My right eye is a god-level computer

22. Everyone is a salesperson

Ah sneeze! Liu Di, who was sitting in the car, sneezed.

Is someone cursing me? Just listen to the conversation between Yan Qingwen and Zhao Qianqian in the back seat.

"Mr. Wen, although the order from Ciren Hospital has reached 1 billion, they have rejected us three times. I really don't have much confidence anymore.

"Qianqian, refusing three times is nothing. This is a 1 billion order that I, Yan Qingwen, must win. You know how important this order is to me!" "But, Mr. Wen, I always feel that the kind-hearted Mr. Li has ill intentions towards you... I'm afraid he wants to..." "Qianqian, please stop talking. This is related to my position on the Tianbang. It’s about my face, it’s about my father’s face! I have to fight for it! "Hearing this, Brother Liu understood everything.

Yingzhi Group's main business is the production of medical devices, and Ciren Hospital is a large private hospital, the standard target customer! But Mr. Li seems to be a bit difficult to deal with and has other agendas! Remember http:// in one second: "Demon boy, help me check that Mr. Li.

"I have the order!" "[Li Dahai, male, 45 years old; started by selling counterfeit medicines, founder and legal representative of Ciren Hospital; has a gangster background; is sophisticated and slick, and extremely lustful; Ciren Hospital: a large private hospital chain with 16 branches all over the country ; Black information: In June 2013, a major medical accident occurred in the hospital due to staff negligence, resulting in a patient being disabled; in January 2014, a patient suffered from postoperative rejection due to the hospital's use of unqualified kidneys for surgery. Caused death, the hospital concealed the report from the family; in February 2015, Ciren Hospital donated fake and inferior food to impoverished mountainous areas in the name of charity, causing food poisoning in many children! The remaining 120 medical accidents in Ciren Hospital were omitted! , concealed the report, and the hospital did not suffer any relevant penalties! In addition, Ciren Hospital had problems such as false reporting of conditions, use of fake medicines, and hiring of unlicensed personnel!] Damn it! Brother Liu is getting more and more angry! He cursed subconsciously! If this kind of person doesn't die, what will happen to him? "Wenwen, don't worry, let me deal with scum like Li Dahai!" "Brother Liu said angrily.

"Brother Liu, I tell you clearly, you are not allowed to speak for a while, not a word!" "If you dare to disrupt my affairs again, I...I will fire you!" Yan Qingwen shouted in a stern voice.

He was completely afraid of this evil Brother Liu! There's no way I'm going to let him ruin my business! Brother Liu sighed helplessly.

It’s hard to be a good person! ... Office of the President of Mercy Hospital.

Li Dahai, who has a big belly and bald head, is staring at Yan Qingwen with a smile, and his eyes keep glancing back and forth at her breasts and buttocks! "Beauty Yan, that order you mentioned is very difficult to handle!" "You also know that the recent situation is not good. Our hospital suddenly uses such a large amount of cash, but it will be very painful!" Yan Qing Vin frowned and said, "Mr. Li, as long as you are willing to consider our products, I can go back and apply to the group. Everything is easily negotiable!" "Oh? Everything is easily negotiable?" Li Dahai turned his eyes and looked at Yan Qingwen's slender face. Waist smiled and said, "Beauty Yan, you know, my shareholders trust me very much. As long as I recommend them, this matter can basically be settled!" "But, this matter can't be said in just one or two sentences. "It's clear!" "How about I book a suite at the Huiya Hotel today and let's have some dinner and chat?" "Suite?" Liu Di, who had been silent all the time, said in a low voice, "This is a girl. Are you going to the suite to discuss business? "Li Dahai was stunned and looked at Brother Liu. "Brother Liu, shut up!" Yan Qingwen turned to Li Dahai and smiled. Said: "Mr. Li, don't mind, he is just my new driver and doesn't know the rules very well.

"So he was a driver?" Li Dahai leaned back and frowned: "I thought he was some important person!" Boy, please stop interfering in the matters between our bosses! Be smarter next time! "I think you all know that there are some big brothers behind me. Once my big brothers on the road are unhappy, I dare not say anything else. No one in the entire Hai City dares to cooperate with you!" "After Li Dahai said this, he raised his head and looked at Yan Qingwen with a smile.

After a moment of silence, Yan Qingwen gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Li, as long as I agree to dine with you, our order can be confirmed?" Brother Liu saw that when Yan Qingwen said this, he took out the A metal ballpoint pen was pressed continuously.

She was struggling in her heart! "Of course, since you, Miss Yan, are taking advantage of me, I, Li, must do my best!" Li Dahai laughed so hard that his mouth watered! "Then I have a condition, I hope you don't mind, Mr. Li.

Yan Qingwen suddenly raised his head and said: "First, we will only have meals. Second, I will bring my assistant Qianqian with me!" ""sure! "Li Dahai turned his head and looked at Zhao Qianqian on the side again, sneering in his heart.

Buy one get one free? This little slut is not bad either! When the time comes, I will add some spices to the wine, so that you can make the world and the earth become incompetent! "Okay, Mr. Li, we'll see you tonight!"...on the way to the parking lot.

Yan Qingwen's brows are not widened.

Of course she knew that Li Dahai was not that easy to deal with! Brother Liu glanced at Yanqingwen, smacked his lips and said, "Oh... I had a sudden idea and am going to talk to that Li Dahai. You two, go to the car and wait for me!" Brother Liu, who are you talking to? You asked us to wait for you?" Yan Qingwen couldn't bear it anymore and shouted angrily.

Liu Di raised his eyebrows, "Miss Yan, didn't you say that everyone in Yingzhi Group is a salesperson and everyone must have achievements? How come my driver is not a human being?" Yan Qingwen was choked by this sentence and was stunned on the spot! "Liu Di, stop right there!" "Give me 5 minutes!" When Yan Qingwen came back to his senses, Liu Di had already run away! ...The office of the director of Ciren Hospital.

Li Dahai saw Liu Di pushing the door in and laughed out loud: "The driver of the beautiful Yan Da, what's wrong, is your President Yan impatient?" Liu Di sat casually in front of Li Dahai's desk.

Lifted his legs and put them on the other's desk.

Click! He lit a cigarette with a limited edition zippo, exhaled a smoke ring and said faintly: "Li Dahai, you beast.


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