My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 311 Strength Test

"I am here.

"Liu Di walked out slowly with his hands behind his back.

at the same time.

There is a figure in a British suit in the distance who is not calm anymore! This guy holds the 48th entry number in his hand.

Damn it... This guy dared to trick me. He ranked first and even bid with me, costing me 6 million in vain! The second-generation rich man has a hot temper. He is so angry that he is ready to step forward! "Testers, maintain order. If anyone disrupts order, I will disqualify him!" The supervisor on site gave a cold shout as a warning! The rich second generation had no choice but to withdraw from the crowd, gritting his teeth in anger! Remember http:// in one second: A cold light flashed in his eyes! Boy, don't let me see you! Otherwise, I'll break your legs! Its testers also had weird expressions.

This guy is so skinny! And the testing power has just been increased! Everyone seemed to have seen Brother Liu walking out dejectedly! But he said Brother Liu.

Slowly walked into the testing hall.

He is actually the calmest one in the eyes of all the testers! Brother Liu glanced.

When I saw the staff in the hall, there was a mix of Chinese and foreigners.

This is China, and even the Xingwei Group may not be able to completely privatize it! "Mr. Liu, the first step of the test is to draw blood for testing.

"Before the first checkpoint, a foreign doctor wearing a white coat and a white mask said without emotion while looking at Liu Di's information.

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "I saw in the test instructions that this step can be skipped?" Huh? The foreign doctor suddenly looked up.

I tested thousands of applicants, and every one of them was respectful and followed the procedures.

This is the first time I’ve seen someone who doesn’t play by the rules! "I kindly remind you that if you don't do a blood test, you will miss the best opportunity.

"If you have HR-negative blood and pass the test, you will enter an independent group and receive special treatment."

"But if you don't cooperate, I'll default to you giving up this opportunity."

"The doctor's tone was a little displeased.

Brother Liu shrugged, "I choose not to cooperate!" The foreign doctor frowned.

Self-righteous Chinese people! Do you think you are amazing? His face was full of disdain, and he drew a red cross on the blood type item in Liu Di's information form! Then, he handed over the form with a smile, "Young man, your choice is very wise. Anyway, the ending is the same!" Liu Di did not speak.

Instead, he walked straight into the next venue.

Strength testing area! As soon as he entered the venue, Brother Liu felt like laughing for no reason.

This scene is so similar to Yingzhi’s underground laboratory! An open field, reinforced walls, and the exact same strength testing machine! "Tester Brother Liu.

"There is glucose water here and a warm-up area over there. I can give you 5 minutes to adjust!" "The staff member next to the strength testing machine is a Chinese with a kind face and a much better attitude than those foreigners.

Brother Liu responded: "Thank you, no need!" Brother Liu walked straight to the center of the field.

Standing in front of a strength testing machine that is as tall as two people.

This machine is made of iron, with a red buffer gel in the center.

There are dozens of force sensors hidden within.

Brother Liu hesitated slightly.

Various data flashed in the perspective.

‘The impact force testing machine made in China has a force accuracy of less than or equal to 0.5% and a unique accuracy of less than or equal to 0.8%.

'The excited voice of the devil boy came: "Brother Liu, your exam is here! If you need the machine to display a single punch strength of 230 kilograms, you need to control the strength between 0.35%-0.38%!" 0.35%-0.38% ...Accurate to one ten thousandth? ! This is really difficult! Liu Di originally planned to reach the test threshold while hiding his strength perfectly to avoid being overly concerned by Xingwei! Now it seems.

a bit difficult! Brother Liu hesitated at the same time.

On a stand in the distance, an exquisite figure was watching coldly.

She has a very proud figure, wearing a tight leather jacket, high heels, straight black hair, and a touch of enchanting purple on her lips.

Cool and sexy, but people dare not approach! Her codename is Ziyue, and she is one of the instructors hired by the Hero Academy! And today's reserve hero selection is to be included in her group! at this time.

Ziyue frowned and looked at the man in white.

Exhaled slightly.

He is hesitating, so there is only one possibility! He has no confidence at all! It seems that he is another ordinary person who cannot pass the test! Ziyue was a little disappointed.

For two whole days, no outstanding talent appeared! But he saw Brother Liu taking a deep breath with a solemn expression.

He moved his shoulder armor and stared at the strength testing machine.

None of the people present had any expectations for him! It’s just a punch, so much pretense? As everyone knows, Brother Liu's headache is how to limit his power! Finally, Brother Liu moved! A punch was thrown out straight, with unprecedented momentum! boom! There was a loud noise and the machine trembled! The numbers on the display screen are rising rapidly! Jump from 0 to 100 in an instant! Everyone was also startled by this loud noise! Come here and pay attention! From the vibration just now, you can feel that this person is very powerful! Ziyue also frowned for an instant and stared intently! I saw the power value on the display constantly beating! 200kg...210kg! 220! Everyone’s hearts were in their throats! I originally thought that after the entry threshold was raised, the selected candidates would be only one in a million! Didn't you expect the first one to be so strong? has hope! 221...223...223.5...Gradually, the numbers on the display seemed to have lost their strength, moving slower and slower! finally.

Stopped at 223.8! Everyone was sighing! that's too regretful! Just a little bit different! But this small power is definitely one in a million! It's a pity that he is unlucky! Even if he gets a spot earlier, he will definitely pass the selection with excellent results! What? ! ! Brother Liu was stunned when he saw the data! Control failed! Is this okay? How to explain to my mother? Didn't Brother Liu want to laugh at me? This is not possible! Brother Liu thought quickly and came up with a plan! In this situation... I have no choice but to cheat! The next moment, Liu Di concentrated all his strength on his arms! The fist stopped in front of the strength testing machine charged forward again with terrifying power! In the blink of an eye, it rushed out 5 centimeters and returned quickly! This punch did not hit the machine! But it was Brother Liu's force that caused a dull sonic boom in a small area! The onlookers are just dazzled! The eardrums trembled slightly! what happened? They looked at Brother Liu again.

This man has withdrawn his fist and stood with his hands behind his back! It seems like they haven’t done anything? On the screen of the machine, the numbers started to beat strangely! 226...228...230...230.2! Ding...The machine suddenly issued a crisp prompt, "Congratulations on passing the strength test!" Everyone was speechless! Could it be that the machine is slow to respond? Only Ziyue in the stands had bright eyes! The cold expression instantly turned into shock! She quickly took a few steps forward, put her hands on the railing, and squinted again! My heart is ups and downs! What happened just now? I was hallucinating after all. that the so-called physical sonic boom? !

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