My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 302 The Age of Transhumanism

Brother Liu shrugged and looked around.

"I like peace and quiet. I once bought all the wasteland nearby in order not to be disturbed.

"About 50,000 square meters, 1 square meter...100 million!" "5 trillion!" "Bring me the money and seal the deal immediately!" "The foreigner in the black suit suddenly solidified his smile, "You...5 trillion? Thank you for thinking it through, Diao Min! If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine! "In a flash, his eyes turned cold, "We have long known that Chinese people love money as much as their lives! However, you are also as timid as a mouse! "Boy, you are very lucky. You have the honor to meet one of our Xingwei superheroes in advance today!" "Brother Liu smiled slightly.

It seems that this Xingzhi is not a decent person after all! This can't be bribed, are you ready to intimidate? Remember http:// in one second. Immediately, Liu Di looked at the Mercedes sedan in the distance with dark glass and no movement.

Pointing with his finger, "Are you talking about him?" "Hmph!" The foreigner in the black suit sneered, "Yes, you will soon know that our Star Weaver Gene is the existence that ordinary humans like you look up to! "Today, I specially invited the hero Iron Fist!" "Since you are so stubborn, why not let Iron Fist communicate with you personally?" The foreigner in the suit looked at Brother Liu with a smile.

He is responsible for the group's external expansion business, and has encountered many Chinese people who have difficulty communicating in the past few days! but.

As long as you ask Iron Fist to take action, there is no need to use violence at all! Iron Fist shows off its strength a little bit, smashing concrete piles or pushing giant trees.

Those Chinese people will be impressed instantly! This is the cowardice in their bones! There are even many people who have directly become fans of Tekken! Liu Di shrugged, "Since the Iron Fist heroes have arrived in person, I think I'd better go over and greet them!" As he said that, Liu Di slowly walked to the car.

He opened the back door smoothly and bent down to take a look.

I saw one of them, a European man who was as strong as a bear and had fists at least three times the size of an ordinary person, sitting among them.

He's just an A-level transformer.

I'm afraid it's the minions in the Xingwei Group! When he saw Brother Liu, he turned his head slightly, a trace of contempt flashing across his expression.

Then, Iron Fist prepared to get out of the car and show off his power.

"Don't worry.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Liu put a hand gently on Tie Fist's shoulder, "Just stay patiently in the car! "Iron Fist only felt an irresistible huge force coming from his shoulders! The next moment! Boom! The tires of the Mercedes-Benz's limbs exploded instantly! The whole vehicle fell directly! The people in black were so frightened that all the people present were shocked! Bang.

Brother Liu closed the car door hard.

Iron Fist, who was sitting in the car, broke out in cold sweat for a moment and didn't dare to move any further! Brother Liu clapped his hands and smiled at the black suit: "The Iron Fist hero said that he doesn't plan to come out.

"This... the man in the black suit's eyes widened and he stammered, "You... you are China's reformer! Liu Di did not explain, but said calmly: "Don't think that just by getting a few A-level transformers, you can do whatever you want in China. You'd better not anger me, otherwise I will make your Xingzhi have no place to stand!" " are so arrogant!" "The man in the black suit backed away, "I didn't expect that China, the most backward country, could also develop a modified person! "But don't be happy too early!" "Do you think our Xingwei's strength is just this?" "You will soon realize that we are a presence you cannot resist!" "Just wait for me. I'll bulldoze this shabby venue for you sooner or later!" "As he said that, he got into the car in a black suit and got into the car.

A row of cars started and drove away! Only the car with all four tires scrapped stayed on the same spot for a long time, and it was very difficult to move! Iron Fist sat among them, his face turned pale, and he was very embarrassed! "Haha!" Kun Sang laughed loudly and walked forward with a baseball bat, "Kun Sang gives you a ride!" Bang! Kun Sang pushed down the stick and the trunk of the car was instantly dented! The Mercedes car also took advantage of the force of the impact, finally started to move, and disappeared in a flash! Brother Liu looked at the motorcade going away.

Sighed softly.

This Xingwei will definitely be a trouble in the future! Subsequently.

Brother Liu glanced at Kun Sang.

He had lived in that shabby tent for more than ten days, and now he was no different than a beggar! "Xiao Xia, Kun Sang, come with me in, take a good bath, eat something, and rest!" Kun Sang turned his head, "I don't, the scholar can be killed but not humiliated!" "There is wine.

""All right.

"The three returned to the cemetery.

Kun Sang was amazed for 5 minutes and finally went to wash up! After Brother Liu ordered a dozen takeaways.

Open the imaging canopy immediately.

Locked in a TV program - Xingwei Group press conference.

It was exactly 12 noon and the press conference was about to begin! They chose the venue at Haishi Stadium! A gorgeous stage was set up in the huge open-air venue.

Below are countless media from domestic and foreign countries! Xingwei's handiwork is extremely large. Three days ago, he purchased a large amount of media advertisements at home and abroad.

Just put out that slogan.

‘Xingwei Biological Group discovers the secret of human body enhancement and unveils a new journey! ’ This method of holding a pipa and half covering your face has achieved remarkable results! Successfully brought this press conference to the attention of the world! When the time comes.

Surprisingly it has no effect.

Only a handsome European wearing a crisp suit, with golden eyes and a handsome face walked onto the stage! This man's movements are very elegant and give people a very knowledgeable feeling.

He slowly opened his mouth, "Hello, friends from home and abroad, I am Bertram Gary, CEO of Star Weaving Group!" "Since the birth of mankind, people have been seeking to strengthen their own technology!" "As we all know, more than a hundred years ago, humans discovered substances such as caffeine and taurine that can suppress fatigue!" "In the 1970s, people could use hormone drugs to improve the limit of human endurance!" "In the past 20 years, anthropologists have gradually mastered the secrets of the brain!" "In fact, human evolution is not far away from us!" "After three generations of inheritance and decades of research, our Star Weaving Group has finally achieved a new breakthrough in human history!" "We can already strengthen the genes and systems of ordinary people!" "It can multiply his strength and even produce special abilities!" "And the success rate has reached 60%!" "Today, Bertram Gary is here to solemnly announce!" "Star Weaving Group officially leads the world into the era of transhumanism!"

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