My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 469 Finding the Root

in the past day.

The atmosphere at astronomical observatories in various countries was depressing.

The astronomical telescope is constantly spinning like a top.

Countless astronomers and scientists have made calculations for a long time and finally came to a disappointing result.

The signal received before came from outer space.

The frequency is exactly the same as the suspected alien signal intercepted before! Existing technology cannot be traced or blocked. It is not like technology mastered by humans! Human clearing warnings are true! This news quickly shocked the top leaders of various countries! The "Alien Threat Contingency Plan" shrouded in secrets from various countries is launched! NASA launched its inventory of spacecraft one after another in an attempt to find the source of the threat in space.

Remember http:// for one second: Some hardline countries in the world held war department meetings to immediately debug large-scale weapons and prepare for war.

Countries have also begun to organize air-raid shelters and underground refuge fortresses, stockpile food and energy, and reserve positions for senior officials and social elites, ready to take refuge at any time! This fear of the unknown has begun to spread among senior leaders of various countries.

Even a strict blockade cannot stop the trend of exodus! 12 midnight GMT.

Heads of state also put aside their barriers and gathered together through video conferences to discuss response plans.

The German and Italian Tongguo put his hands in front of his mouth and whispered: "If you have any information, don't hide it anymore, please share it!" Lunleguotong smiled softly, "I don't think there is anything to be nervous about. This is most likely a prank by some technology enthusiasts. This is not uncommon. It happened twice in 1999 and 2007. "As a result, we finally detected the encrypted signal, but found that it was some idiot who couldn't even pay the rent!" Boy!" Everyone looked serious.

How they wished this time too was a prank! The ruler of the Great Eagle Empire said cautiously: "Our National Space Administration has done a detailed analysis. I'm afraid it won't be that simple this time!" At this time.

Pope, who had been silent and listening quietly, sat up slightly.

He coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

Although the United States of Montan has a small land area, it ranks among the top ten scientific and technological powers in the world, and no one dares to despise it.

Tongguo Pope reached out and gently touched the gauze on the back of his head. It was said that he had injured the back of his head during an equestrian event.

Pope said in a low voice: "If...I mean if, we can survive this disaster, I suggest that we open the existing technology restriction treaty!" "Quantum weapons, micro-reactor engines, alloy combat machines... .Wait a minute, we need to vigorously develop those technologies that have been stopped, so as to resist the attacks of higher civilizations!" Everyone sighed slightly.

Now is not the time to talk about this! But the leader of the Great Eagle Empire suddenly looked at the old man Hui Shan on the screen, "Mr. Song, have you China found a new savior?" The old man Hui Shan shook his head slightly.

Everyone frowned again.

And European President Rep was editing a Twitter message on his mobile phone, which read: don't panic, Pu's dad is here).

"Mr. Repp, your Area 53 has been trying to communicate with aliens, and you may even have made some transactions.

"Can you give us an explanation for this incident?" " asked a head of state.

Rip raised his head, touched his chin, and thought for a long time.

Then his eyes lit up, as if he had made a cruel decision! "Our Area 53 has never come into contact with living alien life!" "But, I know where the threat comes from this time!" After everyone heard this, their spirits tightened and they all looked at Rep! Rep gritted his teeth and posted a photo on the screen! Among them, it is a disc-shaped aircraft stored in Area 53! Rep frowned and said: "This is our country's top secret, but in this situation, I have to share it!" "Every country you sit in has a specialized agency to study extraterrestrial civilizations!" "You should also know, The equipment left behind by aliens cannot be cracked by our human technology!" Everyone looked at each other and all acquiesced! Rep took a deep breath and said slowly: "But, there is one person who is an exception!" Then.

A blurry photo appeared on the screen again.

It was a figure preparing to climb a flying saucer, turning his head and looking back, with purple light shining in his right eye! Everyone gasped! Even Rep, who was prepared in his heart, couldn't help but twitch after seeing this photo! Brother Liu's words of 'what a coincidence' were still echoing in his mind! Rep tried to calm down his emotions, "Who is he? I don't need to say more, right?" Those sitting next to him were all heads of state.

Everyone knows about China's Cyborg Arena, and the fact that the Punisher Emperor Wuyi soared into the sky and shattered the meteorite! In the top secret files of various countries, Brother Liu’s name is Emperor Wu, the Savior! Once upon a time, everyone thought that Emperor Wu died in the meteorite impact! "Leipu Tongguo, what do you mean?" Everyone was shocked! Repp's forehead was already sweating, but he persisted: "This man has never followed the rules and acted wantonly. He can do whatever he wants!" "I saw with my own eyes that he snatched a plane from our Area 53. UFO, he can control UFO!" "Besides, I haven't figured out the function of that UFO at all in Area 53. It might contain weapons that can destroy the world!" Repp's voice slowly deepened: "I really can't think of it. What other possibilities are there.

"I believe that this space threat comes from the Emperor Five!" "When everyone sat down again, there was an uproar! Repp observed everyone's expressions and their moods were tumbling up and down! He really suspected that this matter was done by Brother Liu.

But this incident is no small matter! He can definitely call on everyone to fight against Brother Liu together! Rep is clearly ruthless and Liu Di is very strong.

But, can he be stronger than the whole world? uncertain! Brother Liu is a fatal threat in Rep's heart! Maybe, this is the chance to get rid of Brother Liu completely! Then, Rep whispered: "I suggest that we unite to attack the Punisher Island and force Emperor Wu to show up!" "He will not do such a thing.

"I saw the old man from the Chinese gray cedar saying in a low voice.

"Yes, Saint Houji has the world in mind and will never harm us!" Fei Guotongguo also stepped forward and added.

Rep frowned and looked at the president of the island country, "Didn't a Chinese reporter report that your nuclear wastewater leak was caused by aliens?" "I tell you very clearly, that UFO is the one we lost in Area 53. Fight!" "Now, do you still think that is nonsense?" "He sprinkled 1 million dense nuclear wastewater into the city. What did he mean?" Everyone was stunned again!

I feel more and more that Repp’s conclusion is correct! "Now we are facing a global threat, and we only have one chance to fight back!" Rep said, looking at other countries, "Could it be that you can find other possibilities? There are other places to throw your missiles ?” The heads of countries looked struggling! But gradually, after more than ten minutes of thinking, someone kept getting sharp eyes and nodding slightly towards Rep! "I don't agree!" The old Chinese man stood up and glared at Rep! But Leipu was willing to take risks now and replied directly: "Mr. Song, have you forgotten that Emperor Wu is a stateless person? His ghost island is in the high seas, and you have no right to stop him!"

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