My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 407 Returning the Small Temple

“This tofu is not made conventionally.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "I first picked pine nuts and apricot kernels in the mountains, dried them in the sun, and then fried them in an iron pot."

"When grinding soybeans, add pine nuts and almonds in proportion, and use the stone mill in the backyard to grind for 4 hours."

"Now this pot of tofu, in addition to the aroma of soybeans, also contains the rosin and oil of pine nuts, as well as the sweetness and coolness of almonds."

"Soybeans, pine nuts, almonds!" Three flavors combined into one, rich and mellow, sweet and refreshing! "I named it nut tofu!" "When the cook in the temple heard this, his eyes went straight! "Oh? "That's it!" "No wonder the tofu smells layered!" "It actually added ripe dried fruits, which is great!" "m At this time, a young bald man couldn't resist the temptation, crawled under the table, reached out his hand, secretly grabbed a piece of tofu and stuffed it into his mouth.

The next moment, the little bald man burst into tears and looked at the white-browed old man and said, "Master, it's so delicious!" "Haha, don't be in a hurry!" "There's another dish!" After Brother Liu said that, He Chu raised his hand and opened it. The lid of one of the big pots! Among them, is a pot of bright emerald green! It’s cabbage grown in the backyard! At this time, soak in the extremely clear hot water! Everyone was a little confused, was this cabbage blanched in boiling water? But why does it smell so fresh? "This is a famous Sichuan dish that I improved, boiled cabbage!" Liu Di chuckled: "The original boiled cabbage uses chicken, duck, and ribs to boil the broth. It is filtered layer by layer until the broth becomes clear. Boil the cabbage and pour in chicken oil.

"The result is a cabbage dish that may seem bland, but is extremely delicious."

Brother Liu paced back and forth, "But we are a temple here, so of course we can't eat meat, and we can't use chicken, duck or ribs!" "Fortunately, the mountains behind us are rich in resources!" "So, I picked 6 kinds of mushrooms in the mountains these days: shiitake mushrooms, bamboo fungus, Hericium erinaceus, oyster mushrooms, and hazel mushrooms!" "I first used these 6 kinds of rare mushrooms to stew the soup, stewing the different flavors of all the mushrooms into the soup. After filtering repeatedly, I then blanched the cabbage. Before serving, I poured in fragrant rapeseed oil.

"So, in the pot of cabbage in front of you, although you can't see any mushrooms, it contains 6 kinds of mushroom soup, using the green cabbage as the carrier, and it is gathered in everyone's mouth!" "Extremely fresh!" "Although this soup is as clear and refreshing as boiling water, it has a rich and mellow aroma, is extremely nutritious, is neither oily nor greasy, and is refreshing."

"Extremely mellow!" "Gulu.

After Brother Liu finished speaking, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The white-browed old man was holding the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, trembling slightly.

I have lived for more than a hundred years and have never heard of this practice! Let me take a bite and it will be worth dying for! "Don't worry, everyone.

"I'm introducing you to a stir-fry dish."

"Liu Di said, He Chu opened the second pot! This is a pot of stir-fry! There are black, white, and emerald green in it, shiny with oil, and fragrant! Liu Di said with a smile: "This dish is relatively simple. It is black fungus, bracken, wild yam, hazel mushroom, and fresh Codonopsis pilosula collected from the mountains! "Wash, chop, add rapeseed oil and lightly stir-fry. Only a little salt is added for seasoning!" "Anytime you add other seasonings, it's a waste of time and completely destroys the original deliciousness of the ingredients!" "As the ancients said, delicacies from mountains and seas, delicacies from mountains and seas!" "My stir-fried dish is full of mountain delicacies, so I named it Shanzhen stir-fry!" "When everyone smelled this pot of stir-fried mountain delicacies, they felt like their souls were leaving their bodies! It was so fragrant! Every delicacy has its own unique taste. When combined, it is simply a fairy dish! This is absolutely pure natural It's the best, and you can't buy it for any money at the foot of the mountain. The people closest to the dish had their mouths wide open at this time.

His eyes were straight and his saliva flowed down, forming a waterfall.

The white-browed old man swallowed and spat again.

Damn it... I've lived in the mountains for so many years, how come I didn't know there were still these delicious foods in the mountains! The white-browed old man's chopsticks subconsciously moved toward the pot.

But he was stopped by Brother Liu, "Senior, don't worry, is there still soup?" At this time, He Chu opened another pot.

This is a pot of soup with a strong aroma.

Everyone looked at it intently and felt it was amazing! In the soup, there are white flowers blooming! This dish is not only delicious, but also beautiful! "hehe.

Liu Di said behind his back: "Tofu is a versatile ingredient, and it's also good for making soup!" "This pot is also a famous Chinese dish, Wensi Tofu!" "It is very particular in its production. A piece of soft tofu needs to be cut 88 times horizontally and 188 times vertically with a large knife to turn into thousands of shredded tofu!" "When placed in clear water, the roots must be clear, and they must not stick to each other or break. This takes into account the skill of the knife."

"This skill seems simple, but ordinary people without ten or eight years of practice may not be able to master it."

"Even if I'm here, I've been studying for 200 minutes!" "Everyone was stunned.

It would take an ordinary person ten or eight years to cut it out.

You...20 minutes? There's something wrong with you, you're showing off! But the next moment! Everyone was still attracted by this pot of soup. Indeed, as Brother Liu said, they saw thousands of tofu shreds as long as toothpicks and as thin as vermicelli, floating in the clear soup, light, white and delicate! “Knife skills are also a taste.

"Liu Di said slowly: "Because this tofu is extremely fine, it tastes smooth and soft, and fresh and delicious. Usually, before diners can come to their senses, it has already comfortably reached your stomach. When you savor it, you can't help but applaud!" Gurgle! At this time, everyone's saliva is overflowing! Green light flashed in their eyes! Liu Di opened the last big pot again, "I didn't waste the 6 kinds of mushrooms used to make boiled cabbage before. After chopping them, I added some vegetarian meat, five-spice powder, and refined salt to make this pot of chaos.

" "I guarantee that after you eat it, you will be satisfied and full of energy!" Ah!!! I can't stand it anymore! Let me eat! Everyone is anxious! Not only have they not had enough food these days, but the food in front of them is so exquisite! It's simply life-threatening!

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