My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 323 Where is he from?

In this era, the Internet is so developed! In the next 30 minutes.

The "Black Windbreaker" video shot by various mobile phones and various angles spread to the entire Internet! Not only domestically, but also internationally, it instantly topped the list of popular videos! It's not the first time people have watched superhero videos.

But it's the first time they have seen such a fierce one! People were shocked, and their curiosity soared to an unprecedented height! In the video comment area of ​​Huaxia, the discussion was the most intense! "Oh my god, who is this?" "Does anyone know who he is?" "Does anyone know who this hero who pulled the bridge with his bare hands is?" Remember http:// in one second "Compared to him, Xingzhi's Iron Rhino is so weak!" "This guy's windbreaker is so handsome!" "I'm a fan!" "What organization is this guy from? Does he have a name?" "He didn't leave any information, no name!" "Is he a hidden master?" "I think he should be called Black Windbreaker!" "Vague! He should be called Super Black Windbreaker!" "Stupid mortals, this is SCP-035!" "Sorry! That's my husband. He doesn't want to reveal his name. You can call him Black Man!" "Stop kidding, this guy may very well be our Chinese local hero!" "Yeah, he appeared in Haishi the first time, so he should be from Haishi!" "We have never had a hero in China before. We should support him to debut as the center. No matter how handsome the hero Xingzhi is, he is a foreigner!" "Support +1!" "Same windbreaker as Black Man for sale!" In just over ten minutes, there were tens of thousands of comments! All videos related to the scene of the black windbreaker saving people have received a lot of likes. The hottest ones are all black-clad figures! And the major websites also issued news at the first time.

‘A mysterious hero suddenly appeared in Huaxia Haishi, with unimaginable power! ’ ‘The Baimi Huihai Bridge collapsed, and it was dragged by one person! ’ ‘The Huihai Bridge accident affected 3,000 people, but with the help of the black-clad hero and other ‘several people’, no one was injured! ’ ‘Disappointment! According to the mysterious person, the black-clad hero who appeared in Haishi is very likely from the fighting nation of Russia! ’ ‘It has only been one hour since the hero of the bridge appeared, and dozens of fan associations have been established in the private sector to support the hero’s debut! ’ ‘Many large international companies have expressed their desire to hire the hero Black Knight as their spokesperson, and the price is up to you! ’ In the eyes of the world.

All they pay attention to are the hero’s cool and heroic appearance! In the eyes of the top leaders of various countries and various cyborg organizations, it is another kind of shock! It can be called an uproar! Countless experts calculated through the video that the power of this black windbreaker can reach at least 150 meters! Breaking through their cognition! Beyond all transformation technologies! The research base of the "Lion" organization in Germany and Italy.

An old expert repeatedly calculated the data in his hand and slowly raised his head, "This is definitely C-level strength, crossing the threshold of B-level and reaching C-level without any record!" The researchers on the scene were all unbelievable! Several generals of the war department also flashed a trace of panic on their faces! This means that as long as this transformation person takes action, no transformation person in any country can compete! In the future competition of national strength, no one has a chance of winning! C-level, but it has always existed in theory.

No institution has ever successfully experimented! People only know that reaching B-level may awaken the body's hidden abilities! As for C-level, I dare not imagine! Which force does this C+ transformation person belong to? ! Of course.

The foreign ministries of many countries called China as soon as possible.

Asked whether the black windbreaker hero belonged to China! The Chinese government hesitated for a long time.

Unified reply: "Confidential!" At the same time

In a magazine company located in Europe.

The president of the company and a group of executives gathered in the conference room.

Staring at a list in front of him, he fell into silence and hesitated.

The name of this company is ‘Fox’, and its ‘Fox Rich List’ has had a huge impact on the world! Now, the ‘Fox Hero List’ they created has become the most watched superhuman list in the world! An executive spoke first: "President, so far, we have not received any official contact from the man in black, and no one has bought a ranking for him!" "But the voice on the Internet is very high. If we don’t add his name, it seems unfair!" President Fox rubbed his temples, "Okay, okay, making a list can’t just be for making money, the so-called authority must also be considered!" "Let’s put him on the 20th hero in the world!" "Okay!" The executive frowned again, "But his names on the Internet are varied, black windbreaker, black man, scp... What should we call him?" President Fox frowned, "That’s a problem!" Then, everyone started a discussion! 5 minutes later, these people reached a consensus.

Named this hero without any information: ‘blackclothes.

\u0026 # 39;Chinese text: ‘Black Clothes! ’ Then, with the photo of him looking back coldly by the broken bridge, Black Clothes’ name was listed on the ‘Fox Hero List’! Next.

A scene that stunned everyone appeared.

The Fox ranking list has the function of public support! Seeing that the number of supporters of Black Clothes reached hundreds of millions in a very short time! Then 200 million, 300 million, and 500 million! The momentum completely crushed the heroes of other countries! Unstoppable! "President, in this case, it is difficult to explain why the ranking is not adjusted!" "The number of supporters of Iron Rhino, ranked fifth, is only 80 million!" A group of executives stared at the data in a daze, feeling a little unsure.

"Damn it, how could such a person appear!" President Fox gritted his teeth, "Forget it, adjust Black's ranking to fourth! Push down Xingzhi's iron face!" "It can only be like this!" "Skywalker, who is ranked second, and Arc, who is ranked third, must not be moved!" "Xingzhi is our big customer. If Bertram is not satisfied, return half of his advertising fee!" Everyone's face was complicated! It looks like this, this month's bonus will be lost! And netizens are also scolding! It's a bit unfair! Why is Black only fourth? Is Skywalker better than him? Of course, Fox can only be strong! Hard mouth equals authority! But despite this.

Everyone at Fox racked their brains to conceive the ranking.

No one considered touching the first place on the list! This person.

At the beginning of the list, the International Alliance Council called personally! He must be the first superhero, and forever! And the entire Fox executives also saw a top-secret document at this opportunity! Deeply shocked! The awe directly overwhelmed their profiteering! Even ordinary people cannot understand it at all.

Their thoughts are also unwavering.

The first place on the hero list must be - the hero "savior"!

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