My right eye is a god-level computer

33. The underground boss of Hai City?

2 hours later.

Office on the top floor of Haishi Mass nightclub.

The office of nearly 200 square meters is extremely luxurious and noble! In the center of the room, behind a 3-meter-long desk.

A strong man wearing a suit with a fox fur collar sat in the darkness, the red charcoal of the cigar in his mouth flickering brightly and dimly.

In the midsummer weather, this man's fur collar looked a bit nondescript.

But it is undeniable that this outfit really adds a bit of momentum to him.

Cruel and cruel, a sense of déjà vu.

Behind the strong man stood a top-notch black-haired beauty wearing a red cheongsam, gently squeezing the man's shoulders.

Dang Dang Dang! There was a rapid knock on the door.

m Boss Black Fox, something strange happened! "A middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit walked in, looking anxious.

The strong man behind the boss's desk looked calm and said slowly: "A Feng, how do you behave in such a panic?" "Boss, I can't help but panic! I have lived for more than 40 years and I have never I've seen something weird like this!" A Feng was a little excited: "Boss, two of our places were inspected an hour ago!" "What's so alarming about this? Let's find someone to smooth things over. That’s it.

"The black fox looked calm and gently put out the cigar in the ashtray.

"No, boss, these two bars are not open at all! They have just been renovated!" "Although we have prepared some goods inside, we haven't received anyone yet! Except for our own brothers, no one knows about our place. Bring the goods!" Black Fox frowned, "So, there is an undercover among our people?" "Boss, I thought so at first!" A Feng said with a sad face: "I didn't take these two places seriously at first. It’s because I was at the dock preparing to pick up the goods, there were three of us, me, Mad Dog and Shazhao!” “As a result, the fishing boat delivering the goods to us was intercepted by the coast guard before it even docked! "Go back!" "What?" Black Fox suddenly stood up from the backrest! Afeng continued: "Boss, you know, only the three of us and you know the information about the arrival of this cargo ship!" "Is there an undercover agent among the three of you?" Black Fox narrowed his eyes, and his voice suddenly turned cold! "Boss, this matter is not that simple. Just when the three of us were about to check each other out, an evil phone call suddenly came!" "The guy on the phone seemed to know everything, so he just said: Stop looking, you guys." There is no traitor!" A Feng's hands trembled slightly, "Boss, the place where we are waiting for the boat is on the coastline, and it is the back of the reef that we randomly selected to hide. There is no way there is surveillance on us! , there is no bug!" "And just when we came to find you, he called several times!" "He told us where you were!" "He also told us that we had the wrong car key, and told Shaver that we didn't need it! Wait for the red light!" "He even forgot to press the elevator button when we got on the elevator!" "He can hear everything and see everything!" After finishing speaking, Afeng looked around carefully. , I still have lingering fears! Black Fox frowned, and subconsciously glanced around the room and said: "Don't be nervous, there are no cameras in my room, and there can't be monitors!" Black Fox stood up from the chair, and his height was nearly two meters. , the chest is as broad as a city wall, full of oppression! “It seems that our opponent this time is very unusual.

"However, I, Black Fox, don't believe in his pretentious tricks!" "As long as he is alive, it is impossible for him to leave no traces!" "Then, Black Fox took out a new cigar, slowly held it in his mouth, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ah Feng hurriedly looked around for a lighter, but couldn't find it.

At this time, Black Fox's cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

"It's him!" Afeng glanced at the caller ID, his voice trembling.

Black Fox gestured calmly, Afeng pressed the hands-free button, and a voice immediately sounded. The voice sounded very young, with a sense of joking: "Put your lighter in your LV bag.

"Hei Hu and A Feng looked at each other.

All of a sudden the hair on the hair stood on end! Ah Feng hurriedly picked up the leather bag on the table and rummaged around, but couldn't find it for a while.

"It's stuck in the middle of your pile of pornographic photos of celebrities!" the voice on the phone said lazily.

Ah Feng took out the photos and slammed the lighter onto the table.

"Also, the pile of information in your bag that you intend to use to threaten officials is all false. You have been deceived, idiot!" the voice on the phone said casually.

Black Fox suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead! He held his purse and stared around cautiously.

"Also, let me tell you about your sweetheart, you can't go to her tonight, you can't go anywhere today!" "Who the hell are you!" Black Fox was furious, grabbed the phone and shouted angrily! "Aren't you convinced that I will leave traces? Come to me if you can!" Dududu... the other party hung up the phone.

The atmosphere in the office was eerily quiet.

Ah Feng stood aside blankly, not daring to breathe.

The black fox, on the other hand, had a solemn expression.

He knew that he was in trouble this time! If the other party even knows where his lighter is.

Then what secrets do I have? Wouldn't I be killed at any time? Suddenly, the black-haired beauty behind Black Fox handed over a note: Boss, why don't you try to track the phone number just now? "Yes! Afeng, immediately..." Black Fox suddenly stopped talking here, covered the note with his hand, and whispered: "Do it immediately, find the strongest hacker on the road to do it, and find him at all costs! As soon as possible!" After a long 30 minutes.

Black Fox, who had been hiding in the utility room, finally waited for the news. The location of that phone number has been determined! It was actually in the Internet cafe next to the Mass Nightclub! "I was a hidden master at that time, but it turned out to be just a little hacker who was still wet behind the ears!" Black Fox's face showed a trace of terrifying hideousness, "Send me 20 brothers, no, 30! Catch this kid back for me!" "You dare to eavesdrop on me, I'll let you know what it means to regret being born!" Dinglingling! Black Fox's phone rang again! It was still the same number! How could it be! The phone in his hand was also a new mobile phone with a new number that he had just changed! Black Fox picked up the phone nervously, but the other party just said calmly: "I'll give you a fair suggestion, send some experts over!" Damn it! Black Fox took three steps back! At this moment, the utility room of less than 5 square meters was empty, with nothing in it! There could be no surveillance! The only electrical appliance was the light bulb on the ceiling! ..20 minutes ago.

Liu Di came to this Internet club called Haoting.

With the boss stunned, Liu Di directly scanned the code and paid 1 million! Liu Di asked the boss to clear all the guests and open the door! He said he was going to fight with someone in a while! At this time.

The puzzled boss was looking at the young man sitting in the middle of the Internet cafe, smoking calmly.

Whose rich second generation is this guy? Is he trying to fight like Young and Dangerous? He is stupid and rich! 1 million is enough to buy 3 times the machines in my Internet cafe! Fights in Internet cafes often happen! Usually it's just a few kids fighting, and at most a few chairs are broken and a few screens are smashed! I can definitely earn 1 million! Haha, I'm really lucky! But can we still fight? The boss was actually a little bored! But when he turned his head and looked outside the door.

"Damn! What's going on?!" I saw a large group of at least hundreds of tattooed young men, holding sticks and machetes, coming aggressively! And their target.

was the stupid rich second generation who was still smoking!

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