My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 452 Crazy Destruction

Over the Chinese sea market.

A civilian plane flew by crookedly! The pilot looked horrified as he watched the crazy man who held him hostage jump out of the plane! A crazy man fell from a height and smashed the roof distribution room of a building! He was unscathed, and with a pair of fierce eyes, he scanned the Haicheng City area below him! "The white building..." "The huge sphere..." "Where..." He breathed heavily and muttered words! This person is the hypnotic body of one of Qiu Beiming! Qiu Beiming has a careful mind and evil behavior.

Remember in one second http://He hypnotized a large number of ordinary people before rushing to Brother Liu's residence! If he himself does not appear again within 1 month, then the hypnosis of these people will be activated! In addition to instilling his own thoughts, he also gave them a series of orders.

First, find a place where you can enhance your strength! Second, rescue your own children! Third, avenge yourself! However, Qiu Beiming had not seen the true face of the experimental cemetery at that time, so he could only leave a message hastily the day before, 'China, Haishi, white hemispherical building! ’ Suddenly.

'Qiu Beiming' on the roof noticed a rooftop in the distance. There was a white semicircular building there, which should be some kind of signal transmitter! He seemed to be unconscious. He jumped on the top of the building several times, came close, and smashed the signal transmitter to pieces! "There are no children..." "Not here..." His eyes locked on a car in the distance again, with a large 'cone' decoration on top of the car.

It’s a mobile cold drink truck! And the shape of the cream cone is exactly a white ball! boom! 'Qiu Beiming' jumped down from a high place, waved his arms, and smashed it to pieces again! "It's not here..." 'Qiu Beiming' scanned the street and suddenly focused on a large shopping mall in the distance! Linhai Shopping Center! The 5-story building looks like a semicircular building! 'Qiu Beiming' roared angrily and rushed in! next moment.

Bang bang bang! There was a huge sound of destruction inside the mall! The screams kept coming! Countless civilians who were shopping ran out of the mall screaming! This huge change immediately attracted the attention of nearby patrol officers.

Many police officers gathered and rushed into the shopping mall.

But the next moment.

The policemen were all knocked to the ground with a wave of his hand! Anesthetic guns and electric shock batons are completely ineffective on him! People finally realized that this guy was no ordinary human being! 30 seconds later.

A special alarm from the Hai City police system sounded - 'A reformed criminal has appeared in the center of the city'! 10 minutes later.

An old man walking like a dragon and a tiger with a majestic demeanor, holding a thermos cup to soak wolfberry in his hand.

Appeared outside the Linhai Shopping Center.

"What the hell is this?" He narrowed his eyes slightly and saw that the huge white building had been damaged in several places, and a crazy figure was smashing the wall! Commander Duan, today is different from the past! Behind him stood four warriors with reserved auras and gloomy faces.

This is the Shanghai Super Police Team that was transformed based on Liu Di’s Rubik’s Cube technology! 4 C-level transformers! Duan Hua's lifelong wish has now been fulfilled! "snort.

Duan Hua raised his head slightly and said, "Come up and bring him out to me!" ""yes! "Four figures behind him jumped out like lightning! At this time.

Behind Duan Hua, two other old men walked out. They were police bosses from neighboring cities.

They looked at the four figures running away with envy.

There are no C-level cyborgs under their command, and Duan Hua is showing off and unwilling to share his technology! "Old Duan, what makes you willing to help us transform our soldiers?" "What conditions do you have to offer?" Duan Hua took a sip of soaked wolfberry in a thermos cup and couldn't help but smile, "Let me think about it first. ! "Duan Hua wants to extort some resources first and then share the technology! boom! Bang! There are sounds of fighting in the shopping mall! Duan Hua's smile grew stronger! Look at the power of my super police team! next moment.

Phew...a figure flew out, followed by a second and a third! They fell down in front of Duan Hua respectively. They covered their chests and blood oozed from the corners of their mouths. They were already injured! "Sir Duan, the man inside is very strong, at least D-level or above!" "But he has no intention of killing, he is just destroying, and seems to be looking for something!" Duan Hua's expression changed! Half of the water he drank in his mouth spit into the cup again, "Are you okay!" "Sir Duan, we can hold on!" "But we must deploy heavy weapons, or ask for help from Long Wei!" A super warrior team member He was holding his chest, although he was injured, his face was not afraid! Although Duan Hua was slapped in the face at the speed of light.

But two police bosses from neighboring cities also became serious.

Only then did they realize the seriousness of this matter! This is a D-class transformed person causing chaos! Boom! The shopping mall keeps collapsing, but fortunately everyone inside has escaped! Duan Hua dare not neglect! Contact the Haishi Armed Forces Compound immediately.

2 minutes later, the war department was dispatched! Armored vehicles and tanks rumbled out and were coming! But at this time, there was a roar at the scene! Dust rises into the sky! The peripheral personnel were full of horror! More than half of the huge Linhai shopping mall collapsed! Within a few minutes, it went from being bright and beautiful to a dilapidated and dangerous building! Whoosh! The figure rushed out of the ruins and headed straight to the north! Duan Hua was lost for a second and couldn't believe it! How can one person be so destructive? ! Then he immediately shouted, "Hurry, chase me!" 3 minutes later.

An astronomical observatory in Hai City was completely destroyed. It was also a spherical building! That crazy figure, like a violent beast, rampaged throughout the city! It put the whole city on alert and caused huge panic! After that, there is the Haishi Science and Technology Exhibition Hall.

The crazy cyborg rushed in, but surprisingly did not cause any damage! Duan Hua and his men arrived shortly afterwards.

A large number of police forces and tanks surrounded the place! Everyone looked at the quiet science and technology museum with sweat on their foreheads.


"Son..." But the crazy cyborg walked out slowly, holding the hand of a little boy.

Everyone's faces tightened! He held a child hostage? At this time, a lady in the crowd suddenly cried out of control, "That's my child, he just got separated from me!" The crazy cyborg had super hearing and was stunned when he heard it! He lifted the boy's collar and tore his sleeves! His eyes bulged, "No... No! My child has a birthmark on his shoulder!" "It's not you!" He waved his palm towards the boy's head! Bang! Blood splattered! At the critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed out and blocked the fatal blow of the crazy cyborg with his body! The figure was beaten to the point of spitting blood, but he desperately snatched the child, rolled along, and landed in the distance! Everyone could see clearly then.

The one who saved the child at that critical moment was actually a woman, she was wearing a leather jacket and had long purple hair! Duan Hua also saw the opportunity and yelled, "Fire!" Boom! The tank artillery fired! Boom! The shell instantly exploded in the chest of the crazy cyborg! Smoke filled the air, and the air flow was turbulent! But the next moment.

The smoke dissipated! Everyone couldn't believe their eyes at all! The crazy cyborg's clothes were torn, and his chest was only slightly red! No injuries! "Damn it!" Duan Hua reacted quickly, "Keep firing!" Boom boom boom! After three shells, the tank barrel turned red! The figure was still standing in the smoke! Duan Hua's hand holding the thermos cup shook violently, "What the hell is this? !!"

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