People in front of the screen were shocked! In their eyes, it is a mosaic! But those scarlet pixel blocks are just another display form of blood! "These 7 people...are all dead!" "I heard...aren't C-class cyborgs very strong?" "This is nothing!" "This punisher's methods are too tough!" in the screen , Tiesi said nothing, walked slowly, and disappeared in the rain! There is not a single barrage on the online interface! Everyone fell into deep shock and forgot the present moment! In the Xingwei Huaxia headquarters building.

Bertram plopped down in his chair! His eyes were blank and his face was full of horror! In front of him was the live broadcast just now! Just now, he was screaming in his heart, why was our plan being filmed! He is still thinking that if the matter is revealed, he will pass the responsibility to the six major countries! Unexpectedly, it only took less than 10 minutes! Things took a turn for the worse! 7 C-level killers are dead! Die at the hands of a reformer I've never heard of! At this time, Bertram's hands were cold! One step too late! Brother Liu developed a modified human! What level is this? ! For 10 whole minutes, Bertram didn't move! Then, with a ferocious look on his face, he made a call: "I will execute the torpedo plan immediately!"... It was already 10 o'clock at night! The coastline of Haishi is pitch black! Several figures in diving suits hid behind the deserted reef and glanced at the brightly lit offshore island under construction from a distance! One person tightened the huge backpack on his shoulders and said in a low voice: "Mr. Water Snake, the superiors are worried and specially sent four of us to help you. Each of us carries a bomb to ensure the success of the blasting mission!" Mr. Water Snake in their mouth, He is a short figure with an extremely slender figure and his bones seem to be extremely soft! The water snake sneered, but opened his mouth in the language of the island country, "You guys underestimate me! On land, I am not strong enough, but if I go into the water, that is my world!" "No one can defeat me!" It's unnecessary for you to send people here!" "I can reach these 12 nautical miles in 10 minutes, and that island will be completely sunk in 15 minutes!" "In my eyes, there is only one island that is indestructible!" "That's how great I am! "An island country!" "Outside of it, no one is worthy of floating on this sea!" However, what they don't know is.

Above these people, tens of meters in the sky, several small drones were floating silently! Under these drones, the infrared cameras flashed slightly, putting everything into the 'Punishment Notes'! Just now, thousands of viewers who were still immersed in shock suddenly saw this scene! Netizens were shocked again! "What's going on..." "Is this someone who wants to blow up the Punisher's base?" "Who are these people!" "Why do you want to kill them all!" "That snake, it's speaking the island's dialect!" "He What a little devil!" "Hai Yi went to Africa?" "Tie Si is still in the city center! "Punisher, guard your base!" "Everyone became inexplicably nervous, and the number of people watching the live broadcast was gradually increasing! Then I heard the water snake from the island country proudly said: "After a while, you will get into the water, and you will follow me, but if you really can't keep up, just go back. Remember not to Keep your head out to avoid being spotted by patrols! "As he said that, the water snake picked up the explosives and was about to go into the water! The person behind him was startled, "Mr. water snake, don't you use an oxygen bottle? This is a distance of 12 nautical miles! ""joke! The water snake looked disdainful and said, "I can hold my breath for 30 minutes, but what are these 12 nautical miles?" Just watch the show from behind! "As he said that, the water snake jumped directly from the body and jumped directly to the water! The next moment, everyone showed an unbelievable look! After the water snake entered the sea, it dived directly, and then its body twisted strangely, and it really looked like a strange water snake. Split the water quickly and disappear at an alarming speed! This is impossible for normal people! The people behind them tightened their gears and then jumped into the water! The drone swooped down! The footage was shot as it was approaching the water! Plop! Plop! The propellers of several drones were turned into propellers. Everyone watching the video was shocked! Man, it's amphibious! The founder's technology is really awesome under the water!

The speed of the water snake is indeed unmatched! Take the lead and quickly approach the ghost island! He felt extremely comfortable, this water is my world! Punisher, prepare to be buried in the sea! But see.

Deep in the sea, on a towering reef! A dark-skinned little fat man suddenly opened his eyes, startling the fish around him! He glanced at the water snake in the distance and spit out a few bubbles from his mouth! It's finally here! I'm dying of suffocation! This scene was also seen by the live broadcast audience! What's wrong with this fat man? How long has he been in the water? ! The little fat man kicked his legs and rushed out! He quickly ran towards the water snake! The little fat man roared in the water, his voice was vague: "Transplanting rice!" The water snake didn't understand what was going on! It was directly hugged by a strong force! Then its body rotated! It plunged to the bottom of the sea! Boom! A muffled sound came from underwater! Sand and gravel floated in the sea water! The water snake's head was forcibly stuffed into the mud on the seabed! The little fat man untied the explosives on his body in a few strokes, and swam quickly to the surface of the water. He showed his head and took a deep breath, "I am the Punisher - Earth Yuan!" At the same time, on a speedboat on the water, a strong man who was also wearing a military green vest turned the shark gun in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shot a spear underwater! Puff! A ball of blood burst out underwater! Even in this dark night, more than ten meters away from the turbid sea water, his shooting skills are still extremely accurate! He didn't stop, and continued to install the shark hook and shoot continuously! Puff puff! Another 4 spears! In a flash, 4 frogmen surfaced! They were the ones following the water snake! All of them were shot through the heart with a spear! The audience was stunned again. Not a single one escaped, and they were all wiped out! The big man tilted his head slightly, "You can call me a nail sniper, or you can call me the Punisher - Iron Triathlon!"

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