The place was extremely quiet! Everyone was subconsciously shocked by Liu Di's aura! Cao Chenghe and others were also unexpected! What nonsense is this kid talking about! Without relying on his own country and our support, he will not be able to do it alone! Not even if you are strong! Facing the entire world? You must not be eaten alive? ! for a long time! Xingwei CEO Bertram reacted at first, and he suddenly became excited, "Are you serious?" Liu Di said calmly, "Seriously!" Remember http:// in one second: "Hahaha!" "Hahaha!" "Hahaha!" You're talking nonsense!" "I thought you were a fool before, but you're a fool with a brain problem!" "Then don't blame the evil in this world!" Bertram gritted his teeth. Time is cruel! My huge Xingwei can't deal with you Hua Xia, but it can't deal with you, a little student? You are just an ordinary person! Not even a reformer! You have come to the end today! Not only Bertram, but also the other members of the six major alliance countries present suddenly relaxed! Without China's eager eyes, this kid is nothing! "hehe.

"But I saw the old man from the island country, with a face as wretched as a mouse, laughed in a low voice.

He had a heart attack yesterday and almost stopped eating! Fortunately, he was treated in time by Xingwei’s rehabilitation technology! At this moment, he was gnashing his teeth in hatred towards Brother Liu! He chuckled lightly, "Since you represent an individual, I want to ask you, do you have any assets? Do you think that a reform organization can be established just by saying it is established? Do you think this is playing house?" "Yellow-mouthed boy, do you have money?" The rat-faced old man from the island country said sarcastically! "Money?" Brother Liu smiled and said to Cao Chenghe: "Sir Cao, let me borrow your screen!" As he said this, Brother Liu's eyes moved slightly! The big screen in the conference room was instantly hacked by a powerful program! A picture popped up! It is the interface of a software! Twin stages! The official released a message 5 minutes ago: "The Founder Group and the Witness Group have officially announced that they will get involved in the field of human transformation and will mobilize funds to fully fund a new transformation institution - the Punisher!" "Supporting funds to start with one trillion yuan , no upper limit!" This piece of news caused an uproar! In just 5 minutes, tens of thousands of comments were added below! 900 million Gemini fans are shouting support! Among them are millions of Chinese netizens who are calling for the punisher to target Xingwei! "Haha..." Brother Liu smiled slightly, "I forgot to introduce, the reform institution I have is called 'Punisher'!" There was a dead silence on the scene! Founder Group! In the past 10 years, the most powerful business group in the business world! Make the difference in the financial world! Currently, it supports funds starting at RMB 1 trillion, with no upper limit! This... Bertram's breathing was rapid. This starting capital alone is enough to buy my entire Star Weave! The rat-faced old man from the island country was immediately dumbfounded! Trillions! This is money! How much tax does my island country have in a year? Cao Chenghe and several Longwei members were shocked! He looked at Brother Liu in disbelief.

Brother Liu whispered: "I'm sorry, Di San is here!" You...Cao Chenghe's fingers are trembling! Duan Hua, on the other hand, shrugged and made a fuss! "Is this money enough?" Liu Di lightly knocked on the table, "Can you guys sign?" Bertram's body was stiff! This guy is related to the creator! He suppressed his shock, thought rapidly in his mind, and suddenly said: "You are rich, that's amazing!" "But!" "Didn't you say that your organization does not belong to any country and is completely public?" "Then you can't Build a base in China! ""Otherwise you are not completely public!" "You don't have a base, we can't sign this!" Liu Di raised his eyelids, "How can I not be prepared for a problem that even an idiot like you can think of? Of course there is a base!" "You have a base?" Bertram glared, "I tell you, it can't be in China, it can't be in any country! There are 27 major countries watching, you can't hide it!" Let me tell you where the base is! Let me see what kind of flowers you can make!" Liu Di crossed his arms, raised his head slightly, and looked out the window, "Over there!" At this time, everyone was at the Haishi Official Conference Center. , 26th floor! It's right next to the beach! Through the window, you can see the vast East China Sea! Everyone looked through the windows and saw nothing but a blue sea! "Boy, what are you talking about? There is only water there!" Bertram felt that he was being teased and became furious! "Don't worry, the base is on the way!" Liu Di said calmly! Just when everyone is confused! Just listen to the thick sound of the ship's whistle in the distance! One after another, resounding throughout the sky! Across thousands of meters, it reached everyone’s ears! Then, only three behemoths were seen, slowly sailing out of the horizon! Large freighters with bodies nearly 500 meters long and as tall as ten-story buildings sailed out! The size of this freighter is on the list! The international visitors recognized at a glance that the white cargo ship was the Poseidon, the largest cargo ship in the world! The only 400,000-class ship in the world! Affiliated to the European Ocean Shipping Company! The other ship is the Queen! 300,000-class secret sea freighter, the second largest in the world! Belongs to the Great Eagle Empire! The third ship is the Taishan, a 300,000-class secret sea freighter belonging to China! Everyone was stunned! Everyone's body trembled, "How can you kid have the ability to use so many giant wheels!" Bertram was horrified! He yelled: "You want to use a giant ship as a base? This is impossible! Among them are our European ships. They don't belong to you, and you can't buy them!" "Haha.

Liu Di was still indifferent, "Who said I want to use those giant ships as a base?" Open your eyes and see clearly! "Everyone's heart trembled inexplicably! Looking along the sea horizon, the next moment, they were all cold! They saw several huge iron chains tied behind the three giant ships! These iron chains all gathered in one direction! Then It's an island! It's nearly 30 hectares in size! The island is flat, full of life, and covered with vegetation! The scene in front of them is incomprehensible! A world-class giant ship dragged an island! How is this possible? "Haha.

Brother Liu raised his head slightly, "I wonder if you have ever heard of ghost islands?" "That kind of island that haunts the mysterious sea and disappears in an instant?" "What? A ghost island!? Everyone's eyes were wide-eyed and their brains were confused! Liu Di chuckled, "A volcano erupted deep in the ocean, and the volcanic magma solidified due to cold, forming a stone full of bubbles that can float on the water! "This kind of stone gathers into large numbers above the submarine volcano, and slowly connects to form an island. Over time, it becomes extremely strong, and the island has lush vegetation!" "My dear friend, I called more than 600 weather satellites and found this ghost island in the Northern Ocean!" "It took 300 years to form and is unique in the world!" "It's called Sea City, and it's the transformation base for my Punisher!" "It will hover 12 nautical miles away from the Chinese coastline, which is what you call the high seas!" "It does not belong to the jurisdiction of any country!" "The soles of everyone present were steaming with cold air! This is impossible! This is unrealistic! What a terrifying handiwork! How could such a thing exist! "You..." "You..." Bertram was all over the place Trembling! Suddenly, he thought of a countermeasure! He roared at his men: "The Poseidon belongs to my country! Call their boss Hobson Green right away! "Brother Liu smiled slightly and watched quietly.

Bertram's men quickly answered the phone and handed it to Bertram's ear! Bertram yelled into the phone: "Busseng Green! How can you use your ship to help the Chinese! You immediately turn your ship back and tow this island away for me!" But the other party's voice was a little dull, "I'm sorry, this is the command of the God-man Emperor Wu. It must be obeyed. No one has the right to interfere!" Bertram looked blank, "What is the command of the god! What nonsense are you talking about!" The other party said indifferently: "You are just a mortal. How can you understand the affairs of my divine domain? "Dududu... the other party hung up immediately! Bertram's face turned red, as if he had been struck by lightning!

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