My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 475: One Issue, One Discussion

Warships of various countries in the distance.

They were surprised! They didn't know what Liu Di and the other said.

They could only see that the two came to the sea in the distance! Lei Pu was a little excited! "The two of them are going to fight!" "Great opportunity!" "They kill each other, and both will be injured in the end, or Emperor Wu will die directly!" "We will launch another bombardment to eliminate the other person, and the world will be quiet!" "Hahaha!" "Everyone listen to the order!" "Prepare heavy firepower, biological and chemical weapons, and nuclear warheads for me!" "All warships retreat!" Lei Pu was already a little crazy! And Systemma on the water was stunned! "What's going on!" "Why am I here!" But Liu Di's right eye flashed purple, "I'm worried that I have nowhere to vent, you have to let me have fun!" Systemma stabilized his mind and threw a punch, "You are looking for death!" Boom! Liu Di also punched out, destroying withering and rotten, Systemma's punch was suddenly twisted and deformed, and it was impossible to resist! Bang! Systema's body fell straight into the sea! Brother Liu also dived down! He punched the water surface continuously! Bang, bang, bang! It was as if a mountain hit the water surface, and the waves splashed up to a height of a hundred meters! Under the water, it seemed as if a bomb exploded! The water flow was turbulent, turning the river upside down! The sea surface within ten kilometers around was like a tide, like a storm! Boom! Brother Liu didn't aim at all, and vented the violent power in his body towards the water surface! It was earth-shaking! It almost broke everyone's eardrums! With each punch, the water flowed like a white dragon, rushing into the sky, dispersing under the sun, and the water mist covering the sky turned the surrounding area into a vast expanse of white! In a moment, huge waves of more than ten meters spread out! More than 100 warships in the distant sea were instantly hit by the waves, swaying, and tossing up and down, like small boats in a storm! And the punitive army on the ship was thrown upside down one by one! If this wave continues, this fleet will not be able to leave! Boom boom boom! Brother Liu is still punching! The seawater can no longer gather, forming a huge deep pit! The reef protruding from the seabed is faintly visible! Lei Pu's face is pale! The aircraft carrier under his feet is a 600,000-secret existence! At this time, there was an earthquake on the deck! The crew frantically used lassoes to fix the aircraft, otherwise there was a tendency to fall into the sea! He looked at the warships around him again, all of which were shaky! Commanders from various countries were busy protecting themselves! And under the water! Several submarines that stayed in the shallow sea and prepared to launch torpedoes were actually washed up by the huge undercurrent, like dead fish with their stomachs turned upside down! Everyone was dumbfounded! The other party turned the sea upside down by himself! How can we fight this! Brother Liu bombarded for more than 10 minutes! Finally felt a little tired! He stopped attacking, the water surface churned for a long time, and the water mist gradually fell! Crash! A late wave hit the deck and splashed on the glass window in front of Lei Pu! Although it did not touch his body.

But Lei Pu's whole body was "drenched" with cold! Lei Pu turned his head blankly.

He saw a black figure standing above the sea, looking at him! And that Systma had disappeared long ago, and it was estimated that there was not even a trace left! Lei Pu shuddered all over and covered his chest with one hand. This time he was playing big! Whoosh! Liu Di moved his body! He turned into a series of phantoms, directly smashed the glass of the command room, and stood in front of Lei Pu! Lei Pu almost sat on the ground! Liu Di whispered: "Le Pu Tongguo, explain to me, where do you get the courage to test me like crazy all day long?" "I..." Lei Pu's face was pale and his legs were shaking! A moment.

Lei Pu still mustered up his courage, "It's you! It's you who want to destroy the world!" Then, Lei Pu grabbed the communicator and shouted frantically: "All units, pay attention, fire at me! I want to die with Emperor Wu!" However.

There was no response in the communicator! Lei Pu looked out the window in astonishment, only to see that warships from various countries were turning their bows and evacuating frantically! Lei Pu's eyes widened, "Ah... these bastards!" Liu Di sighed lightly and said in a deep voice: "Black Shark submarine, is it yours?" "What?" Lei Pu was shocked again! How could he know the Black Shark? That plan was completely blocked from the Internet! The Black Shark was going to use a neutron bomb to attack Ghost Island back then! It was exposed! In an instant, Lei Pu understood the meaning of Liu Di's words. He had really been on the edge of death, walking wildly! "I have already terminated that plan!" Lei Pu's face began to twitch! Liu Di ignored Lei Pu and frowned slightly.

