
It is an important day for Area 52.

European President Rep is in a good mood.

He took the initiative to invite Australian President Barry Joyce, who was visiting Europe, to visit Area 52 together! This is an important means to facilitate the friendship between the two countries.

Be honest! Of course, only Rep knows how much of the real secrets are revealed! In front of the main building.

The two officials smiled fakely, shook hands and took photos, and there was a peaceful atmosphere.

Area 52 closed the research center on the third floor underground for this purpose.

Important personnel also came here to accompany.

This is also the reason why Liu Di did not meet any researchers in the basement.

While resting.

Joyce spoke first, "Mr. Rep, we have been friends for ten years, and I have never seen you so happy. What's good?" Rep laughed and pulled Joyce away.

He whispered mysteriously, "My dear Barry, I did encounter something worth being happy about! In fact, the last time I was so happy was because my daughter was born!" "Oh?" Joyce, the president of Australia, became interested, "Would you like to share it?" "Haha!" Lei Pu continued to whisper, "My agent in China has sent a message, Brother Liu, that Emperor Wu, he is missing, haha!" "There is news over there, the Hai City officials have dispatched all their troops and searched for a full 10 days, but they didn't find a single person!" Lei Pu couldn't even hold back his smile, "I guess that guy turned into ashes when he hit the meteorite! You say, how can I not be happy?" Joyce's eyes lit up.

Australia's animal gene-modified human base was also wiped out by the Punisher! He didn't dare to say anything, but he gnashed his teeth in hatred! Joyce also smiled, "To be honest, I also received this news! It seems that this matter is true!" Lei Pu looked gloating, and curled his lips and said, "I have to say that Emperor Wu is too strong. He can even compete with space threats!" "But, he paid his humble life for this. We should pay tribute to him, haha!" "As for those other punishers..." "Wait until my mecha is finished, it will be vulnerable!" "Haha, thinking of the bright future, I can't control my mood. Barry, don't blame me for losing my temper!" Lei Pu said this, covering his mouth and trying to restrain his smile! He is happier than anyone else now.

Because, others don't know, he still has to face Emperor Si! Emperor Si who wants to blow up his white palace if he disagrees with him! In short, the death of Liu Di is a double happiness! Rep shook his head repeatedly, his smile not diminishing, "Barry, you don't know, I woke up with a smile this morning, and even, I want to have a couple of drinks in the evening!" Joyce was also in a good mood, "If Mr. Rep doesn't mind, I'll stay and have a couple of drinks too!" Suddenly.

A base hatch at the far end of the field opened automatically.

A man in a white shirt and slightly long hair, with his hands in his pockets.

Strolling out, as if taking a walk! Liu Di wanted to quit smoking recently, so he bought a pack of chewing gum at the airport.

He saw the crowd in the distance, stopped, looked from a distance, chewing gum, his expression harmless.

The breeze blew, and occasionally a few leaves crossed the field, the picture was very harmonious.

And Rep, as if struck by lightning.

His expression was still frozen in the smile just now.

"Mr. Rep, I brought two bottles of collection..." Ao Guotongguo turned his back to Liu Di, not knowing what was going on, and looked back following Rep's gaze.

"Wine..." As this word was pronounced, his body instantly petrified! Lei Pu's neck and mouth twitched like the fourth brother, and he squeezed his eyes hard.

After 10 seconds, he confirmed it.

Isn't this Emperor Wu! He is not dead! How could he appear here! Is he here to kill me? ! The scene was strangely quiet, and Lei Pu's forehead was sweating.

But Liu Di watched for a moment, took another step, and walked towards the door.

Lei Pu's legs were shaking! It was like he was wandering on the edge of death! Great! There are so many people here, he should not have recognized me! Lei Pu's tense nerves finally relaxed.

Suddenly, a shout broke out from the Tongguo Guards who were late to realize it, "Who is it! Trespassing into the military restricted area, hurry up, protect Lei Pu Tongguo!" As soon as the voice fell, a group of black-clothed bodyguards rushed to Lei Pu and surrounded him behind him! Lei Pu's face turned pale! ! ! You idiots, you exposed me! Then, another group of people rushed towards Liu Di with guns! At the same time, Liu Di also turned around, with purple light flashing in his eyes! Lei Pu saw this and collapsed! "Give me the assistants!" "Don't mess with him!" "No!" "He is my most distinguished guest, I personally invited him!" "Everyone keep a distance of 10 meters from him!" Lei Pu shouted wildly! The bodyguards were also stunned on the spot, looking at the crazy Mr. Tongguo, and then at the weak Chinese young man, confused! They didn't expect that Tongguo would react like this! But Liu Di shook his head and smiled.

Then he turned around, chewing gum, and continued walking.

Under the gaze of the crowd, he crossed the entire venue and disappeared outside the door! Lei Pu was sweating profusely at this time! He took a step and found that his legs were like cotton, and he stumbled directly! The bodyguard quickly supported him, "Sir, who was that just now?" "Why do I feel that you are afraid of him?" "Is he a cyborg?" "You don't have to worry, there are also 6 cyborgs in our team, and there are more than 700 armed soldiers nearby!" "You give an order, I will arrest him!" Lei Pu continued to collapse! He was the one who broke the meteorite with his bare hands! This fighting power is nothing in the eyes of others! Fight? You think I live too long! But Lei Pu couldn't tell the truth, and squeezed out an extremely stiff smile, "I said, he is my specially invited friend!" Then, Lei Pu was carried away by the bodyguard, and shouted with his back to the sky: "I declare today's visit completely over!" He immediately took a car and ordered to return to the White Palace.

At least, it's safer there! And Australia ran faster, went directly to the airport, and returned home overnight!

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