My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 444: Doomsday Association

In a dark conference room.

There were two people sitting at the slender conference table.

One is a strong man with gauze wrapped around his body.

It is Systema, the president of the third branch of the Doomsday Association! The other person is a middle-aged man wearing European style clothes, a black dress, and a mustache.


"The corner of the mustache's mouth curled up, "Systemma, you have been neglecting your job all day long, chasing some savior, and now you are covered with bruises. What's the use of the association wanting a waste like you? Systemma gritted her teeth, "Magician, you will collect nuclear weapons all day long, but you are a coward. I have never seen you make any noise!" The mustache frowned, "What do you know?" I want to make sure the damage is enough! ""enough! "But I heard a strange and majestic voice! m This voice has even fluctuations. It is a man's voice, but it has been electronically processed! When the mustache and Systemma heard the words, their bodies were startled. "President.

"They all turned their heads and looked towards the end of the table, into the darkness.

There, there was the outline of a huge figure.

He supported the table with both hands and looked at everything calmly. A trace of red light flashed in his right eye again! The figure said in a low voice: "Gallup's signal disappeared, he is dead.

But he saw the mustache pretending to be sad, "My vice-president... He probably showed off his talent and provoked the sloth. After all, no one in this world can hurt him!" The dark figure known as the president said in a low voice: "Magician, you'd better not be so arrogant."

"Last time I personally blocked the NASA signal and allowed the meteorite to break through the atmosphere.

"In the end, I was still stopped!" The figure sat up straight, "So, the savior must be killed, and the weapons must also be hoarded."

"But..." "You two are too slow!" "I'd like to introduce you to a new person."

"The words just fell.

The rooms are opened to reveal exterior prototype windows and white clouds.

This is a stratoplane! Then, a thin figure walked into the house.

He combed his long hair, lowered his head, and sat quietly at the table.

The mustache frowned, seeming to sense something, "If you're not a person who has been transformed, or someone with innate genes, what is this kind of ordinary person doing?" The thin figure said in a low voice, "I can never die.

""What? The mustache looked disdainful, "Nonsense!" ""hehe.

"The president's electronically synthesized voice came, "You two, don't underestimate him, his methods are much better than yours! The thin figure said dullly: "My ability is hypnosis, but I am dead."

"However, before I died, I hypnotized many people and implanted my life, my thoughts, my long-cherished wishes, and my plans into them!" "So, they all became me!" "I now have a lot of life and can bear everything!" "Pah! Pah! Pah! The president clapped his hands in the darkness, "Did you hear it? He had no consciousness to resist! "You can continue to accept biological modifications. Even if you die, there will be 'people' to replace you."

"Once he succeeds, he will not be weaker than you two!" The thin figure continued: "Yes, I want to be transformed, I want to kill my enemies, I want to take back my child, my name is... Qiu Beiming!" "Hiss... Mustache and Systemma took a breath of cold air! This person has such weird methods! "Huh huh huh..." The president said with a low smile: "Don't worry, with the help of the association, you His enemy is just an ant! "And you, Systemma, will soon kill the savior!" "No one of these two people can survive!" "Magician, you will soon destroy the world and all the inferior people!" But Systemma's face was stiff, "President, I never understand, what good does it do to us if everyone dies?" Wouldn't it be better to keep them to serve us? But the president suddenly became angry, "If you dare to say these words that go against the association again, be careful I will turn you into a pool of blood!" "However, Systemma's expression changed, she shrank back, and she no longer dared to speak! The mustache sneered and said: "Systemma, you are really stupid. We have such strength, we don't kill people, and What fun? ! "The president also softened his tone at this time, "Don't worry, no one knows our existence, we will not be disturbed at all, and all missions will be completed slowly! ”...Germany.

In an ancient castle in the mountains! Dozens of people gathered here, of all ages and skin colors, all with ferocious faces, shouting crazily! "Kill her!" "Kill her!" In the center of the room, on a platform made of stone, lay a girl with a slightly bulging belly.

Her hands and feet were fixed, and she was struggling constantly, with a look of horror on her face! This is the stronghold of the cult Tremor Society! A group of irrational believers who crazily worship the doomsday doctrine! "Quiet!" A man walked out slowly and stood on the platform.

The crazy believers were quiet for a moment! The man shouted loudly: "As we all know, this world will be purified, and only those who sincerely want to be saved can continue their lives!" "Believers of the Shakers, you are lucky!" "Our leader, in 20 Years ago, he accidentally came into contact with alien creatures and received information about the destruction of the world! "Now, he will lead us to salvation!" At the same time!

A man of Western descent with thinning hair and a fat body slowly walked out, holding a sharp blade! Dozens of believers bowed at the same time, "Master Leader!" The fat man said majestically: "The god and the girl were combined to give birth to a spirit envoy, and the spirit envoy's blood is dedicated to the God of Doom to pass on our sincerity.

"For your survival, I have to sacrifice my offspring!" said the fat man, slashing the girl's inner thigh with the tip of the knife! A long blood mark formed! The girl on the stone platform roared in despair, but her mouth was blocked! It was this man in front of her who tricked her into joining the sect, and then imprisoned her, causing her to become pregnant! However.

The dozens of believers in the house had no mercy at all, but were excited and their eyes were red! Just as the fat man's sharp blade was about to pierce the girl's abdomen! Boom! The roof of the castle was suddenly shattered! Everyone looked up in shock, but saw a silver aircraft floating in the sky! "Flying saucer!" The followers of the Tremor Cult kowtowed together! The leader was right, and the aliens came to fight him!

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