My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 471 Island Defense

Ghost Island is a popular target.

All types of maritime units turn their guns and aim together! Even the ship-based artillery with the shortest range can cover the Ghost Island! The battle plan has been clearly laid out.

Bombarding Ghost Island will inevitably trigger a counterattack by the Punisher's reformers. Once they appear, the fleet will then release armor-piercing missiles to kill them! What greeted Emperor Wu was biological and chemical weapons! However.

The communicator went silent.

Commanders from various countries looked at each other, who would fire the first shot? Ordering is easy.

But if the Punisher remains standing and successfully fights back, how miserable will the person who fired the first shot suffer? so.

This army combines the power of all countries in the world.

Even though it has reached the confrontation stage, even the ‘shooter’ has not yet been determined! Because the fear of Emperor Five is deeply buried in the hearts of the top leaders of various countries! If the world hadn't been threatened, who would have dared to come here to risk their lives? "Long live Europe!" "I'll take the first shot!" "Please remember, this is a battle of life and death for mankind, you can't back down!" "You must make sure to cut off the Internet!" Rep's roar, from the communication Came from the device! He was extremely excited, like a hero who was about to die for a righteous cause! The heads of state had different expressions when they heard this roar.

Some were moved, some were happy, and some were praying for Rep! boom! I saw Lepp wave his hand! The 105mm cannon of a European warship fired directly and fired the first shot! Warships from various countries are also ready.

Once the punisher appears, thousands of arrows will be fired! However, the picture everyone imagined did not appear! The buildings on Ghost Island didn't explode! There was no fire at the scene! because.

That cannon shell exploded inexplicably 50 meters above the ghost island! The commanders from various countries were in a daze and squinted their eyes.

But then, their expressions gradually became frightened, and their eyes opened wider and wider! Above the sea, under the sun, a dazzling miracle appeared! A protective shield like a transparent honeycomb protects the entire ghost island! The shelling just now made it appear, rippling slightly in the sunlight! "This is impossible!" A weapons expert on the European warship widened his eyes and said in horror: "That is a protective force field???" "Our war department has been studying this position for twenty years. , It can’t be formed at all!” “The Punisher...achieved it?” Just as everyone was stunned.

"He's the Fifth Emperor, how could he not have some tricks?" Lepp became more determined to refuse to admit defeat! At his command, three SM-62 Tribulus medium-sized surface-to-surface missiles were launched from the ship! Three dazzling flames streaked across the sky! Rep's eyes are determined! Punisher, fight me! next moment! Three Tribulus missiles also exploded at high altitude! It directly bombarded the protective shield of Ghost Island! The fire produced by the missile lit up the sky red, and the smoke billowed! The weapons experts accompanying the fleet immediately took out their telescopes! The SM-62 Tribulus missile is one of the top missiles in Europe, specially used to attack large fortifications! After the first explosion, it will split into 80 'little tribulus' bombs! These small bombs will be adsorbed on the surface of buildings or large armor, causing secondary explosions! Rip is not stupid! Know how to use this weapon to deal with the energy shield of Ghost Island! Not surprisingly, those 'little caltrops' should also be able to adsorb on the energy shield and blow it up! Weapons experts worked hard to adjust the focal length of the telescope! Use all your eyes to watch the battle! but.

After they saw the details clearly, their bodies froze! ‘Little Tribulus’ is indeed adsorbed on the energy shield! But at this time, they were burning on the protective shield and gradually turned into molten iron! "That's not an ordinary force field protective cover!" "This is a plasma curtain made of high-speed particles. It can generate huge thermal energy and kinetic energy, enough to evaporate missiles, artillery shells and other metals. This is the most advanced protective cover solution. Impossible technology!" One of the most senior weapons experts on the Ole Warship was completely shocked! He seemed to have been struck by lightning! "The technology of Ghost Island is far ahead of us..." "Mr. Tongguo, did you know..." "Five days ago, I was still debating whether the knowledge system of plasma curtain existed.

"Today, I saw the real thing here with my own eyes!" "This is a dream!" "The weapons expert took off his glasses, his eyes were cloudy! At this time.

Rep has no intention of giving up! Instead, an armed helicopter was dispatched and flew above the Ghost Island protective shield, preparing to study how to crack the protective shield! But in the corner of Ghost Island, a white metal ball suddenly moved! A mechanical sound came, it rotated slightly, and the shell opened! The telescopic barrel, high-precision sight, and rechargeable magazine can be deployed instantly! Buzz...the air trembles! A dazzling blue light instantly accumulated in the barrel of the fort! Whoosh! Blue light streaked across the sky! The European armed helicopter was penetrated instantly! Only a huge hole was left in the fuselage that was dripping with molten iron! Plop! The helicopter crashed directly into the sea and sank instantly! "Quantum beam..." "And it requires almost no charging..." "This should be a weapon that can only be invented 20 years later..." Dozens of accompanying weapons experts rubbed their eyes and stood blankly on the spot again. ! There was no attack at this time, and the protective shield became transparent again. From a distance, the ghost island was peaceful and peaceful, no different from an ordinary island.

But looking at the expressions of those weapons experts, they seemed to be looking at a miracle, and even had tears in their eyes! "This is the power of technology!" On the battleship of Olai, the most experienced weapons expert sighed softly! He turned to the young Tongguo beside him and said: "Sir, this island is simply beyond my imagination. If we can obtain its technology, our country will lead the world easily!" Of course.

Other Tongguo countries have also received similar suggestions! They looked at the ghost island with complicated eyes, fearful and greedy! It felt a bit like the Eight-Nation Alliance entering Kyoto! Only Lei Pu's forehead was sweating faintly.

I finally organized a world army.

Can't even his defense be broken? !

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