Everyone was shocked.

My mind was confused for a moment! What a 4 year old! Brother Liu seems to be talking nonsense, but also seems to be arrogant and contemptuous of everything! "General Cao.

Brother Liu smiled and said, "You don't have to deal with it, but before I take action, you must ensure that Xiaodong is clean and no one dares to disturb her!" She stays with me and no one can take her away! "But..." "If she doesn't go to jail, I can't explain it."

"Subconsciously, Cao Chenghe unknowingly sided with Brother Liu! But he was conflicted in his heart! Brother Liu smiled slightly and looked at the four Longwei members behind Cao Chenghe, "Their levels are between b2 and b5.

"One second to remember http://"They could have been stronger.

"The reason for this is because you have not overcome their own genetic chain.

"The tool enzymes were not used properly and the artificial chromosomes were placed in the wrong place.

"Huh? Cao Chenghe was stunned. As the general manager of Longwei, the Chinese reformer organization, he naturally knows these terms very well.

What Brother Liu said was a problem that had been plaguing their technical department for a long time! "How do you know?" Cao Chenghe asked blankly! "If I'm not wrong, all of your current members of Longwei were transformed using a drug called 'Second Generation Yanhuang'.

"Cao Chenghe was shocked again! Indeed, Long Wei's 29 transformed people were all the results of the 'second generation Yanhuang'! The previous generation of Yanhuang had a low success rate and little effect! But this is Longwei's secret! How did he Would you know? "Is it Chu He or another name who contributed to your second generation Yanhuang? Cao Chenghe raised his eyebrows, "Yes, but Mr. Chu said that the main contribution to this technology almost all came from one of his children!" "What a coincidence."

Liu Di smiled slightly, "I've known for a long time that I can't live peacefully in the era of human transformation, so I gave myself a name to deal with all this..." "I'm sorry, I have a lot of names, one of them is , it is Emperor Wu! "The second generation Yanhuang was developed by Master Tuo and I!" "In other words, you Long Wei are where you are today, all because of me!" "So, it is reasonable and reasonable for you to do your best to repay your benefactor!" "Everyone was stunned on the spot! Emperor Wu! The name that appeared on the top secret information! He is Emperor Wu, the developer of the second generation Yanhuang. Hua Yang named Emperor Wu to announce the award, but he never showed up! At that time, Master Tuo When preparing to fill in the reporting information, Liu Di thought about it and reported his only identity related to the reformer. Emperor Wu! Duan Hua's eyes widened immediately, but he was relieved! Okay, I knew it! There is no reason for this kid to act! Leng Yue's expression became even more complicated. Did his transformation come from Liu Kaichai's technology? Finally, Cao Chenghe gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll help you carry this thunder!" "Very good, next, I plan to... set up a transformation organization!" Liu Di raised his head slightly, "I heard that this requires the approval and joint recognition of all international forces?" Then when the time comes, please ask Chief Cao to take the lead in supporting us.

"Hiss... rules! Transform the institution! Cao Chenghe was even more shocked, "This is no small matter! Europe now has a high international status, but it takes the lead in blocking it. How can you succeed? "Secondly..." "Although we are very grateful for your 'Second Generation Yanhuang', this technology is far behind Xingwei's C-level transformation technology!" This is also the reason why we at Longwei have always kept a low profile! "With all due respect, you have no place in the world with this kind of technology!" "The second generation Yanhuang is really not good!" Liu Di stood up slowly, "After all, I was in a hurry and I only thought about it for 10 minutes!" "What? 10 minutes?! You... everyone was stunned! But they saw Brother Liu with his hands behind his back.

In the experimental cemetery, the lights went out instantly! then.

Two machines in the distance were activated, and blue lasers shot straight into the sky! The light flashed back and forth, and rows of shadows appeared in the sky! 30 seconds later.

Everyone looked up at the sky, their scalps numb! A row of 6 brilliant and colorful 3D Rubik's cubes slowly float in the air! These Rubik's cubes range from large to small, floating in the air and shining brightly! The small one is like a wooden box, while the big one is as big as a house! The Rubik's Cube is silent, but it rotates precisely! They all seem to be following a pattern, precise and orderly! Everyone squinted their eyes and finally saw clearly in the dazzling light.

"DNA template-0023..." "DNA template-15a template-7805..." Among the countless small modules, there are individual DNA samples! They are spinning and matching! Looking for the best solution! This, this... what is this... all of them have their mouths wide open and their expressions are dull! "The Rubik's Cube...can carry 3 to the nth power calculations.

"Genes...the database that can create perfect life."

Liu Di shrugged, "This is my serious invention, the foundation of human transformation mechanism, the God's Rubik's Cube!" “It is not a plan, but a system.

"Take instructor Ziyue as an example. Her DNA is input into the Level 3 Rubik's Cube, then matched, screened, optimized, a plan is drawn, and finally transformed.

"Strength is 10 times stronger than now!" "This... this is unrealistic! It's ten times more powerful than C-level! How can such technology be possible! Cao Chenghe's world collapsed slightly! "I originally wanted to use the M-69 project of Yingzhi Group, but now it seems, It's too small.

"It is a cooperative transformation institution of your military. I will give them level 4 Rubik's Cube technology later as a thank you to you, Long Wei, for supporting me."

"With a thought in Brother Liu's mind, the Rubik's Cube disappeared out of thin air, and the lights in the venue brightened! He looked at the people with dull faces.

After a pause, Brother Liu said, "Oh, I forgot to say that there is no problem with Yingzhi Group."

"Because, Yingzhi is also mine!" Cao Chenghe got goosebumps instantly! It was not until now that he recognized the great god in front of him! He stuttered, "You...you...so many identities!" "You have such a deep connection with China, and you want to rise up and challenge the world. Aren't you afraid that your family and partners will be threatened?" At this moment.

Another member of Longwei ran out of the door! He looked a little anxious, "General Cao, the result of the investigation of Brother Liu you asked me to do is out!" Cao Chenghe turned his head woodenly, but his eyes did not leave Brother Liu, "What result?" "He has no information, no files, nothing! Like air!" The face of this member of Longwei was also full of surprise! But Brother Liu smiled slightly: "General Cao is right, so my current identity... is a stateless person!"

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