My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 397: Recovering from Injury


Brother Liu was actually a little shocked! The casual words of this white-browed old man can make people have endless reveries! It feels like there is an extremely huge world hidden in the darkness! Several ancient civilizations mentioned by the old man.

It's not a secret, there are various records on the Internet.

But these are all speculations of future generations.

It is undeniable that they all existed and prospered! It’s hard to guarantee that he won’t have any extraordinary skills and technology! As for the center of the earth and the deepest part of the ocean floor.

The current technology is limited, and it has indeed not been truly explored! The blue planet beneath my feet is vast.

Humanity knows less than one percent of him.

Countless shocking secrets may have existed for thousands of years, but for some reason, they have not been disclosed! Could it be.

Does this kind of mysterious life really exist? Otherwise, how should I explain my fragments of memory? Suddenly.

Liu Di suddenly realized that he was indeed a bit arrogant and thought he was invincible as the white-browed old man said.

As everyone knows, it is very possible that those truly powerful beings are treating this world as a sandbox.

Brother Liu was cautious for a moment.

I always feel that the old man in front of me is not as simple as he seems.

It even made me wonder, could he really be the previous savior? Liu Di said with some awe: "Senior, how do you know this?" "Hmph!" The white-browed old man pointed to the table in the distance with an old radio placed on it, "Have you ever heard of the science column? "Uh... Liu Di was stunned.

"But... I didn't say that, these are all lies!" "In short, you are very weak now, you know?" The white-browed old man put his hands behind his hands, paced back and forth in the room, and suddenly turned around, "Boy, do you have money? "Brother Liu was stunned.

I don’t carry cash on weekdays.

Now I only have two clothes on me and a cell phone with no battery.

This is because the liquid metal package was preserved during the impact.

Brother Liu shook his head slightly.

"Alas..." "Another loss-making deal.

"The white-browed old man waved his hand, "Jackie Chan, place him in a thatched house with firewood. There will be enough food, but the minimum standard is cabbage and tofu.

"The room fee is counted as 20 yuan per day, and the food is counted as 10 yuan, and it is recorded."

Jackie Chan skillfully took out the account book and said, "Yes, master."

"Brother Liu frowned again! Why is this savior a little nervous? "What? "Not satisfied?" "The white-browed old man turned his head and looked at Brother Liu.


Brother Liu smiled slightly and said, "Is there a charger here? Or lend me a mobile phone. I'll contact my friends so I won't bother you here."

"Sorry, brother, there is nothing here."

Brother Cheng scratched his head slightly, "Master, he hates the Internet the most and prohibits everyone from using it. Master's radio is the most powerful high-tech in the temple."

"Brother Liu nodded slightly, that's great! But he said that this senior savior is similar to those illegal reform institutions and refuses the Internet! "Boy, your mission now is to recuperate, do you understand? The white-browed old man pointed to the door, "I have a side room, an upper room, a main room, and fish and meat here, but you have no money!" "It's impossible to live in vain!" "Don't say I won't give you a chance!" "The white-browed old man said, and shouted toward the door, "Disciples! "Wow! Four bald men rushed in outside the door.

These four people have majestic bodies, bronze skin, and exposed muscles that are faintly reflective! A sense of déjà vu as a warrior monk! "This is my apprentice, Hui He, Hui Qi, Hui Sheng, Hui Cai!" The white-browed old man raised his head and came to his apprentice, "Boy, if you beat Hui He, you will live in the wing for free. If you win Hui Qi, you will live in the upper room for free. If you beat Huisheng, you will live in the main house for free, if you beat Huihe, you will eat fish and meat for free!" "You have to know, my housewife costs one hundred yuan a day!" "But, I see you are even with me now... Oh, You can't even beat the temple sweeper!" Brother Liu felt helpless! peace brings money? Is the dignified savior so short of money? However, Liu Di persisted and asked: "Is there no place nearby where I can borrow mobile phones?" The white-browed old man chuckled, "Yes, there are tourists!" Liu Di became more energetic, "Where are the tourists?" "Sad! We are. There have been no tourists in the temple for three years! "I'm living a hard life and I'm short of money!" The white-browed old man looked grim! Brother Liu was completely speechless, wonderful! How wonderful! But this is not surprising! You put up a sign saying that there is a 140-year-old savior in the temple. He is insane. It would be strange if someone came! "so.

"I can only give you a sheep's hair."

"When you recover from your injury, remember to settle the bill with me."

"Oh, by the way, the math problem I just explained to you costs 30."

The white-browed old man paced slowly, "But for the sake of being the savior, I will take care of you."

"Then, the old man shouted toward the door, "He Chu! "As soon as he finished speaking, a woman wearing coarse green clothes came in from the door.

She has a small oval face, a touch of cherry lips, and beautiful long and narrow eyes.

There was no trace of makeup on her face, and her hair was smooth and disheveled. Although she was wearing coarse clothes, it could not cover her perfect figure.

This girl gives people the feeling that if she appears in the city, she will be a top beauty who can attract countless admirers.

Now appearing in a small temple in the mountains, she looks like a fashionable beauty, simplified and removed from complexity, returning to nature, becoming delicate and elegant, and becoming the brightest color in the mountains.

Her temperament can not only control a hot and sexy evening dress, but also make this coarse green dress come alive! "Well..." "This is my lay disciple, from a big family in Kyoto, who is currently practicing in the temple.

"Boy, let her take care of your daily life from now on!" "The daily medical care fee is 800."

"The white-browed old man nodded to himself.

Brother Liu was speechless again! I can't move now and I can only be at the mercy of others! "I'd better send Brother Liu to the thatched cottage first. He needs to rest in peace and recuperate!" Brother Cheng chuckled, put Brother Liu on his shoulders, and walked out the door, with the beautiful He Chu following behind.

When passing by people.

The white-browed old man chuckled, "Boy, I think your injury won't heal in two or three months!" "Don't worry, I'll give you a chance.

"The right to challenge my four disciples is reserved for you at any time."

"If you defeat one, your house will be upgraded and your treatment will be upgraded!" "Brother Liu then carefully looked at the four warrior monks of 'Harmonious Qi Produces Wealth'.


The fighting consciousness fluctuates slightly! There is a special feeling among the four of them! It's not like the feeling of being a modified person, full of genetic mutations and manic.

Instead, it’s soft and restrained! But this energy intensity, if compared with the transformation least h level! And it’s not necessarily accurate! Brother Liu was confused! This unknown warrior monk in the deep mountains actually surpassed Xiao Xia, but when he saw Hui He among them, he said with a simple smile: "Senior brother Liu, don't worry, I'm easy to fight, I'll be defeated in one fight!"

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