My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 382: The End of Star Weaving

The entire video was broadcast live.

All forces were shocked again! This punisher has been as cold as a murderous god all spring and summer! No matter how strong Xingzhi's modified people are, it has no meaning! Between every gesture.

None of the morally corrupt Starweaver heroes survived! And at this time.

Bertram, who was in the basement of the Xingwei Building, saw this live broadcast with his own eyes! His expression was dull, but his body was trembling slightly! His world collapsed! He doesn't understand at all! Remember http:// for a second and why! Tie Mian and Tie Xi are both already at E-level strength! It should have been an invincible existence! They walked out of the company and were fully capable of running rampant! but.

Only 2 hours! They are all dead! He died from an opponent he had never seen before! Punisher summer, punisher spring! It's the devil! The strength is simply incredible! In front of them, the Star Weaving heroes had no ability to fight back! This impact is too great! The Punisher is like an abyss, the end of which can never be found! Just when Bertram's soul was trembling and he was in a daze! Ding...a machine beep came from the venue! I saw that the transformation warehouse belonging to the witch had reached 100% progress! The instrument on the side showed that the strength was e9! One step away from f! Bertram's expression was complicated. The witch's transformation was very successful and her level was very high! However, I don’t know if this is useful! for a long time.

I have never seen a witch leave the transformation warehouse! Just when everyone was confused, they saw that the metal transformation warehouse turned red from the inside out! Inside it, an extremely high temperature is being generated! In just a few moments, the metal transformation warehouse began to melt and turned into molten iron, flowing on the ground! A female figure is looming among them! It's just that I can't see her face clearly at all! Because at this time, her whole body was like a red-hot iron man! The limbs and facial features are all exuding a terrifying temperature! "Witch!" "Witch!" Bertram shouted in horror! But the image of that person seemed to have lost his mind and was indifferent! And the temperature on her body is getting higher and higher! The nearby equipment was slowly ignited, the metal melted and turned into molten iron, and thick smoke billowed everywhere it went! No matter how much Bertram shouted, it was of no use! In an instant, the entire laboratory burst into flames! Someone picked up a fire extinguisher and sprayed it at the witch! But the witch grabbed him by the neck and roasted him into charcoal! Bertram was horrified! I frantically called for people to put out the fire, but with little success. The witch's temperature was too high! At the critical moment, another transformation warehouse opened with a ding! Among them is a handsome blond European! Bertram was shocked and said, "Skywalker, stop the witch!" He saw that Skywalker's eyes were also flashing red! He first saw the fire at the scene, and then caught a glimpse of the iron rhinoceros cut into pieces on the TV! But his body suddenly shivered! Skywalker didn't listen to Bertram's call at all, ran aside in a few steps, put on his flying wings, crashed through the skylight, and disappeared! Bertram looked dull! What exactly is going on? Bertram looked at the unstoppable fire with despair in his eyes! Suddenly, the skylight was shattered again by an inexplicable force! Two figures, one black and one white, descended from the sky! One person is holding a white metal umbrella, and the other person is holding a black metal umbrella! Astonishingly, they were two children aged sixteen or seventeen! One boy and one girl, two twins! Following the two of them were several small drones, following them for filming! Bertram looked at the two figures falling with shock on his face, "You..." "Punisher, warm winter!" "Punisher, cold winter!" The two said one after another! Bertram's face was full of horror, "Punisher! You devils!" He stepped back again and again! But behind him is the sea of ​​fire! There is no way he can retreat! Finally, Bertram gritted his teeth and shouted frantically: "Stop the witch quickly! He can't just burn like this, our entire Starweaver Building will be set on fire!" At this time, the ground was already filled with flames! It has spread to the first floor! Everyone in the Xingwei Building is running away like crazy! But I saw that the warm winter and the cold winter were completely unmoved! A line of text was also printed on the live broadcast screen: "The dark side of the witch is destruction! She is extremely cruel. In order to obtain the qualifications for transformation, she brutally killed three teammates! Just to eliminate competitors!" The audience was also stunned. ! Starweaver Hero, don’t you have any good things? But Nuan Dong and Han Dong both turned their heads and glanced at Bertram! Bertram was now filled with anger. He stretched out his only arm, pointed at the two of them and roared: "What are you looking at! Why don't you rescue them quickly!" Nuan Dong and Ling Dong didn't say anything and turned around silently.

After they all forgot about the fire, Nuan Dong slowly retreated, leaving only Han Dong alone in the same place.

Bertram yelled, "What are you doing! Where are you going!" But Nuandong ignored him and slowly backed away, very slowly! Crash! The roof and the wall collapsed, falling apart, and the scene became more and more chaotic! Many Xingzhi experimenters were crushed to death and then engulfed by the flames! Many stones also fell on the umbrellas of Nuandong and Handong, but the thin-looking umbrellas were extremely hard! Nothing could hurt Nuandong and Handong at all! "Hurry up... My building! It's going to burn down!" Berram had collapsed! Watching the fire climb up the rocks and set the whole building on fire! But Nuandong was still not in a hurry, slowly backing away, while keeping a distance from Handong, he seemed to be waiting for something! The netizens watching the live broadcast were also in a conflicted mood! For a building like Xingzhi, the evil man, it's fine to burn it down! But Nuandong and Handong should be careful not to get trapped! Finally! The entire Xingzhi building was burned to pieces, and it looked like only a skeleton was left, crumbling! Warm Winter also retreated more than ten meters away! Bertram was hiding in a corner at this time, feeling lost! His Xingzhi Building and Xingzhi Laboratory were gone! Bertram showed a crazy look on his face, and he gritted his teeth, "It's gone, all gone! But you two can't get away! Bury Xingzhi with me!" At this time, Han Dong lowered his head slightly! An inexplicable magnetic field emanated from him! The ground was shaking! Small stones were floating slowly! Han Dong stretched out a hand and pointed at the witch who had completely lost control! For a moment, everyone felt something! It was as if the world was still! Dust, gravel, and flames seemed to solidify! But this was just an illusion! The next moment! All the objects, including the flames, gathered towards the witch's body at a rapid speed! The earth and rocks banged, and the fire was blazing! The witch's body became a target with super suction! Absorbing everything! The messy objects within sight instantly wrapped her up! They gathered bigger and bigger, slowly forming a messy sphere! After a moment, the fire in the building was also absorbed! I saw Han Dong stretched out his five fingers and slowly closed them together! Then! A huge pressure appeared out of thin air beside the witch! A harsh squeezing sound came from the air! The sphere became smaller and smaller! It is hard to imagine how much power is contained in it!

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