The next moment, the communicators of various warships were turned on at the same time.

Liu Di's voice came out, "The Doomsday Association simulated alien signals and buried nuclear bombs in the Mariana Trench, preparing to cause a world earthquake!" "Those nuclear bombs have been cleared by me!" "I will transport the shells of those nuclear bombs to the European Hexagon!" "Each country, claim them for me!" "You have neglected your duties one by one, lost nuclear bombs, but dare not take responsibility!" "It has caused such a huge crisis!" "Afterwards, apologize to the people of the world one by one and explain the whole story!" The leaders of the countries on the battleships were slightly stiff when they heard it! They knew very well that their countries had indeed lost nuclear weapons in the past few years! And many nuclear experts have also disappeared! It turned out... It was the organization called the Doomsday Association! Mariana Trench, detonating nuclear bombs? ! They were scared for a moment! "Mr. Emperor Wu..." After a moment, the voice of a national leader came from the communicator.

He felt guilty: "We misunderstood you! If you hadn't been here, we would never have discovered this conspiracy! You must not blame us!" "Put away your flattery!" Liu Di said in a low voice: "One thing One question, who just fired at my ghost island while I was away?" There was silence in the communicator! Lei Pu, who was very close to Brother Liu, was just lucky that he didn't know about the Black Shark in Emperor Wu! And now, Emperor Wu is beginning to investigate the responsibility this time! Rep's heart almost stopped and he was extremely panicked! He was the one who yelled the loudest just now! "You, Lei Pu Tongguo, explain to me why the glass on my island is broken?" Liu Di looked at Lei Pu. There was no expression on the dark armor! "It wasn't me!" "The glass was shattered by the person from the Doomsday Association!" Repp panicked! His weapon didn't penetrate Ghost Island's defense shield at all! Emperor Wu has vast supernatural powers, so he should be able to know? "Huh?" Brother Liu asked in a low voice.

"I'll pay!" "You tell me the numbers!" Repp took two steps back! Liu Di shook his head slightly, "The Great Eagle Empire's Xiukesi, the island nation's Motomu, and the European Arisayama and Hull fired a total of 65 howitzers and 12 missiles at our Ghost Island.

Rep trembled, "I...I didn't think about it!" Brother Liu whispered: "These are just a few ships, don't leave."

""ah? "Repp stared, "They have already traveled far away! Do you like boats? I'll go back and see you off! "When I say don't leave, I mean stay forever!" "After Brother Liu said that, he raised his head and looked into the distance! Under the water, he saw two huge black figures, heading straight for the fleeing fleet and swimming away quickly! Suddenly! The seawater surged around the island country's Benmu! One strip was ten long Several meters of octopus tentacles stretched out from the sea! Like a rice dumpling, they completely wrapped around the warship! The huge force of the tentacles struck, and the entire ship began to deform in panic! A battleship was crushed and dragged underwater!

The Great Eagle Empire's Showcase was suddenly entangled by the tail of a super huge black fish! Hey! Huge current release! The entire battleship's circuits collapsed and instruments exploded! Sinking in an instant! People around were dumbfounded again! Looking at the two incredible underwater monsters.

Rubbing his eyes hard, his face was full of disbelief! Is this a water monster? ! And he also obeyed Emperor Wu’s command! He...he is really not human! This Emperor Wu cannot be messed with at all, he has too many ways to kill us! But these two monsters seemed to have received orders from Emperor Wu. They did not make it difficult for the escaping crew, but just sank the battleships mentioned by Emperor Wu one after another! Everyone is completely stunned! But I heard Emperor Wu's voice coming faintly, "Listen carefully, I, Emperor Wu, I am Ghost Island, I am the Punisher, whether now or in the future..." "I don't accept anyone's prying eyes, I don't accept anyone's "This time, you don't seem to have figured out who your opponent is. I'll give you a chance!" "But from now on, no matter who dares to attack me..." "There will be no return!" "

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