My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 395 I'm leaving

Early morning 10 days later.

Haishi is 1,300 kilometers away, near Kyoto.

In the lush mountains, a hand suddenly stretched out from the deep soil! Then, this palm moved the soil and climbed hard.

Finally, a dirty man in a white shirt crawled out of the ground.

There was something strange about his body, and he seemed to be weak and weak.

He leaned under a big tree nearby.

At the first glance, he saw the entire Chinese capital soaked in the rising sun.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know how long I was unconscious.

But fortunately, the world is fine.

mThat threat has passed! "Devil boy?" He called in his head, but there was no response.

He was nervous! But the next moment I was relieved again! Below the perspective, there was a progress bar flashing slightly: The sequence is being upgraded... The man in white looked at his body, and the liquid metal had all retracted into the water drop pendant.

There are no numbers on the surface of the water drop pendant.

There were no scars on his body on the surface, but there was sharp pain all over his body, like needle pricks! If it were anyone else, there would be no way he could be so calm and calm! The man tried hard to take out his mobile phone, but the screen had already gone out and the battery had run out.

This movement hurt so much that he grinned slightly.

He tried again, took out the crumpled cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and prepared to light it.


The cigarette fell to the ground.

The man sighed slightly, his jaw was broken! This person is naturally Brother Liu! After he smashed the meteor, he fell into the mountains 900 kilometers away! just woke up! But at this time, he is no longer the invincible he was before! The violent power of his body and the feeling of being able to control everything were gone! And the injuries were serious, even the demon boy fell silent! Not to mention that it is the fourth stage of gene lock. Now, even with the first stage of combat consciousness, I still have a vague and indistinct feeling! Brother Liu knew it clearly.

That ‘I’ is here! Then ‘I’ left! Unbelievable! And now, I am afraid that I have endured all the backlash! It’s a blessing that I didn’t die! Deep in the mountains, Brother Liu looked at the rising sun. There had never been a moment so peaceful! I feel both sad and worried.

At the moment when another brother Liu took control of his body and gave him strength.

Their consciousnesses are also intertwined.

Fragments of perspectives appeared in Brother Liu's mind! Among them, there are extremely powerful enemies. With just one punch, Xiaoxia can be seriously injured and vomit blood! Among them, there was also a confrontation between 'myself' and more than a dozen people. The aura of each of them was extremely tyrannical. 'Myself' felt something in his heart at that time. There was no chance of winning against any one of them alone! Among them, there is also a metal mecha that is 100 meters high. With one punch, an F-class cyborg can only be reduced to a pulp! Among them, there is also a blue-skinned figure, with light piercing out of his hand, directly breaking through his own defense and piercing his chest! Among them, there is also a vague sense of terror. The conspiracy is so deep and the calculation is so complicated that it is not inferior to the devil boy! Among them, there was an aircraft that I couldn't understand. It blasted out a cannon and destroyed the city! Even a weird world appears in it! The scenes in that world were terrifying and horrifying, completely subverting reality and making it impossible for me to understand! A blond European raised his hand and countless buildings behind him collapsed into dust! In the blink of an eye, countless tall buildings fell from the sky, hitting 'himself'! In that world, there is also a huge black figure, sitting on the supreme throne, with his aura covering the sky and the sun. That feeling is something that I cannot resist! Brother Liu even saw his own broken body...and the little boy lying in the ice coffin many years later! But these are just fragments of pictures! Incoherent and without any reasonable explanation! Brother Liu hopes that this is all a dream! Because the person in the picture who controls the building to attack him is none other than Instructor Linnard from Xingwei Academy! Brother Liu once investigated and found out that this person has no strength, he is just an ordinary person! Unfortunately, in his trance, Brother Liu still had the feeling that these scenes were actually his own memories! Most likely it will happen soon! Brother Liu was inexplicably frightened! There is sweat oozing out from the forehead! So many things that you can't do anything about? ! If this is the case, then the power system of the world in front of you is far from being as simple as you imagine! Once upon a time, he felt that everyone in the world was weak! Now, he feels extremely weak! In the face of those unknowns, I am still too far behind! Of course, Brother Liu was also amazed by the strength of his 'future self'! I'm afraid only by reaching that height can we cope with everything that's about to happen! Brother Liu gritted his teeth.

time is limited! The so-called invincibility means to be fully prepared before the event comes! Only by being prepared can you be calm and calm! Brother Liu mobilized all his strength and tried to get up, but found that the pain was like a needle pricking him, and he could not exert any strength below his chest! Only then did Brother Liu realize the current situation.

Even the fifth emperor, who is so powerful, has trouble standing up now! Are you afraid of starving to death in the mountains? "Oh..." "The drinking boat is empty. Where can we meet each other in life?" Liu Di looked up and saw a short and fat figure slowly walking behind the trees.

He came to Brother Liu, grinning, speaking in a southern China accent, "Brother, I've said it before, you'll definitely need me!" Brother Liu's eyes lit up, "Brother Jackie Chan?" "Yes, it's me, my family's sweet potato seller!" The fat man came to Brother Liu and watched for a moment, "Tsk tsk, your bones are all broken, and they're broken quite thoroughly!" "It's almost the same as the glass that our Fatty Bo threw down from the 4th floor!" "Hmm..." "I guess your internal organs aren't much better!" Brother Liu was also a little puzzled.

Fatty Bo's mother once said that she would ask someone to help her when she was in trouble. Could it be that she asked her husband? Brother Liu said suspiciously, "Brother Cheng, it's such a coincidence in this deep mountain forest!" "What's the coincidence?" "This is all my master's order. He drew a circle for me, and I've been waiting here for three days!" Brother Cheng shrugged and said casually.

Brother Liu was shocked! Master? Waited for three days? Who is the other party, who can calculate so much? Could it be that he knew the whole story and saved me on purpose? Brother Liu became cautious.

"Well, I think your injury is not far from death. In the world, only my master can save you!" "I will be a good person to the end and carry you down the mountain to see the master!" Brother Cheng said, carrying Brother Liu on his shoulders.

Brother Liu was in great pain all over his body, and he didn't say a word, frowning slightly.

But Brother Cheng said as he walked: "Brother, you are really not an ordinary person. Your body is almost turned into mud, but you still don't say a word? I admire your tenacity!" Brother Liu forced a smile, "Brother Cheng, is your master?" "The temple is not far from here, you will know when you get there!" Brother Cheng quickened his pace, sweating profusely.

Under the morning sun.

The two went down a mountain.

But they climbed another one.

Brother Liu watched the scenery change on the roadside.

He became more and more curious.

The ancient trees here are dense, and it is quiet and elegant along the path.

It makes people feel that this place belongs to a hidden sect! Soon after, an ancient temple gradually appeared in front of him, majestic and solemn, with a faint sound of bells.

Brother Liu became more cautious.

The chaotic "picture" reminded him that in everything, it is better to believe it than not to believe it! Brother Cheng's master is not ordinary! The sense of déjà vu of a hermit! Finally.

The two came to the temple gate.

Brother Liu was full of awe and inadvertently saw a handwritten billboard standing next to it.

'Xiuxiang Mountain in the north of the county, Reincarnation Temple.

''Famous scenic spot.

''Features: The great hero who once saved Russia is now living in seclusion here (140 years old).

''Visit 20 yuan, take a photo 50 yuan, and sign 120 yuan.

' Brother Liu was stunned for a moment, "This..." "What's the matter?" Brother Cheng smiled proudly, "This is all Master's own idea. His mind is extraordinary and he never hides his identity from the world!" Brother Liu's mind was instantly confused! The question is, does anyone believe this?

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