My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 304: Watching a show, is that so difficult?

In this day and age.

People have already been implanted with strong personal heroism through countless science fiction movies, comics, and stories.

Now, this kind of character suddenly comes into reality.

Instantly aroused the crazy worship in people's hearts! The press conference of Xingwei Group was a huge success! The whole world is shaken! With China as the center, an unprecedented superhero craze has set off! The heat remains high! It has almost become the most explosive information of this century! and.

Xingwei Group actually disclosed dozens of business plans in the press conference again! m is simply called the superhero economy! Superhero commercial activities open! Endorsements, film and television productions, even peripheral products, charity activities and more! The profits earned from this will be used by Xingwei Group to continue optimizing its technology! All the fanboys and fans have no brains to support! Of course, the most exciting news.

It is the Xingwei Group that is preparing to launch a superhero training base in China first! Recruit outstanding talents from all over China.

Once selected and tested, you have the opportunity to receive a makeover! Become a real superhero! As soon as this news comes out! The whole country is excited! Aroused the heroic dream in the hearts of countless people! The Xingwei Group's hero training base is only under preparation, but hundreds of millions of people are already supporting it! Brother Liu couldn't help but sigh! Now is the true arrival of the era of transforming people! Ding ding ding... Liu Di's phone rang.

Caller: Duan Hua.

“Boy, congratulations on winning the award.

Duan Hua's voice was a little weak, "Do you have time for us to meet?" "Brother Liu smiled playfully.

Chief Duan Hua is looking for him, naturally it is related to the Xingwei Group! Brother Liu is also very curious about how little information there is on the Internet.

Then I made an appointment with Duan Hua at a Chinese restaurant.

20 minutes later.

Lanzhou noodles.

Duan Hua's car stopped at the door.

A dozen plainclothes men were patrolling the area.

Brother Liu and Duan Hua sat opposite each other and each ordered a bowl of haola.

But Duan Hua had no appetite.

He took out a brown paper bag and pushed it in front of Brother Liu.

"You and Lisa Fei jointly solved the international child trafficking case and set fire to their nest.

"Well done."

“I received the Haishi Volunteer Enthusiastic Citizen Award, which I personally approved.

"This is a bonus, a full 2,000 yuan!" "Brother Liu scratched his head, feeling a little funny.

"That's too little. This is already the highest official bonus!" Duan Hua said, handing over another medal - the medal for courageous service.

Liu Di pursed his lips and said, "Thank you for the recognition from the organization!" Alas... Duan Hua let out a long sigh and turned to look out the window, "I don't know if I will have the chance to send this kind of message to us Chinese people again. Here's the medal!" "In the blink of an eye, those Europeans have become national heroes, and even our special operations team is not welcome!" Brother Liu knew there was something in Duan Hua's words.

Then he asked: "Xingzhi is making such a big fanfare, what is the attitude of our Chinese officials?" Duan Hua suddenly came over and whispered: "Then I will tell you about the current international situation!" "Now every country is building My own cyborg hero! "While shaping people's beliefs, this is also another level of competition!" "There is an international agreement not to interfere with each other's cyborg development.

"That's a good thing for the future!" “In the future, the battle between countries will be reduced to a competition between transformed people.

"There are no large-scale casualties, and the winner can still be decided!" "Alas... Duan Hua gently turned his thermos cup to soak the wolfberry, and said absently: "But our Chinese transformation technology is backward! The eldest brother just handed over a copy of the transformation technology a few days ago, and now he hasn't had time to create a powerful enough transformation person! "Brother Liu nodded slightly.

It seems that Chief Duan Hua does not know about Tianluo.

Moreover, Chinese officials are not prepared to disclose the existence of Tianluo to the outside world! "Our current situation..." Duan Hua sighed: "It's the same as before. If you can't make it yourself, you have to import it! When your technology matures, you can then come up with your own results.

"However, this makes me very suffocated!" "As time goes by, the people will worship foreigners and favor foreigners, and it will be difficult for us to deal with it!" Duan Hua said, giving Liu Di a few pieces of meat from his bowl.

"I know something that others don't know..." "We in China have people like you!" "I'll tell you the truth.

"Aren't you going to come forward and give us China a long face?" "Brother Liu groped his chin.

Thinking in mind.

As a developing country, China has indeed been left behind by the major powers.

Many science and technologies develop and grow through exploration.

But these days are different.

The leaders of Huayang seem to be completely calm! Lord Tuo and General Heishan said that there is a secret human-reinvention research center in China called 'Longwei'! Moreover, there is an unknown Tianluo! That's a total of 283 c+ modified people! This time, how can we say that China is weak? It's nothing more than a lion taking a nap, looking for opportunities! As for the so-called 'superheroes' of Xingzhi, they are nothing more than B-level strength! Incomprehensible! After a moment, Brother Liu said slowly: "I'm not prepared.

""What? "Why are you so unpatriotic?" Duan Hua glared and quickly took back the beef clipped to Brother Liu! "Didn't you say that you want to help me research transformation technology?" When does it begin? Brother Liu still shook his head, "One month has not come yet!" Duan Hua became even more angry and picked up a few pieces of beef from Brother Liu's bowl again! Ding-ding-ding-ding... Brother Liu's phone rang, Ajia called.

"Sir Duan Hua, I still have something to do, let's talk another day!" Brother Liu said and took away the medals on the table.

Just leave the restaurant! But Duan Hua, who was so angry just now, suddenly smiled cunningly.

He understands Liu Di’s character! Just because he's calm on the surface doesn't mean he's not ready to take action! Today, Duan Hua only needs to fill the firewood in place! Subsequently.

Duan Hua hummed a tune and started eating ramen! outside the door.

Brother Liu picked up the phone.

Just listen to Ajia say: "Brother Liu, there is something in the company that I am a little hesitant about.

""oh? "Brother Liu is also a little curious.

Ah Jia has always run the company very well and has never been indecisive! Ah Jia said: "The key to this matter is related to the brand image of our twins!" "You know about the superhero thing, right?" "They are contacting me now to discuss endorsements.

"Originally I'm not too keen on such weird things."

"However, Penguin took the lead. They spent more than one billion to invite Skywalker to speak for him!" "The moment the news was announced, their user support skyrocketed!" "Although our Gemini number of users exceeds his, we still have to maintain our brand image!" "Moreover, the contracts of several of Dian Arc's heroes were also signed immediately!" "Give me a suggestion, what should we do?" "After listening to this.

Brother Liu was a little surprised.

Has this superheroism affected you so quickly? Is it so difficult to watch a show? After thinking for a moment, Liu Di said slowly: "Forget signing with them. If the company needs it, I will create a few heroes for you at worst!" Ajia sighed: "Liu Di, you are talking nonsense again.


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