng stood aside, also at a loss, "Brother, please relax, I will handle Ruoyi girl's matter, and I will let Hong'er buy that store tomorrow!" "Oh..." Nan Tianhai He turned sideways and let out a long sigh! What bothered him was not just the apple in his eye being tainted by the underworld.

Why is that old boy Duan Hua so crazy today? How many days have you been a spokesperson, and you’ve really lost your temper? Is it because I cut the budget of his Haishi Special Operations Team at the beginning of the year? But his special operations team has been working for three years and there has been no improvement at all. Who can blame him? Suddenly, Nan Tianhai asked his second brother, "Duan Hua didn't come to celebrate his birthday, right?" "Duan Hua didn't come, but he brought you a gift, a thermos cup!" Nan Tianhai said helplessly: "What about Montenegro?" He couldn't be reached.

"Then Mr. Chu...forget it, he will definitely not come!" "At this time, Nan Tianhai caught a glimpse of his daughter Nan Ruoyi in the far corner. He sighed again and rubbed his temples vigorously! An hour later.

The birthday banquet started in Nan Tianhai's depressed mood.

Friends from all walks of life came up to celebrate their birthdays with drinks, and Nan Tianhai responded to them one by one.


It was the younger members of the family who stepped forward! "Dad, I wish you good health and all the best!" "Uncle, I wish you blessings like the East China Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains..." "Grandpa, I give you a little red flower. I wish you happiness every day!" A three or four-year-old boy The girl stepped forward and kissed Nan Tianhai's wrinkled forehead! "Okay, okay, my good granddaughter!" Nan Tianhai smiled happily and saw his third daughter Nan Ruoyi from the corner of his eye.

This girl is getting worse and worse every day, and she doesn’t even have a boyfriend! Nan Tianhai secretly sighed again! At this time, Nan Ruoyi.

Standing in a corner, feeling left out! She hesitated for a moment and took a step forward! "Cousin, what are you doing?" Cousin Nan Hong walked over slowly and raised his eyebrows: "Uncle said, if you don't get rid of those shops, you won't be allowed to drink this glass of wine!" Following Nan Hong, there were Several other juniors from the Nan family.

They have also made achievements in various fields.

But the fact that the elders of the Nan family have good character does not mean that all the younger generations are also like this. These few who came are the so-called ‘dandy boys’! Relying on their family power, it is common for them to bully the weak outside! "Ruoyi, you said we all grew up together.

"You were so outstanding and dazzling in the past. You were proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. How much the elders liked you!" "The speaker was an enchanting young woman. She suddenly raised her voice and squinted her eyes, "Now, why did you get so messed up that you ran to open an express hotel? "Still a part-time worker?" "Is it still related to the underworld?" ! "If I were you, I wouldn't have the nerve to toast this glass of wine!" "Don't say that Ruoyi!" "A son-in-law from the second uncle Nan Tianyue's home came forward and said, "Ruo Yi is already disliked by the uncle. If you talk about her again, be careful that she goes back to her hotel, closes the door and cries! "There was low laughter from the crowd! At this time.

Nan Hong stepped forward, reached out and took two glasses of champagne from the waiter's tray next to him.

He smiled and said: "Cousin, you don't have to worry about the store. As long as you nod your head, I promise to complete the transaction within 2 days.

"When the time comes, my uncle will definitely not be willing to continue blaming you, and everything will be restored to the way it was before!" "As he said that, Nan Hong handed a glass of champagne to Nan Ruoyi, "What do you think? "But Nan Ruoyi completely ignored Nan Hong.

He looked at his father from a distance, but saw Nan Tianhai frown and immediately turned his head away! Nan Ruoyi suddenly felt sour in her heart.

Usually, on her father's birthday, she is always the first to toast! But now... Nan Ruoyi sighed lightly and lowered her eyes.

Slowly retreat, preparing to leave the venue.


A strong hand held her waist from behind.

Nan Ruo also slowly turned back.

I saw a young man in white with a calm expression, taking the champagne from Nan Hong's hand and drinking it in one gulp.

He scanned the audience and said softly: "Ruoyi, hold your head up, everyone is watching.


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