My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 333 It’s none of my business

Everyone's heart tightened! Could it be him! This earth element is the target of the entire Cobra Army! Was he fighting just now? The earth element said aggrievedly: "I didn't do anything!" Carmen stood up and shouted angrily: "Little Fatty, how could you still be standing! Where are my warriors!" Uh... this... The earth element hesitated slightly! Coincidentally, a breeze blew! The floating dust in the yard was taken away by the breeze! The world gradually became clear! I saw that in the ruins! In addition to the little fat earth element, there were 4 figures standing in it! But under this gorgeous appearance, these 5 figures were not so majestic! The smart and strong image in the building before disappeared without a trace! One by one, they were stunned! Covered in dust, their hair was already gray! Staring with eyes, it was like a mine disaster scene! Then, the situation under their feet slowly appeared! On the ruins! Cobra warriors were lying in all directions! Various fainting, various foaming at the mouth! Some heads were stuffed into the pillars! Some had half of their bodies pressed under the stone slabs! The worst was Lan Zuoren from the international team! His head was stuck in the dirt, his legs were facing the sky, and he was twitching slightly! Under the breeze, on the ruins, there were "corpses" all over the ground, and 5 figures standing there in a daze! This should have been a heroic scene! But it was broken by a scream of collapse! "God!" Carmen's eyes almost popped out! What's going on! All my soldiers were knocked down? This is unrealistic! Aren't there a group of students on the opposite side? They are all little brats! "Who is it! Who did it!" Carmen shouted, his face turned purple in an instant, and he covered his chest with his hands, stepping back! "Hey... you old man..." Duan Hua pouted slightly, holding back the English words at the end, and then said: "Old Carmen, don't try to touch porcelain, no one will care if you die here!" "You..." Carmen pointed at Duan Hua with trembling fingers, as if he had forced the blood in his throat back. He stomped his feet, "Who did it!" Cough... Taoist Jianxu coughed because of the dust, and spit out a stream of yellow soil from his mouth, "It's none of my business, I didn't do anything!" Then, Tie Sanshisan's low voice came, "I didn't do anything either!" "Me too!" "I don't know what happened either?!" The members of the Huaxia team said one after another, although they were in a mess, but they spoke righteously! "This is impossible, it's not you!" Carmen was already hysterical! Suddenly.

A small wall in the distance collapsed inexplicably! The dust was blown away by the breeze in an instant! One of the men in a white shirt was holding a Cobra team member's neck in his hand, and was about to knock him unconscious! Everyone was stunned! The scene was instantly silent! Brother Liu? ! At this moment, Brother Liu froze in his movements, cursing in his heart, how did the wall fall? Too careless! Then, Brother Liu gently put the Cobra member on the ground and helped him straighten his collar, but saw that the Cobra was so frightened that he fainted! Brother Liu stood up with his hands behind his back and said solemnly: "I don't know anything either!" Hiss... Everyone gasped! Isn't this just a lie? General Carmen roared like thunder, "It's you! I underestimated you! It's you who did it!" Brother Liu spread his hands, "Do you have evidence? Old... General?" I... You... Carmen is going to vomit blood again! Looking around, the 5-story building has become a ruin! There must be no surveillance footage! And the International Group and Cobra are scrapped and can't speak! There is really no evidence now! There is no way to deal with this kid! Carmen felt dizzy! It was only when Duan Hua kicked a chair over that he reluctantly sat down! The most shocked person at the scene was Zi Yue! Did the Chinese team do all this? Or...Did Liu Di do it alone? Zi Yue had one more piece of information than the others! Among her students, only Liu Di got in by himself! He was an accident! As for the others, whether it was the silly-looking Tu Yuan or the playful hacker girl, they were all elites from all walks of life that Long Wei was looking for in China! They disguised themselves as ordinary people and passed the test! The purpose was to defeat the international team in Xingzhi! All this was planned! But Zi Yue knew very little about these students. She only knew that they were very strong, but their specific abilities were kept secret by the higher-ups! Originally, Zi Yue thought that Liu Di would be the last one to come out on top! Now...In this scene, the Chinese team was covered in dust! And Liu Di's clothes were still so clean and handsome! This was most likely caused by Liu Di! He took on the international team alone, plus 50 European Cobra troops! He even demolished the building! Zi Yue's heart was buzzing! She really couldn't see through it! "Very strong, very strong... a great body!" Suddenly, the voice of Linard, the instructor of the international group, came faintly. He looked straight at Brother Liu, and a glimmer flashed in his eyes! Brother Liu walked out leisurely and flicked the dust off his body.

He smiled at Ziyue: "Now that our opponent is gone, we don't have to compete. On the day of issuing graduation certificates, please call me, instructor!" This... Ziyue was full of curiosity and shock, but found that she was speechless! Then Brother Liu said to Duan Hua: "Sir, this time the ending is a bit difficult, is it okay?" Duan Hua looked at the ruins in front of him and sighed dejectedly: "I really give up, fight if you want to, why bother with sand?" Then.

In the eyes of everyone, Brother Liu was calm and walked out of the campus slowly! He came in a low-key manner and left after demolishing the building.

It’s as if everything is not in his eyes! Everyone has different thoughts! The members of the Chinese team pretended to be innocent on the surface, but they were also shocked in their hearts! This guy is also an unreformed person! But it can be so strong! It's 10 times stronger than my own full-strength explosion! The self-confidence of these young outstanding players in China has been severely damaged! Brother Liu, it seems like an insurmountable mountain! Ziyue's eyes flashed and she looked at Duan Hua with an expression of 'Do you know the inside story?' Duan Hua raised his head, curled his lips and scratched the corners of his mouth, with an expression of 'it's none of my business'! Then, Duan Hua looked at the angry and half-dead General Carmen with a smile! Commander Duan’s highlight moment is coming! "Old Carmen, come on..." "Now that all your team members are lying down, what do you think?" "You are right, this is really the difference between superior physique and inferior physique!" "Haha! Carmen's face turned purple and she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't let me find out who he is!" " want to continue giving away people's lives, I won't stop you!" Duan Hua took a sip of the wolfberry soaked in the thermos.

He crossed his legs and jumped up! He shouted to his subordinates behind him: "Send an official statement and say that the European Cobra special forces came to China to challenge the special forces, but they were defeated by a fat cook from the special forces!" Tu Yuan was speechless. After doing it, "Sir Duan, I'm not a cook.

Duan Hua glared, "Little fat man, shut up. If you have a big head and a thick neck, you will be a hot guy if you are not a rich man!" Are you rich? "I'm not..." "Then it's over?" "But he saw General Carmen on the side, his eyes rolled, he fell down, and he fainted! ... But he didn't know that Brother Liu was panicking outside the gate! He inadvertently saw the phone, Teacher Ji Anyi, missed the call 137!

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