My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 435: Inside the sarcophagus

"Brother Liu, are you afraid?" "It's a bit stressful.

"Liu Di squinted his eyes and looked at the sarcophagus that stood under the sun, but was inexplicably eerie.

He said in a low voice: "I have too many responsibilities, to protect my family and friends, to defeat the powerful enemies in my memory, and even to ensure that the world is not harmed.

"Also, help Yulia Village gain new life."

"Devil Boy: "If you have an accident here, all of this will be in vain.


Liu Di's eyes flashed, "The premise that supports all of this is two words - no fear!" "Say it.

Brother Liu took steps, without squinting, and walked directly towards the sarcophagus! Devil Boy: "I understand, this should be another kind of human nature, the legendary courage!" Liu Di jumped up, instantly crossed the 3-meter high wall, and fell directly into the courtyard, "That's it!" Looking at the sarcophagus up close .

Even more shocking! There are collapsed factory buildings nearby, with ruins and broken walls, charred black weeds with withered yellow, and discarded gas masks and radiation protective suits all over the ground! A vision of nuclear apocalypse! The surroundings were extremely quiet, without any sound, and everything was weird! Sudden.

A strange bird call sounded in the sky! A crow, three or four times larger than usual, flew over. Its eyes were scarlet and its feathers were bald.

The crow landed halfway up the sarcophagus, where there was a crack half a meter wide! The crow flapped its wings and flew into the sarcophagus in an instant! Brother Liu stared there.

The current sarcophagus has experienced 30 years of wind and rain and is dilapidated.

It is no longer possible to completely isolate radiation.

Wulan Country has also discovered this and is raising funds from all over the world to build a second sarcophagus! but.

Money is not the biggest problem.

The problem is radiation! Even if the construction workers can successfully evacuate, the subsequent survival rate will not exceed 3%! Radiation can cause loss of organ function and cancer! Brother Liu gritted his teeth! If all the radiation in the sarcophagus can be absorbed, it can be regarded as solving a huge hidden danger for the world! He stopped thinking and put his feet into action! Climb along the sarcophagus! Reaching the crack, Brother Liu stabilized his body and looked inside! The interior is dimly lit! Only a few cracks let in the faint light! Through night vision, Brother Liu can see clearly.

The original factory building in the embassy had been completely collapsed by the bombing, and the reactor was completely exposed! Eyes full of burnt blackness! There is hardly any intact brick.

Even the steel within a few hundred meters was melted by the huge heat, turned into molten iron, and solidified on the ground.

You can completely imagine the horrific scene when there is an explosion here! In the center, there is a huge earth bag.

It was the rescuers who covered the reactor core with sand, lead and borax during the accident handling process to achieve the first layer of protection.

But the effect is minimal! And there is a creepy scene on the sand pile! There were piles of bones! All are animal bones! From bison and elk to birds and mice, they are all white bones! In the middle of the bones, there is a rotten arm stuck in the soil! The arm was as thick as an adult's thigh, covered with long brown hair, and the sharp black nails were half a meter long! There was a stench between the hairs, and they must have been rotting for a long time! "It seems that there is indeed a living thing in this sarcophagus!" "But where is it?" Liu Di jumped to the ground, being extremely cautious! Flapping... There was a sound of flapping wings, and the huge crow that flew in earlier landed on the rotting arm and started pecking at the carrion! Brother Liu squinted and saw that although the crow had mutated, it was not a threat at all! Bang! The next moment, a sudden change occurred! But I saw that rotten arm suddenly moved! Clenched suddenly at an extremely fast speed! Break the crow's bones into pieces and die immediately! then.

The pile of sand shook, and another arm covered with hair and black claws stretched out from it! Then, there was a head with long hair! It stuffed the crow it had just caught into its mouth and started chewing it! Brother Liu's hair stood up! The black light flashed in the hand, and the liquid metal turned into a long knife and appeared in the hand! While the monster was chewing the food, he also saw Brother Liu! The red eyes suddenly lit up! It peeled away the soil with its arms, and its body was gradually exposed! The limbs are as long as the body, covered with long brown hair, the limbs have sharp claws, and the body is as short as 5 meters! It stood on the sand and roared! Brother Liu's body froze! This animal is not scarce, and some people even keep it as pets! But, this... demon boy in front of him: "Oh my god, the mutated sloth! It's alive, and it relies on its stench to attract and corrode animals!" Liu Di was also horrified! I never expected that the animal that could survive in the sarcophagus would be a sloth! But its degree of variation is not small! This body is more than 10 times the size of an ordinary sloth, and it has become a carnivore! Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, there is nothing to be afraid of. A sloth's metabolism is extremely slow and its muscles are degenerated. It is useless even if it is big. It will probably take an hour to crawl in front of you!" Brother Liu squinted at the mutated sloth.

Why do I feel that underneath its hair, there are all bursting muscles? "Mo Tong, are you sure?" "Danger...Of course!" Boom! The next moment, the mutant sloth kicked the ground with its legs, and its body rushed out like a cannonball! The sharp claws on its upper limbs opened, like a series of deadly blades, flashing cold light! In a flash! The mutant sloth has already rushed in front of Brother Liu! Smashed down with both claws! Brother Liu held the long knife made of liquid metal across his chest! Bang! Brother Liu's body was actually smashed into the concrete floor! Brother Liu fought hard and looked into the sloth's eyes. The other party's eyes were like copper bells, his mouth was full of fangs, and saliva dripped! "Mo Tong, why do I feel that this guy's strength is stronger than mine?!" Mo Tong: "I will never believe Qiandu again!"

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