My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 431 Yulia Village

The huge vines in front of me have become dense to a certain extent.

Rooted in the ground and gathered in the sky.

Wrapping the space tightly makes it impossible for sight to penetrate.

Brother Liu became more and more curious about this small village.

It is definitely a mysterious existence.

And it is information that cannot be found on any Internet.

I saw Daisha coming to the vines.

These vines actually trembled slightly! Then, a bizarre scene happened! These vines began to squirm, and even began to slowly shrink, revealing a gap for a single person to pass through in the blink of an eye! Brother Liu was also a little surprised.

I have seen Venus flytraps and pitcher plants move, but I never expected such a huge vine to move! And actually obeying human orders? Devil Boy: "These vines have also mutated. They can feel the radiation of the creatures around them like the two-headed mice. Daisha has radiation on her body, so the plants made a similar 'surrender' action.

"Brother Liu nodded slightly.

It’s really new here! I saw Daisha entering the vines and blocking the gap that was about to close with her hands.

He shouted to Brother Liu: "Mr. Liu, please come in!" Brother Liu nodded again.

Desha was very considerate and worried that she would not be able to get through the vine door.

Brother Liu stepped forward! Wow! The giant vine seemed to feel the amount of radiation that frightened it, and the nearby branches and leaves immediately retracted, forming a gap that was 5 meters high! It shocked a few people! The weird and strong man Gaijia’s eyes widened and he said ‘Huh? ? ’ sound! Daisha was also stunned, and then saluted Brother Liu, "The village chief is indeed right, you are really not an ordinary person!" Brother Liu did not expect this scene either.

He laughed a few times and walked in slowly.

The weird and strong man Gaijia followed closely. The moment he stepped into the rhizome, the plant felt that there was no source of radiation.

Shrink with a crash! but.

He forgot about Kun Sang behind him.

Kunsang is genetically modified and has no radiation.

I saw that although Kun Sang's body was inside, his head was stuck outside the vines! "Huh?" "Don't close the door?" Kunsangka kicked his legs in the vine wall.

"Oh, sorry!" Daisha immediately stepped forward to rescue Kun Sang.

Brother Liu helped his forehead.

Immediately, several people continued to move forward, passing through a tall grass.

The scene in front of me suddenly became clear! In the dots of firelight, there is indeed a village ahead! There are dozens of houses, large and small, all with wooden structures and thatched roofs! There are many figures standing on both sides of the road in the village, seeming to be lining the road to welcome them! Brother Liu became more and more puzzled.

Come closer.

Brother Liu was in a state of mental turmoil again! None of these ‘villagers’ are normal! Some legs are like elephant legs, and their feet are so big that they can’t even wear shoes.

Others have one eye that looks like a bull's eye, but the other eye is completely dead.

Some limbs are atrophied.

Some of them had huge tumors on their heads... These people were all silent, looking at Brother Liu eagerly.

Ugly in appearance, but harmless to humans and animals.

"Hey, everyone!" Kun Sang greeted everyone. His hallucinations had not disappeared. He was very happy to see the kind-hearted villagers who were tall or short, fat or thin! Brother Liu felt strangely confused.

These are all the dangers of nuclear radiation... They should all be normal children and simple villagers.

The development of human science and technology and nuclear technology, is it right or wrong...Suddenly.

A fairly normal villager came forward, holding a basket in his hand and smiling innocently at Liu Di, "These are for you, I heard from the village chief that if you show up, our predicament will be over.

"Brother Liu was stunned.

Looking down at the basket, there are blue wild fruits.

However, this wild fruit is extremely ferocious. It should have been an independent fruit, but it has mutated, deformed, and stuck together. It is a complete deformity in the fruit.

Then look at the hands of the villagers holding the basket.

Brother Liu's scalp was numb.

On the ten normal fingers, several deformed little fingers grew in all directions! But the villagers' smiles were genuine.

Brother Liu took the fruit and nodded slightly without knowing why.

"You must help us, thank you!" "Please help us end our current life as soon as possible.

"You are our good person."

" Along the way, villagers kept coming forward and stuffing all kinds of weird food into Brother Liu's basket.

Brother Liu responded with a smile.

Kun Sang on the side was already drooling.

But Brother Liu didn't let him eat any of them.

Because I have no idea what the fruit in this basket is! This is only a hundred meters on the road.

Nearly a hundred villagers came out to greet him! Each one is comparable to a monster! Under the beating torch, there is a sense of déjà vu in hell! If ordinary people saw this scene, they would probably be frightened to death! And Liu Di is not an ordinary person.

He tried hard to control his mood and always maintained a polite smile! The villagers were moved! These two people are indeed different from the outsiders in that they don't mind our looks at all! “Look at that young man in black.

"Why is he so happy and laughing all the time? He is grateful for our welcome!" "The villagers were even more moved when they saw Kun Sang dancing with her hands! The group came to the end of the village. This is the largest thatched house in the village! In the house, there is a high wooden platform with straw curtains hanging above it.

As soon as Daisha and the big man Gaijia entered the house, they knelt down directly towards the high platform and worshiped on the ground, "I have seen the prophet!" Then Daisha turned her head and said to Brother Liu: "This is our village chief.

"Young people from the outside world, welcome to the Lost Village."

"A majestic voice came from behind the straw curtain. It was very strange. It seemed to resonate with the surrounding air, producing waves of echoes.

This is similar to many eminent mountain monks in China, and is a sign of full energy.

Brother Liu couldn't help but feel in awe.

next moment.

The straw curtain on the high platform was opened by a nodule crutch extending from the inside.

The village chief's true identity is revealed.

He is an elderly man.


His head is huge, and his head circumference is estimated to be more than 1 meter! It is oval in shape, with the forehead occupying 70% of the area.

Not a single hair on the head! And his body, from the chest down, completely shrank and turned into a sarcoma! Devil Boy: "Although he can't move, his brain capacity is amazing!" Liu Di twitched his eyebrows. Even though he was well prepared, the appearance still shocked him.

"I can see the future.

"The village chief spoke, his voice still loud and majestic, "Young man in white, you can help us end our suffering.

"I can also sense that you want to go to the sarcophagus, but..." At this point, the village chief's voice suddenly stopped.

I feel a little itchy on my head.

He turned his head and saw the young man in black sportswear running onto the high platform at some point! The young man touched the village chief's bald head and drooled: "What a big braised egg.


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