My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 379 The Strength of Emperor III

Xingzhi Huaxia Office Building at this time.

Surrounded by countless Haishi citizens! They held banners and shouted curses! At the top of the Xingwei Building, in a locked office, Bertram's assistant Lawson opened the window and looked at the rioting crowd downstairs! He breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

Mr. Bertram would be very upset if he knew! Refreshing! Lawson lives up to God’s words! The other senior executives of Xingwei quickly made two actions! First, recall all heroes! Second, issue a statement that all employees who caused the accident are crazy admirers of heroes. Their actions have nothing to do with the Starweaver headquarters, and they are willing to hand them over to China for official sanctions! Remember in one second http://White Palace in Europe also immediately issued a statement: Cobra Force also acted privately! This continuous blame-shifting has made everyone’s popularity unclear! Xingzhi picked himself cleanly! At this time, everyone is extremely looking forward to the next punishment of the Punisher. No matter what method, as long as Xingwei is killed! In the conference room of the Xingwei Building.

Just when all the executives were discussing whether to run away.

I saw CEO Bertram walking into the house with a pale face! Everyone was shocked! Mr. Bertram's right arm is gone! Cut off all the roots! There was blood oozing from the wound wrapped with gauze! Bertram looked gloomy and sat directly on the main seat. He raised his hand and threw out a disk-shaped instrument! This instrument is about the size of a plate and as wide as a palm, and its surface emits a gleaming green light! It looks very mysterious! Bertram roared: "So what if the thing is exposed, so what if the building is besieged, what about the Punisher?!" "As long as we have the strength, these are not problems!" "Isn't it because he is the Punisher? If you have the strength, you can do whatever you want!" "We can too!" Bertram pointed at the instrument on the table and said ferociously: "Here, E-level transformation technology!" "Reinforce Skywalker and Iron! Face, Iron Rhinoceros, Witch!" "We have E-class reformers, and the Punishers will kill them one by one!" "Then, we return to Europe in a big way, and we are still the world's number one reformation organization!" Everyone on the scene was shocked! E-level! This is completely impossible technology! One of the experimenters couldn't believe it, and touched the disc tremblingly, "Sir, are you sure this is E-class?" Bertram gritted his teeth, "I paid such a high price, of course I confirmed it! You dare to do it , this time, the Punisher is finished! "...on the island.

Brother Liu sat on the shore and admired the vast scenery.

"Well, Kunsang, that ship is about to sink..." "Yes, you take it to the shore, and then stand up handsomely from the water. Remember, your posture must be handsome!" Liu Di seemed to be saying. Talk to the air! An extremely excited voice came from the headset placed on the table, "Haha, the emperor's three strong men, I can already imagine that handsome scene!" "Haha, I came to Africa this time, but I didn't expect it to be a good job. Ah, you've been so cool for 5 times in a row, you're so handsome!" "Three powerful emperors, why are you so nice to me this time!" Liu Di pondered slightly, "This is what you deserve as the number one master in the universe. ..." Then Liu Di cleared his throat and said, "That's not enough. You will follow my instructions and go to the city to show off!" Kun Sang: "Haha, okay!"

In a palace in Africa, a voluptuous beauty wearing a veil stared closely at the extremely handsome man in black in the news reports, with his chest heaving and his face flushed! Hang up the contact with Kun Sang.

Liu Di turned his head slightly and looked at the five spring, summer, autumn and winter people standing behind him! They now have brand new equipment.

Cold and majestic! But when she was young, Xiaoxia lost her right arm! Xiaochun lost a leg! Xiaoqiu lost her tongue and eardrum! Blindness in cold winter! Only warm winter is healthy! Before that, spring, summer, and autumn had been transformed, while ‘winter’ was born to awaken! The disabilities in Spring, Summer and Autumn were also caused by evil people! Liu Di's eyes flashed, "Brother feels a little guilty. Even if we, the punishers, have reached this stage, we still haven't found the person who caused you to be disabled..." "There are very few online information for more than ten years, and I haven't found any." .

"The five of them bowed their heads slightly.

Liu Di asked again: "In your memory, are there any clues?" Xiaoxia hesitated slightly, "Brother, we were too young at that time. We only vaguely remember that it was not China. The leader of the evil ones had a strange voice... No It sounds like a human being, like a machine, similar to electronic synthesis!" Liu Di frowned slightly.

At least 15 years ago, they knew how to use electronic synthesized sounds to disguise themselves? If it has developed so far... the level of technology cannot be underestimated! Brother Liu was puzzled, and everyone was silent for a moment! But I saw a person walking timidly from behind the island.


She devoted herself to research and finally broke through the technical difficulties and upgraded the Cyborg detector! Now, the machine in her hand can measure the human body's strength level based on the human body's muscle strength, metabolic intensity, and slight radiation! Xiaotang is still evil.

Secretly aim the instrument at Xiaoxia! Beep...the pointer goes directly to the top! Class F! And, I don’t know how much f+ it is! Xiaotang was stunned again! Even an F grade is not enough! What is Xiaoxia's strength? Fortunately, the machine didn’t explode this time! Phew...inexplicably, Xiaotang turned his attention to Brother Liu.

The Third Emperor can command so many super-modified people by himself... and he is extremely intelligent! Could it be him too? What level is he? For some reason, Xiaotang turned the instrument around and secretly aimed at Liu Di! Beep... the pointer moved slightly by 1 mm, and then fell back to 0! Xiaotang was extremely puzzled! The Third Emperor is an ordinary person, this shouldn't be the case! Is it because the distance is too far? Xiaotang sneaked around and tried to get closer to Liu Di and the others! Finally, on the way, the pointer of the instrument moved, trembling! A1 level? This shouldn't be the case! Closer? A2 level? Not enough! A3 level? This is not enough? But there should be room! Xiaotang was concentrating on the instrument, and before he knew it, the instrument hit Liu Di! Bang! The instrument inexplicably emitted a puff of white smoke, short-circuited, and exploded! Xiaotang clearly saw that at the last moment, the instrument showed the modification level A4, but the radiation value was off the charts! Brother Liu turned around and sighed, "Xiaotang, what are you doing?" Xiaotang looked dazed, his hands were burnt black, "Boss Di San, I'm sorry! After my investigation, I found that you are really not suitable for fighting alone!"

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