My right eye is a god-level computer

25. The Kitchen God Returns

18:30, Yingzhi Group gets off work.

Zhao Qianqian stretched out her long white legs and blocked Brother Liu's way.

"Brother, where are you going tonight?" "Do you want to go out for dinner with your sister?" This woman! Charming mature woman, sexy and sultry! Brother Liu could hardly hold himself back! "Ahem!" Yan Qingwen's face was dark. He didn't know when he appeared behind the two of them, "Qianqian, you stay and work overtime! Brother Liu comes home with me for dinner!" "Mr. Wen, you can't interfere with the private lives of our employees. !" "Hey, no, why are you going home for dinner?" Remember in one second http: // When Zhao Qianqian came to his senses, Liu Di was dragged away by Yan Qingwen again and waved goodbye helplessly! On the way back to the manor.

Liu Di, who was in the driver's seat, had a solemn look on his face, "Mr. Wen, I discovered something strange.

Seeing Brother Liu's expression, Yan Qingwen subconsciously became serious, "What did you find?" Liu Di turned his head and frowned: "You seem to be jealous."

""What? !" "Zhao Qianqian seduced me, you are jealous.

"Then, an angry curse penetrated the world's most soundproof Rolls-Royce and resounded throughout the sky! The aloof female CEO completely gave up her reserve and cursed two words she had never said before, "Brother Liu, you fart! "Haha..." Brother Liu laughed loudly and had endless fun fighting Yan Qingwen! 10 minutes later.

The Rolls-Royce, worth 20 million, was parked in front of a civilian market, looking a little out of place.

"Eggplants cost two and a half yuan..." "Three cabbages cost ten yuan!" The shouts are endless.

Liu Di turned to the angry Yan Qingwen and said with a smile: "Speaking of eating, I happen to be a good cook, so I'm going to buy groceries! I'll show you my skills tonight!" Before Yan Qingwen agreed, Liu Di pushed the door open and walked out. ! Yan Qingwen frowned and looked out the car window.

There were noisy crowds, mud on the ground, and people who looked like migrant workers, calculating the price of vegetables, which was only 30 to 50 cents.

Is it okay to eat food bought from such a dirty place? Dang Dang Dang... Brother Liu knocked on the car window with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Um, Wenwen, this place only accepts cash. I just don't have any on me..." Yan Qingwen suddenly felt soft after hearing this.

I'm afraid it's not that Brother Liu doesn't have it, it's that he doesn't have it at all! More than 5 million, but it has been spent! Looking at his poor savior in front of him, Yan Qingwen really couldn't get angry.

She gently opened her wallet, took out a wad of bills, and said softly: "If you don't have enough, ask me again.

"Tsk, tsk, so rich!" "Brother Liu took the money and ran away like a thief! 20 minutes later.

Yan Qingwen regretted it.

The thing I regret most in this life is giving Brother Liu money to buy groceries! After the trunk of the Rolls-Royce was filled.

Brother Liu brought back more than a dozen fish and dozens of kilograms of beef! And a bag of dirt! Had to put it in the Rolls-Royce cockpit! At this time, at Yan Qingwen’s feet.

The snapper in the bag splashed water on her face! There was a pool of red blood flowing out of the fresh beef, which scared Yan Qingwen so much that he didn't dare to put his foot down! "What evil did I do in my previous life!" "Why do I know Brother Liu!" Yan Qingwen screamed.

"Who's calling me?" The young man in a white shirt outside the car threw a bag into the car again and sat back in the driver's seat handsomely.

"What is this?" Yan Qingwen's scalp felt numb as he looked at the squirming things in the bag.

"Silkworm chrysalis, high in protein, helps to build muscle!" "Ah...! It's a bug!" "Yanqingwen, can you be more reserved? Why are you screaming so much? People who don't know think I'm molesting You!" "Brother Liu, you're going too far!" "I'm afraid you'll fall in love with me after you eat my food!"... Outside the kitchen of Yan's Manor.

Brother Liu shut everyone out, saying that he couldn't watch his god-level cooking skills! Yan Qingwen was holding her phone, hesitating whether to order takeout! What puzzled her was that the two little girls Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin heard that Brother Liu was going to cook.

