My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 314 Unpredictable

“Tsk tsk.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Liu put the test tube back and said with a curl of his lips: "I originally wanted to see what nutrients were in this potion, but I found that I couldn't understand it.

"However, I don't like the color of this potion very much!" "It makes me lose my appetite and I refuse to take it!" "Liu Di stood up and put his hands behind his back, looking like it was natural.

"I protect you because you are Chinese, but you don't have to be arrogant!" Ziyue frowned, looked unhappy, and said coldly: "Do you still want to not abide by any rules?" "Don't say that.

Liu Di turned around and said with a smile: "After all, I am your student now. You are a teacher, so naturally you have to be more tolerant. You might as well be a surprise to me!" "Also, I just don't live here. When your group is assembled, you can just call me. I can abide by the rule of not being late!" "After that, Brother Liu left openly! Remember this cynical attitude for a second. He didn't want people from Xingzhi to find out that he was too close to Huaxia! Ziyue looked at the man blankly. back view.

There is nothing you can do against him! This man doesn't care at all whether he is a hero or not, his behavior is free and easy! To say that he is arrogant is not appropriate.

But if you say he despises everything, he doesn’t seem worthy! Ziyue's brows furrowed even more tightly.

Bear with it for a while! There will be training to follow! If he thinks it's useless, it's not too late to teach him a lesson! No matter what, I have a mission and cannot miss any potential stocks! ...outside the testing site.

A group of registrants were anxiously waiting to enter.


On the big screen outside the venue, the number representing qualified personnel changed from 5 to 6! Everyone's heart trembled! After the test standards were raised, only one person got in! It's the guy in the white shirt! Is he so strong? Everyone can't believe it! After a moment, he showed a fascinated expression again! The facts are in front of us and we have to admit it! If that kid passes the entry test, he can stay in Xingwei. Even if he doesn't become a hero, his future prospects will not be bad! How I wish this person was me! 10 minutes later.

Brother Liu walked out slowly.

Everyone is watching! The eyes are full of envy! Watch Brother Liu leave on his own.

No one dared to come up and talk to me! We can only watch from a distance! There is no doubt that this man's single punch strength reached an astonishing 230 kilograms! This is an incredible power! Although he is still a hero now, who dares to provoke him with such terrifying strength? Only the rich second generation wearing a British suit had cold eyes.

I almost crushed the ticket in my hand into a ball! Passed the entry test? good very good! It’s even more fun this time! I'll be waiting for you at Hero Academia! You will regret messing with me! ...After Brother Liu returned to the experimental cemetery.

Came to the experimental table for the first time.

The surface of the 'nothing' on the wrist melted like water lines, and a drop of blue liquid lay in it.

I just stole it.

Brother Liu dropped the medicine into a glass slide and observed it under a microscope.

Unexpectedly, strange cells were discovered in the potion that were moving one after another! Mo Tong: "This is an active enzyme, DNA hydrolase, which destroys the phosphodiester bonds responsible for binding in DNA molecules.

"In other words, this thing will slowly soften the DNA chain for later modification!" "There are also some ingredients in this potion that can strengthen the system, but the effect is minimal."

"But..." "This DNA hydrolase is a little weird!" "It seems to have been artificially mutated. After entering the human body, if it is not suppressed, it is likely to have unforeseen consequences, such as complete mutation of DNA, death of the subject, or development into deformities, monsters, etc..." Brother Liu looked at the ferocious hydrolase bodies in the camera lens and frowned slightly.

Xingzhi is indeed not willing to be controlled! There is a conspiracy hidden in this potion! This mutated biological enzyme is a double-edged sword! It can soften DNA and pave the way for transformation, but it also lays the foundation for huge hidden dangers! If there are no special drug restrictions, this hidden danger will explode! Brother Liu was determined.

This is the method Xingwei uses to control his transformed people! It doesn't matter how they control those European heroes.

Once they use the Hero Academy to transform the Chinese people in the future, wouldn't this become a hidden secret? Brother Liu sighed slightly.

Now that you know it, you can’t just sit back and watch! Immediately, he plunged into research again.

The demon boy also simulated multiple possibilities in an instant, looking for ways to dissolve biological enzymes! Time flies.

The medicine had just begun to take effect when it was 5:00 pm.

Brother Liu drove to the city.

But I saw many luxury cars at the entrance of Yingjie Primary School.

A little boy who was obviously a head shorter than the others.

Under the respectful watch of all the older children, he slowly walked out of the school gate.

Brother Liu smiled and said nothing.

It seems like this kid is very quick to get along with others! ...that night.

Two pretty figures were sitting on the balcony of a high-end residence in Haishi.

Looking down at the gorgeous night view in front of me.

Everyone has something to think about.

If Brother Liu saw this scene, he would definitely be surprised! One of these two beauties is Teacher Ji Anyi from Yingjie Primary School who is wearing a floral dress and has a pretty face! The other person is surprisingly the instructor of Xingwei Hero Academy, codenamed Ziyue, and his real name is Ji Baiwei! "sister.

Ji Anyi took a sip of the juice on the table and said with interest: "A strange child came to our class today."

"He is 3 years younger than the other kids!" "But isn't it strange that he scored 148 on the entrance intelligence test! Genius level!" "I've never seen such a high score!" "But he hasn't grown up yet!" "What's more interesting is that I don't know how this little guy did it, but in just one day, the older kids in the class were all so impressed with him that they all called him 'little brother'. I couldn't stop them!" Sister Ji Baiwei smiled slightly, "They are just kids playing around!" Then, a hint of helplessness flashed across Ji Baiwei's face, "Speaking of which, a strange person also came to our test base today!" "I can't figure this guy out. He gives me a feeling of superior strength, but he also seems like a fool!" Ji Baiwei took a sip of the red wine in the goblet, "What bothers me the most is that he is disobedient and doesn't follow any of the base's rules!" "I also recommended him to my boss, I hope he won't embarrass me! "Ji Anyi giggled and rubbed her sister's shoulders, "Sister, you are so powerful, you will definitely discipline them!" "I am different. I am facing children. I can't hit them or scold them!" "But the father of my 4-year-old student is very handsome! If he hadn't been married, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself!" Ji Baiwei heard it and shook her head and smiled, "Don't worry, my student is also very handsome, I will introduce him to you if I have the chance!" "Oh? A big hero?" Ji Anyi's eyes flashed, "Sister, you must keep your word!"

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