My right eye is a god-level computer

201. She is not that kind of person

Brother Liu drove back alone.

There was an inexplicable smile on his lips all the way.

Lisa Fei is very special, making people feel like they can’t stop! But Brother Liu also knows.

She is an international agent on a mission! Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, are you stupid? That girl is pretty and rich, and her strength is not bad. You just obey me, isn't it good to be a son-in-law?" "Mo Boy, have you read too many novels?" "Huh, I'm very tired every day!" "It's very tiring to help you change the world!" "You go to be a son-in-law, so I'll have a holiday!" "Besides, what a great opportunity it was just now, Yue Black wind is high, alcohol is causing trouble, handsome men and beautiful women, the best time to satisfy your human secondary sexual characteristics!" M Liu Di curled his lips, "Demon boy, don't talk nonsense, Lisa Fei is not that kind of person, she is deliberately testing me, I’ve said it before, you don’t understand human nature! “Ding… Brother Liu received a Gemini message on his phone.

Sender: Xue Fei.

Brother Liu smiled helplessly, another new name! The next moment, the information was displayed from Liu Di's perspective.

a picture.

Lisa Fei had taken off her red dress and put on a 'very cool' black silk suspender pajamas.

Sitting on the bed, biting her red lips, her posture is extremely sultry! PS: Little brother, do you think my pajamas look good? Phew...Liu Di was shocked! Demon boy: "Tsk tsk, 30% of the chest is exposed, 80% of the waist is exposed, and 75% of the legs are exposed!" "Brother Liu, please explain to me, what kind of human nature is this?" Brother Liu looked livid, " Devil boy, turn it off and don’t look at anything inappropriate! "Ding... the second picture is sent.

This time Lisa Fei was wearing a red gauze pajamas! PS: Brother, where is this one? Devil Boy: "I really don't understand, in the body of a female creature, you are a new human being, how can your heart rate increase so much?" "Demon boy, you drive, I need to be quiet.

"...ss454 was driving near the experimental cemetery.

Brother Liu’s twins have more than a dozen unread items.

He doesn't want to read it...Bang! boom! boom! A deafening sound of fighting suddenly brought Liu Di back to his senses.

Fortunately, this is an uninhabited suburb, otherwise we would definitely be complained about disturbing residents! A man in black sportswear, a young man with shining arms, as fast as an afterimage, powerful and heavy, a fierce battle is in full swing! Brother Liu inhaled slightly! It has been nearly 4 hours since I left.

Are these two still fighting? I saw Brother Liu get off the car.

Only two people stopped fighting! Brother Liu saw the always cold Xiaoxia for the first time, and now his eyes were filled with heat! He seems to be enjoying himself very much! "Brother, this person is very durable and interesting!" "Leave it to me!" Xiao Xia looked at Brother Liu excitedly.

Duh! Kun Sang poked the baseball bat on the ground and panted: "Three powerful emperors, your brother is also very strong, but he is a little bit worse than me. I can defeat him in less than three days!" "I will challenge him then! You!" So far.

Brother Liu has finally seen through Kun Sang, a passionate young man who hates evil as much as he hates it and is very competitive! It's the kind of person you can make friends with! Liu Di shook his head slightly and walked slowly past the two of them: "Xiao Xia, Kun Sang, you are thirsty and tired, come inside to drink water and eat!" "Thank you, the three strong men, but I will not live in your house. I have a tent." "!" Kun Sang picked up the baseball bat again and shouted to Xiao Xia: "Come on, Xiao Xiami, continue!"... Late at night, Liu Di was sitting in the cemetery, unwilling to sleep.

There was a loud bang outside the door, comparable to an earthquake.

Only when you can sleep can there be ghosts.

Liu Di could only watch the battle monitoring between Kun Sang and Xiao Xia in the void.

This is quite interesting.

Demon Boy: "Brother Kun Sang's ability is a bit special. Have you noticed that he is improving very quickly!" Liu Di nodded slightly.

Xiaoxia's own strength is at least A7 and above, plus the bonus of the metal arm, her combat power is comparable to B+ level! But he still couldn't defeat Kun Sang! And Kunsang is still constantly optimizing! Demon Boy: “I gave Kun Sang’s ability a name, called ‘Absolute Hit’, which should be the awakening of some kind of consciousness.

"As long as he wants, he can hit any target accurately without being intercepted!" "It is also because of this amazing induction that his combat skills can be rapidly improved in battle!" Liu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, "So, this Kun Sang is a malleable talent?" ""Um! Quite malleable! Liu Di gently touched the table with his fingers, "But if he wants to defeat Xiao Xia, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

"Although Xiaoxia has no special abilities, he has an unyielding will and endurance far beyond ordinary people!" "Magic boy: "But you have good endurance. Don't you want to see Lisa Fei's new photos? ""In no mood.