They all cheered! At this time, two little girls were running in the yard.

It is said that only when you are hungry can you eat enough! Yan Qingwen really couldn't understand that Brother Liu didn't look like a person who could cook! She knew very well that Liu Di worked as a waiter in a restaurant before entering the Yan family.

Could it be that...he stole his lesson when he was a waiter? But with the craftsmanship in that kind of place, what delicious food can be made? 10 minutes later.

There was a banging sound in the kitchen.

Like someone is abusing beef! 20 minutes later.

There was a harsh friction sound coming from the kitchen, like fingernails scratching a blackboard! Yan Qingwen sighed through the door, just don't ruin the kitchen! 30 minutes later.

Someone is in the kitchen and muddy! 40 minutes later.

There were bursts of cold air coming from inside the door! "What are you doing, Brother Liu!" Just when Yan Qingwen's patience was exhausted, the kitchen door was opened! Brother Liu gently wiped his palms with a white towel, "Everyone, it's time to eat!" The three young ladies of the Yan family walked into the kitchen with various moods! "Wow! It's so gorgeous!" "It's so irritating that I can't open my eyes!" On the dining table in front of me is a majestic ice sculpture! Those are mountains carved out of ice, rolling and magnificent! There is a trace of white air, as ethereal and illusory as a fairyland! "This is..." Yan Qingwen's eyes widened. As a child of a top wealthy family, she has never seen such a masterpiece! This must be a superb knife skill, right? "Brother Liu, did you do this?" Brother Liu gently spread his hands: "It's a small trick, but it's a mountain!" "But, what are we going to eat?" Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin on the side widened their eyes, "Is it possible? "You want us to eat the ice?" "That's a good question!" Liu Di looked down at the non-existent watch on his wrist, "The sashimi on this mountain took 6 minutes and 10 seconds. There are still 50 seconds before the best taste time is missed, so it is recommended to eat it quickly.

"Sashimi, where is it?" "Yan Kaikai got close to the iceberg and finally saw it clearly.

Pieces of fish meat are densely attached to the surface of the ice layer, but the fish meat is as thin as rice paper and is extremely difficult to detect! Brother Liu smiled softly, picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks, and placed it under the lamp, which was faintly illuminated! It's simply a miraculous swordsmanship! After lightly dipping it in soy sauce, Liu Di put the fish in his mouth.

Close your eyes and enjoy.

"Hmm..." Brother Liu drew out his final tone, "The thickness is moderate. It is not only freshly slaughtered, but also preserved in the most delicious state with the help of icebergs..." "Extremely fresh!" "Plus the top-quality soy sauce from your manor kitchen. .." "Tsk, tsk, delicious!" The two twins drooled all over the place! "Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore!" "Wow!" The two little girls rushed forward, eagerly taking off the fish and stuffing it into their mouths! Brother Liu smiled softly: "Miss Yan Qingwen, would you like to try it?" Yan Qingwen disagreed, "It's so fancy, it's just something to fool children!" When Yan Qingwen took a piece of fish, dipped it in soy sauce, and put it in his mouth .

His expression instantly froze.

There is only one word in my mind, fresh! It's like the fish came alive! I have never had such delicious sashimi! Not even a world-class chef can do it! "Brother Liu, are you sure these are the fish in the car?" In Yan Qingwen's impression, those were low-end ingredients. How could they be so delicious? “The fish are still those fish, quite serious.

"But my knife skills are rare in a century!" "Brother Liu shrugged and came to the stove. Only then did Yan Qingwen see clearly.

Behind Brother Liu, there was a huge mud ball! "Brother Liu, I have to admit that your cooking skills are good!" "And very good!" "But why is there so much mud in the kitchen!" Brother Liu smiled slyly, "Here is my next dish, clay. French roast beef!” Liu Di punched out, and a hole was immediately punched out of the huge mud ball! The next moment, the fragrance overflowed and covered the sky! The two little girls who were intoxicated with the sashimi suddenly raised their heads and sniffed the air.

"What is this?" "It smells so good!" "Open it, it's beef, such a big piece of beef!" Yan Qingwen was stunned again.

This beef is so delicious! All the delicacies in the world are eclipsed in this moment!

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