"Stop!" "Stop it!" At this time, many figures ran in panic in the playground! It was Bertram, CEO of Xingzhi Group, and members of the 6-nation alliance! And the one who shouted loudly was Cao Chenghe, the head of Longwei! "Huaxia students, think about the consequences!" Cao Chenghe strode! This group of people were at the research base not far away! They heard Han Dong's shocking shout and noticed something was wrong! They all rushed over! Then.

Remember http:// in one second With a crash, more people poured into the playground! Xingzhi security guards, escorts for visitors from 6 countries, and many Haishi police officers! In addition, several figures with good auras also rushed out of the crowd and stood at the forefront! Among them were several Chinese faces, of course, they were members of Longwei who had carried out rescue on the broken bridge! There were more than a dozen of these modified people from various countries! Everyone had a stern look on their faces, and their eyes shot at Liu Di! The situation was tense! Liu Di frowned, slowly put down his feet, and looked at everyone with his hands behind his back! "You...you are too bold, you actually killed our students!" "Still so cruel!" But they were people from the 6 major alliances, and their bodies trembled one by one, looking at the broken limbs and arms on the ground, and they were about to split their teeth! "And you! You still want to kill the hero arc!" Xingzhi CEO Bertram was also very angry! At the same time, the most powerful figure rushed over! She landed beside Bertram, clenched her fists, and her arms slowly turned red! It was the C+ cyborg witch! "Wait!" But the mighty Cao Chenghe suddenly stood in front of everyone, "This is China, no one is allowed to act rashly, let me figure out what's going on first!" Cao Chenghe looked around, and all the people present were Chinese students! Xingzhi wanted to use force, but it was not that easy! But Ziyue dragged her injured body to the crowd, "The Chinese group competed with the international team, and the arc suddenly intervened, causing one of our students to lose control of his ability!" Everyone followed Ziyue's gaze and looked at the warm winter and cold winter in the field! They were also horrified! These two children can have such means? What will happen if this continues! "So, give them two murderers!" "They killed the students of our six major alliance countries!" The visitors from the six major alliance countries were furious and looked at Cao Chenghe together, "They are murderers, don't even think about escaping!" Cao Chenghe was very difficult! This is human life! And they killed all the seeded players of the six major countries at once! "Also, what's wrong with that kid? He wants to harm the arc?" The rat-faced old man from the island country pointed at Brother Liu, spitting, "You Chinese are all vicious and evil!" "This..." Cao Chenghe clenched his fists, sweat beads on his forehead! "What are you looking at?" But he saw a fierce light flashing in Brother Liu's eyes, "They started the instigation, they deserve to die!" "Is this kid crazy!" "What are you talking about!" The people of the six major allied countries stared with red eyes, and anger gushed out of their eyes! "Only a few trash died!" "Did your experiment die less than these?" "Six days ago, your Xingzhi experimental base was full of debris!" "Do you think no one knows?" Brother Liu put his hands behind his back and took a step proudly! Brother Liu knew that it was not a trivial matter for 'Xiaodong' to accidentally kill the students of the six countries! This will be pressure from the six major countries! We must argue with reason! "This..." Everyone's face changed drastically! This kid knows a lot! However, Bertram, CEO of Xingzhi, shouted angrily: "Those were experimental losses. We are a cyborg organization. Everything is for the evolution of mankind. We are the side of justice. Who do you think you are? You are a civilian. You are all civilians. You are a murderer!" Liu Di frowned, "So, as long as it is a cyborg organization, you can kill people at will?" "This..." Bertram was slightly stunned, then shouted: "We are internationally recognized as the strongest cyborg organization, supported by many countries! We represent the future! No one will question us!" The visitors from the six major allied countries also echoed, "That's right! We are willing to sacrifice experimenters to jointly obtain research results. We will not question Xingzhi!" "Hehe..." "Twisted world!" Liu Di laughed softly, "As long as you are strong enough, as long as you have enough power, you can escape sanctions, right?" "Very good!" Liu Di bent down, picked up the electric arc, swung his arm, and threw him directly in front of Bertram! "I'll keep Dian Hu's life for you!" "Soon, I will legitimately take his life!" "If he dares to hurt my family, he won't live for more than a month!" Then, Brother Liu picked up Nuandong, held Cold Winter's hand, and prepared to leave! "You're talking nonsense!" "Still want to leave?" "How dare he despise authority, despise rules, and despise our six countries!" The international visitors were instantly furious, and the momentum of more than a dozen modified people burst out, and they were about to force their shots! "Stop it!" Cao Chenghe waved his hand, "This is China, even if a case occurs, it is not under your jurisdiction. I will intervene in this matter, and you just wait for the result!" Just now, Cao Chenghe also suddenly remembered something! Although, he didn't know Brother Liu! But these two children, one black and one white, were they assigned by Mr. Chu? Their identities are extraordinary! How can we let outsiders hurt them! "Cao Chenghe, you are protecting him!" The international visitors were furious. "He killed people from our six countries. This is an international case!" Cao Chenghe straightened his body. "So what?!" "You..." "Just wait!" "We will launch an international trial and call for international arbitration! Condemn you!" "None of these murderers will escape!" "Only international punishment is waiting for them, water torture, electric shock!" Cao Chenghe was also in turmoil when he heard it! The troubles in the future can be imagined! But now, he has to be tough. He said in a low voice: "The international trial process will take at least 30 days. Before that, they are under the supervision of China!" And Liu Di.

Bringing warm winter and cold winter, he came to everyone as if no one was around, and wanted to leave on his own! No matter what Cao Chenghe said, the visitors from the 6 countries would naturally not let him go! The next moment, led by the witch, more than a dozen modified people surrounded Liu Di! "Who dares to stop me?" Liu Di was extremely angry! His face was distorted! A murderous aura burst out without control! It was the most fierce aura among the thousands of forces! Ying... More than a dozen modified people suddenly felt the air stagnant! There was a whimper in their ears! The world was spinning! They were almost dizzy from the pressure of this momentum! They had only one thought in their minds, the gap was too big! As ordinary people, the visitors from the 6 countries were trembling and dared not move! Liu Di left with his younger brother and sister in a dignified manner! Cao Chenghe directly stopped everyone, "I will put them in jail!" And Liu Di, regardless of what was behind him! This time, he wanted to do it his own way! The existing rules are restrictive! He couldn't let his emotions put China in a difficult position! However, the rules are made by the strong! In an instant, Brother Liu magnified the plan in his mind tenfold! This world is in chaos, so we have to set things right!

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