"Let... the sea water... drown... the strong... wind... pass..." The voice of the rich second-generation singer on the stage changed, and he was a little distracted! He kept staring at the goddess intently, his expression getting more and more ugly! The more than 200 male guests in the audience also turned their heads in confusion.

More than 200 pairs of eyes shot at Brother Liu like sharp swords! Miss Hefei left her seat? Went to Santai! Is she chatting up the boy in white? Who is that kid! ? Burning with jealousy! Remember http:// for one second. Why is that boy? "My name is Yafei, what do you call me little brother?" The woman in the red dress raked her long hair back with her hands, staring at Brother Liu with drunken eyes, her voice was very lazy.

Hefei? Yafei? lisafei! Brother Liu laughed a little in his heart, this woman's name changed quite quickly! But Brother Liu had seen her photo, it was the beauty Duan Hua showed him, international agent Lisa Fei! She arrived in Haishi a few days ago to assist the special police team in detecting child abduction cases! But unexpectedly, this woman wandered around bars and nightclubs all day long, having a great time! She chose this Queen's Bar as her pastime, and as a result, it attracted the attention of men from all over the streets that never sleep! She is indeed a troublemaker! "Hello, Miss Yafei, my name is Brother Liu, my younger brother's younger brother.

Brother Liu waved to the bartender, "I will pay for Miss Yafei's consumption today."

"Lisa Fei made a gesture of blowing a kiss to Brother Liu! Then she waved her hand, and the bartender understood and turned around to make a glass of Bloody Mary.

This is an extremely strong cocktail that the average person would drink half a glass! "Brother, I'm very curious about you!" Lisa Fei lay half of her body on the bar, like a charming Persian cat, looking at Liu Di's face from the side.

She has never seen a man with such exquisite facial features.

There was a faint smell of perfume coming from Lisa Fei's body. Although it was not strong, it was very confusing and tempting.

The male guests around him swallowed thickly.

This woman is so beautiful.

So beautiful that a man can give everything to him! Brother Liu smiled slightly, "My purpose of coming here is different from others.

""I know.

Lisa Fei nodded slightly and blinked slowly, "And not only are your purposes different, but your methods of entry are also different."

"She said, smiling slightly, so charming.

"Brother, did you fail the capital verification at the door and sneak in from the back kitchen?" Brother Liu scratched his head, "Yeah.

"When the Bloody Mary was served, Lisa Fei took a sip and said with a smile: "A man who doesn't play by the rules is both chic and creative, and he is the easiest to fascinate people! "Miss Yafei, what do you do?" Brother Liu tilted his head and asked.

Lisa Fei gestured with her hands in a natural way: "Me, I am a painter, oil painting!" Liu Di pursed his lips, nodded slightly, then took out the zippo and lit the cigarette that had been hanging in his mouth.

Lisa Fei's eyes flashed with amusement, but she just watched quietly.

After a long time, Lisa Fei asked: "Brother, what about you?" "Me?" Liu Di thought for a moment, "I am a program researcher and part-time gangster.

"Giggle..." Lisa Fei covered her mouth and snickered, "Little brother is really interesting."

"I am a Chinese-European. When I came to China, I discovered two wonderful things. One is my favorite song god Di Yi, and the other is the magical twins."

Suddenly, Lisa Fei said: "Brother, can I add you a Gemini number?" "She drank half the Bloody Mary in one breath, holding a mobile phone in her slender palms, looking at Brother Liu expectantly.

When other spectators in the venue saw this scene, they went crazy again! Why does the goddess want her contact information from him! Damn it, who is this guy? The rich and handsome Ling Feng on the stage had no intention of singing anymore. He clenched his hands into fists and his face turned red! If this kid dares to do it, I'll break his legs! "good.

"Brother Liu naturally took out his mobile phone and the two of them scanned the code.

Depend on! A group of rich, handsome, and handsome men will bite their teeth into pieces! Lisa Fei drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp, her drunkenness was already obvious! "Little brother, it's getting late, can you take me home?" Lisa Fei narrowed her breathtaking beautiful eyes with a smile on her lips.

Brother Liu nodded slightly.

The bartender on the side brought over a long list of bills.

Brother Liu was slightly startled! This woman drank a full 18 glasses of spirits! Looking at Brother Liu who was a little dazed, Lisa Fei smiled lazily and said: "Isn't the price very expensive? In addition to a man's appearance, his credit card limit is also one of his charms.

"Brother Liu shrugged slightly.

The price of more than 30,000 yuan is indeed not low for ordinary people.

But for him, there will be almost no change in the balance! Devil Boy: "With such an alcohol intake, this girl can still answer you fluently, so she is probably a reformer!" "And this girl always looks at you with an investigative look in her eyes.

"Brother Liu, you are still innocent, but you have fallen into a trap."

Brother Liu said: "Will she know my identity?" "How is it possible? With me here, what can she know?" "But the moment she saw you, the blush on her face worsened and her body became slightly stiff. It is speculated that the hormones are rapidly accelerating, causing the blood to speed up and the heart rate to rise!" "Then phenylethylamine, dopamine, and vasopressin increase..." Liu Di: "Magic boy...get to the point!" ""love at first sight! That ‘calling’ feeling is the work of this hormone! "She fell in love with you at first sight!" "Demon boy, stop it."

"Liu Di took out his card and swiped it to pay.

Just as he stood up, Lisa Fei put her arm directly on Liu Di's shoulder! Her soft breath blew gently in Liu Di's ear! Looking at other men, he felt itchy! Liu Di suddenly turned around and found that he was close to Lisa Fei's face, so he quickly tilted his head back! Lisa Fei rolled her eyes and said coquettishly: "I'm drunk and can't stand steadily.

" The scene exploded directly! A group of flower protectors stood up with anger! Dare to have close contact with my goddess! I will kill that boy!

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