My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 341 Eliminating Harm for the People

But he said Brother Liu.

We took a detour and came to the wall of Xingwei's experimental foundation.

Brother Liu hesitated for a moment.

"Demon boy, it's my first time to steal something, I'm a little nervous.

"Didn't you say this was to eliminate the threat?" "Well... I was a little nervous about the threat for the first time!" "Brother Liu, relax. I checked the surrounding surveillance. There are 63 employees in this laboratory. More than 80 people just ran out. Even the mice felt the radiation and their families moved away!" There's not even a ghost in the house now! "Well... Demon boy, have the nearby surveillance cameras been blocked?" ""certainly.

"I still feel uneasy."

"Okay, all the cameras in the 10 kilometers nearby are dark, and the Haishi police phone calls are jammed for 5 minutes. Is that enough?" The police officer can't find you! "Well, that's pretty much it!" "...Duan Hua's office.

"What? The call to the police was intercepted?" "The surveillance in the entire Eastern District failed?" "Oh no, something big is going to happen. I'm afraid an international criminal group is targeting our city!" "Hurry up and dispatch manpower to search the entire Eastern District immediately. !" Duan Hua hung up the phone.

I was sweating profusely and feeling panicked! With such a big battle, what level of criminals are there? Why is it me, Haishi? Is it possible that I got retribution for inciting the children to fight yesterday? Duan Hua didn't have time to think too much, put on his coat and rushed out the door! ...Brother Liu is protected.

With a leap, his body flew more than ten meters into the air, and he jumped onto the top floor of the experiment! Looking through the skylight, I found that the huge venue... was full of people! It’s just that they are all dead! There are also some damaged equipment and equipment! Brother Liu frowned slightly! The reformer just now lost control from here! And slaughter all the way! Brother Liu couldn't help but think of the European 'Hercules' Human Transformation Base! I hope Xingwei just lost control for a moment! Otherwise it will be another hell on earth! Confirmed that there are no more survivors! Brother Liu jumped down suddenly! The metal experimental cabin had been shattered by the impact in the battle just now! From the energy warehouse behind, two half-meter-high lead cylinders faintly leaked out! There is a huge blood red 'x' printed on the top of the column! Devil Boy: "Highly concentrated polonium-210!" Brother Liu slowly approached and felt his skin was slightly numb, and there seemed to be a slight blockage in the air! It seems that this polonium-210 has been leaked! With such exposure to radiation, it may not take long for ordinary people to develop severe radiation symptoms! Brother Liu said: "Can we use it?" The devil boy said: "Of course! Polonium, chemical symbol po, is a silver-white metal that can glow in the dark. It is one of the rarest elements known, with the highest concentration in the earth's crust. About one part in 100 trillion! "This is synthetically concentrated polonium, and the amount is quite large!" "Xingzhi is really powerful!" Brother Liu nodded slightly.

With a little force in his arms, he pulled out the two lead cans from the machine! At this time, it was also the closest moment when he had no protection and was exposed to radioactive elements! Inexplicable.

Brother Liu felt a burning sensation in his body.

It seems like something has been awakened! The demon boy exclaimed, "There are some changes in your DNA sequence! It's very strong. They repaired the previous wounds very quickly, and they have a tendency to mutate. Now that the radiation has become stronger, they have gained energy, and there is a faint trend of change!" "But this won't work. The radiation is too strong and your body can't bear it. We must take it back to the cemetery to control the decay!" But Brother Liu was suddenly silent! He cannot detect the changes in DNA! However, he felt an inexplicable connection with the water drop pendant! Something seems to be throbbing in the pendant! There is a weak force rushing out! It's liquid metal! Could it be that by strengthening one's genetic compilation, one can obtain liquid metal from the water drop pendant? Just when Liu Di was confused, the devil boy's voice came again, "Liu Di, that huge door in the distance is also used to isolate radiation. Let's go see what's there!" Liu Di turned around.

But I saw a huge metal door with enough space for two people flashing in the distance, and it was closed tightly! It also has a red ‘x’ printed on it! Brother Liu came to the door and twisted the huge handle! Click, click! The door that was originally locked had all the lock springs and buckles smashed into pieces by the huge force! The easiest way to break a door! The moment the door opened, Brother Liu was also slightly stunned.

A whole row of 10 metal lead cans! Each one has a red ‘x’ pattern! "Oh...I'll go..." The demon boy transformed directly into an archaeologist, jumping back and forth in the perspective! "This is all polonium-210!" "Oh my God!" "Xingwei is so good..." "So many!" The devil boy thought: "There is only one possibility! Polonium-210 is a natural radioactive nuclear element in the uranium series , coexisting with uranium in pitchblende mines, hidden in the 'three wastes' of mineral mining!" "With such a large amount, Xingwei probably contracted the asphalt mines in the northern hemisphere!" "It will take at least 10 years to extract these polonium! "Brother Liu, we've sent it again!" "But... this is quite scary!" "If these poloniums undergo nuclear fusion, they will blow up half of the earth!" Brother Liu pursed his lips slightly.

This is a bit unexpected! Xingwei's strength is greater than he imagined! How could a small company obtain so many radioactive elements? I'm afraid there is official support! However, Xingwei is also extremely confident. He has stored so much polonium and really wants to create an army of cyborgs! "Well..." "We can't let them continue to develop like this!" "These things must be taken away!" Liu Di said to himself! Devil Boy: "Yeah! I understand, if there is enough reason, stealing things is also killing harm for the people!" "Haha.

"Brother Liu didn't say anything! He picked up fragments of protective clothing from the ground and wrapped the lead cans one by one! Suddenly.

Liu Di saw a computer with a flickering screen in the distance! He hesitated for a moment, came to the front, and danced his fingers! The data in the hard drive was instantly displayed! But all of them were data about radiation-modified people.

These methods and methods, Mo Tong only had one sentence to evaluate - garbage, backward, and useless! However, there are other conspiracies about Xingzhi.

And the mystery about his father in Liu Di's heart, nothing was found here! Mo Tong also asked dully, "I always feel a little strange! Why don't these transformation agencies use the Internet?" "Are they guarding against me?" Liu Di frowned, "Mo Tong, this world is very strange, we can't claim to be invincible!" Liu Di slowly stroked the water drop pendant on his chest.

This is a huge mystery!

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