"to be honest.

"I'm so surprised that you found this place!" "I decided to treat you to a show."

"The magician stretched out his hands, turned slowly, and waved constantly, as if there were countless audiences in the audience.

Then, the magician looked sideways at Brother Liu with cold eyes, "I sincerely hope you can persist until the end of the performance.

"Brother Liu exhaled slightly.

Putting his hands behind his back, he wanted to see what kind of trouble this lunatic could do.

Magicians are quite formal.

Take out a cloth bag from the prop box on the side.

He turned the bag inside and out to show that there was nothing.

Then he reached in, licked his lips and fiddled with it.

Remember in one second http://"Yes!" The magician's expression changed and he was very excited. He took out something from the bag, which was a black pistol! Bang! The magician didn't say anything, he just shot Liu Di! Brother Liu tilted his head slightly and dodged the bullets casually.

He knew very well that the cloth bag was a magic prop and the pistol was hidden in the middle.

Brother Liu frowned, "You are the dignified branch president of the End Times Association, and this is it?" The magician stretched out a finger and waved it gently.

"Tsk tsk..." "Are you a reformer?" "Don't worry..." He licked his lips again, rummaged around in the bag, and found another machine gun.

"Hahaha..." The magician laughed wildly and raised the machine gun.

Thu, tut, tut... shoot at Brother Liu.

Brother Liu put his hands behind his hands and flashed rapidly on the ground. The bullet hit the sand and dust flew up.

For a moment, Liu Di stood on the ground unscathed, "You're crazy, can I refund the ticket?" "Tsk tsk..." The magician continued to wiggle his fingers, "A very high-level reformer.

"With that said, the magician reached into the bag again.

It seemed hard to find the thing, so he frowned and stuffed his whole arm in! Brother Liu sighed slightly and watched quietly.

"Hey!" The magician suddenly smiled! The next moment, something strange suddenly appeared on the sand under Brother Liu's feet! A black leather glove similar to the magician's hand suddenly emerged from the ground! The black gloves directly held Liu Di's ankles and restrained him! Then, another black glove emerged from the sand, holding a small dagger in its hand, and went straight to wipe away Brother Liu's neck! Brother Liu's face turned pale! The liquid metal protected his left hand, and he grabbed the dagger. With a bang, he smashed the dagger and the black glove into pieces with one fist! At the same time, power erupted from his feet, breaking free of the 'black hand' underground and crushing it with one foot! then.

Liu Di looked at the deflated black gloves in his hands and the magician on the stage with one arm still in the bag.

Frown slightly! Devil Boy: "Huh? No way! Space teleportation?" "And it's still alive?" "Can his rag bag distort time and space, or can it recast its structure?" "These are all problems that modern science cannot explain!" The magician smiled in a low voice, "I said, I am a magician, you mortals can't understand it!" The devil boy said: "Brother Liu, find a way to anger him and make him use more abilities.

Brother Liu nodded, smiled at the magician and said, "Why is your face swollen?" "The corner of the magician's mouth twitched! He kept rummaging in the bag again! He took out a pigeon and then a rabbit! "Not this! "That's not right!" "The magician threw the rabbit and the dove! The next moment, he took out a horn and said, "That's right, you go to hell! "He threw the horns on the sand in front of Brother Liu and laughed wildly! Brother Liu held his forehead.

Oh my god, why do I feel like I can't look at him? But then, the sand shook, and a huge black yak emerged from the sand, flipping its hooves and hitting Brother Liu! And this yak has the same horns thrown by the magician before! "Isn't this true teleportation?" The demon boy was also shocked! Brother Liu was cautious for a moment, and with a slight accumulation of force in his right hand, he punched the yak in the forehead! Liu Di retained some strength, but the moment his fists touched, Liu Di felt something in his heart! This collision force is far greater than that of an ordinary yak! boom! The yak's body drew an arc, flew down in the distance, and instantly deflated! Magic boy: "It's weird, but it's not real!" Brother Liu smiled softly, "Magician, why is your face so swollen?" "Ah!" "Go to hell!" The magician looked crazy. He took the horns out of the bag and threw them to the ground.

One after another, yaks emerged from the sand with their horns on their heads! In the hands of Brother Liu behind his back, the liquid metal condensed into a long sword! Several rays of black light flashed, and several yaks were covered with cutting marks! Also includes the horns on the yak’s head! The next moment, the yak fell to pieces and fell to the ground! I saw that their bodies, except for their fur, were all filled with yellow sand! These yellow sands flow to the ground and merge with the thousands of miles of desert beneath your feet, making them indistinguishable in an instant! "No wonder!" "I thought it was really teleportation!" "It turns out it's just the ability to control sand!" The mystery in the devil's heart was solved, and he said happily: "This magician is really dedicated, and he arranged the scene in advance. , and also buried black gloves and cowhide props on the ground!" Liu Di looked down at the black gloves in his hands, tilted them slightly, and saw a small amount of sand flowing out of them.

"Devil boy, what do you mean by just controlling sand?" "Gene mutation can mutate into this?" Devil boy: "In the known nature, there are ultimately four forces - gravity, electromagnetic force, and strong nuclear force. and the weak nuclear force.

"Magnets can attract iron, this is the magnetic force at work!" "And this manipulation of sand is amazing!" "The main component of sand is silicon dioxide, the key is the silicon element, it is not a metal, but this magician can actually manipulate it!" "It is very likely that there are other forces in nature hidden in it, such as the manipulation of specific elements!" "Brother Liu, get his DNA, we will discover a new power system and win the Nobel Prize!" Brother Liu was also helpless.

This magician used a special ability to disguise himself as another special ability... This brain circuit is really crazy!

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