"...Early the next morning, Brother Liu continued to receive emails in his mailbox.

It was the message sent by Yu Yuanzhong, the envoy of Beiming Palace.

He has been working non-stop day and night to 'preach the oral message' for God and Man Emperor Wu! The demon boy has already compiled the information he provided.

From Brother Liu's perspective, the current map is a map of China.

But on this map.

A map of the distribution of Beiming Palace in 13 cities, attached to the land of China like a spider web! Several trunks and dozens of branches! The people involved span all industries and almost everything! And as time goes by, this network is still getting fuller! There is a faint trend of underground king! Brother Liu was also a little impressed! It is indeed a divine network! There is really a possibility of earth-shaking! certainly.

Brother Liu ordered the devil boy to closely monitor every spider web tentacle on the map and every action of Beiming Temple believers! The secret development is exactly what Liu brother wants.

But before that, Brother Liu would not allow Beiming Palace to make any self-destructive move! Once there is such a sign, Brother Liu will intervene! After all, this is the empire that Qiu Beiming worked so hard to lay out for Brother Liu.

How could he die young? How can you live up to it? ...At this time, the fighting outside the door stopped.

Brother Liu walked out of the house.

I saw Kun Sang had set up a small tent on the spot and was panting and gnawing dry food.

There are a few bruises on the face! Xiaoxia, on the other hand, was leaning under the tree and watching coldly. The mechanical arm was also covered with a layer of dust.

The physical exertion of this night's battle was not a small sum.

In the distance, Duan Hua arrived with a group of SWAT team members and was dealing with the killer of the poker club.

"Woof woof..." The small woof woof dog followed Brother Liu out, staring at a huge package above his head.

"Xiao Xia, eat something.

"Brother Liu came to Xiaoxia and opened the package. The aroma suddenly filled the air! Inside were whole roasted chickens and large roasted steaks.

"Thank you brother.

"Xiao Xia was also very hungry, so she grabbed the chicken legs and stuffed them into her mouth.

Suck it...Kun Sang's mouth watered when he saw it! He only had half a piece of pie in his hand! "Mr. Athlete, would you like some?" Liu Di spread his hands and asked.

"No!" Kun Sang pouted, "You will all be defeated by me! I won't eat your food, it will be contaminated with bad energy!" Liu Di laughed! At this time, a group of Haishi special operations team members rushed up and surrounded Kun Sang with a roar! Real guns and nuclear bombs! "Sawadika!" "What are you doing!" Kun Sang still had half a piece of dry biscuit in his mouth... Duan Hua came to Liu Di with a thermos cup, "You are so fierce, you can kill 6 poker cards in one night?" Then, Duan Hua pointed to the poker in front of Kun Sang, "How come there is still one alive?" Liu Di scratched his head and smiled, "Sir Duan Hua, this man is a treasure, he is a killer killer!" Duan Hua He was stunned for a moment, "Huh?" Then Liu Di patiently explained Kun Sang's strange behavior.

Duan Hua groped his chin after hearing this, his expression unreadable.

But Kun Sang came to the two of them, "Old man, you said he killed 6 killers last night?" Liu Di chuckled, "To be precise, it was 4, and you and Xiaoxia killed the other two!" "omg!" "How is it possible? The score is getting bigger and bigger!" "Three powerful emperors, I want to have another competition with you, which is who can collect more playing cards!" Then Kun Sang turned his head and faced Xiao Xia said: "Xiao Xiami, we have an agreement to duel here every night. I want to find the killer during the day!" Xiao Xia curled her lips and said, "I will defeat you tonight! Want to challenge my brother? No way!" "Hmph!" Kun Sang turned his head and said to Brother Liu: "Three Emperors, you wait, I will come and defeat you after I finish cleaning up the shrimps!" After saying that, Kun Sang returned to the encirclement again and ate the big cake on the spot! Duan Hua burst into laughter! But Liu Di whispered: "Sir Duan Hua, this man's ability is very good, B+ reformer! I can do work for him and try to get him to join your special police team!" Duan Hua's eyes lit up, "Really !” Brother Liu puffed up his chest, “Of course, when have I ever deceived you?” “Well...Okay!” Duan Hua nodded again and again, “When will you go to handle my case? When are you going to meet Lisa Fei?" Thinking of that charming woman in red dress, Liu Di's face suddenly turned red! "You have to ask Di Er about this!" "I have to leave first!" Liu Di turned around and drove! Duan Hua then came back to his senses and asked, "Why are you so blushing?" But Brother Liu turned his back and said, "You are dazzled!"

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