"Tsk tsk..." Brother Liu smiled helplessly, raised his hand, took a hamburger from the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

‘Ding… Carbohydrate, protein, and vitamin intake were detected, and physical strength increased by 0.032%! ’ Brother Liu continued to eat, because the prerequisite for releasing the power in the body is physical strength! There is no limit to this! Dang Dang Dang... "Mr. Liu Di, your takeaway has arrived.

"Di Liu stood up slowly, opened the door and saw the smiling face of a takeaway boy.

The little brother handed over the fast food with excitement on his face, "It comes with a drink, I wish you a happy meal!" Liu Di did not extend his hand and said with a smile: "My little brother is learning Chinese well.

""Um? "Remember http:// in one second. The little brother was stunned.

Bang! Brother Liu had a smile on his face, and his knees hit each other as fast as an afterimage! The little brother suffered a heavy blow to his chest, and the spine in his back was instantly dislocated and protruded! The mouth hurts and widens! Brother Liu took the opportunity to pick up the complimentary drink and stuffed it directly into the mouth of the delivery boy! The next moment, the delivery boy covered his throat with his hands.

Deng Deng fell back, with a look of horror on his face! Brother Liu stood at the door, playing with a 4 of plum blossoms that he had just taken out from the 'delivery boy', shaking his head and smiling.

"Poison?" "Have all the Cyborg Killers started doing such bottomless things?" Plop! The ‘delivery boy’ fell on his back, his face turned purple and his hair was poisonous! Brother Liu was angry.

The horror of the liberation of fighting consciousness is incomprehensible to outsiders! Even if you don’t need the devil boy’s reminder.

I can already feel a strong crisis from this free drink.

Even if it is not an opponent with malicious intentions.

Any existence that threatens him will immediately arouse his conscious alertness! Subsequently.

Brother Liu slowly raised his head. It was already 8 o'clock at night, and the front was completely dark.

But there are still three hot red dots in the induction.

There are three more killers lurking! at this time.

A figure slowly walked out of the trees in the distance.

This man was no more than 30 years old and was wearing a black sportswear. The zipper of his top was pulled all the way to the top, covering half of his chin.

He was wearing a baseball cap and a baseball bat slung over his shoulder, with a cynical expression.

There was a metal piece with a chain on his chest, which flickered in the streetlights.

Liu Di squinted at this young man whose appearance was not in line with Chinese aesthetics.

The patch on his chest is a metal poker chapter: 2 of Diamonds! Poker guy? Just hang your identity badge on your chest openly like this? There was also a burning and beating flame on the young man's chest.

But Liu Di clearly felt that this sense of crisis was obviously not directed at him, but that his target was someone else! The young man smiled broadly and said in Mandarin with a Taiyu accent: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to kill you.

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "I know."

"Just now, Demon Boy has scanned and searched this person's facial information.

He was born in Thailand and was a professional athlete before the age of 20. In the eight years after the age of 20, his information was almost blank.

Such a person will never be a fuel-efficient lamp.

Hiding or erasing the information after becoming a reformed person is very consistent with the poker club's style.

The young man from Taigu chuckled, "I just came to see what the person who can make Poker Master issue a death order looks like, and whether his handsomeness can rival mine.

"Then, the young man touched his chin and pondered for a while: "I admit, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen, but you are still a little uglier than me.

"Liu Di shook his head helplessly and pointed to the metal poker hanging on the young man's chest.

"Ah..." The young man understood instantly, picked up the chain on his chest and said, "Yes, I am the 2 of Diamonds, haha.

"But I'm not a killer, I'm a killer."

Brother Liu was confused by this narcissistic boy, "What is a killer killer?" "Well...it's a killer who specializes in killing killers."

"Taigu boy took out a stainless steel wine bottle with a woman's photo on it from his arms, unscrewed the lid, and took a big sip! Even though Liu Di was five or six meters away from him, he could still smell the pungent smell of wine! Liu Di was inexplicable Asked: “Why did you want to kill the killer? "Alas..." Young Taigu sighed, "I joined the poker club. The first reason is that I want to constantly challenge the strong."

"After all, I am the best in the world in terms of strength at a young age. I have to find a place to prove it."

"But I looked around and there was no one who could compete with me, so I started hunting down people in poker clubs."

"Killed 3 now."

"With that said, the young man from Taigu came to the side of the courier boy who died from the poison. He lifted his wrists and saw that they were all bare. He sighed, "This is the second one.

"I'm looking for someone at a poker meeting with a tattoo of a clown on their wrist."

"Because that guy killed my woman."

"Liu Di nodded lightly. It doesn't look like he's telling lies again! He joined the poker club, but turned out to be a murderer of the poker club? Does this also have the attribute of revenge? "Then we are not enemies. Since you have seen me , please leave.

"Brother Liu smiled.

"Just wait a moment.

"Taigu boy said, walked to the open space in front of him, changed the direction of the baseball bat on his shoulder, and held it in his hand.

Bang! A sudden flash of fire occurred among the trees an unexpected kilometer away! A small rocket-propelled grenade trailed a long tail flame and shot straight at the two of them! Brother Liu was indifferent.

He had long known that there was a poker killer armed with heavy weapons lurking there! The young man Taigu's eyes flashed and he shouted loudly: "First base!" Phew! The young man Taigu turned around and swung out the metal bat.

Standard batting posture! There was a crisp sound! The metal bat directly knocked the rocket grenade away! Then, the rocket-propelled grenade bounced back to the launch site and exploded! Amid the smoke, a figure in black could be vaguely seen, his body ignited with blazing fire, flying out and falling to the ground dead! The boy Taigu calmly put away the baseball bat, put it on his shoulder again, and grinned: "Hey, the fourth one.

"Brother Liu's expression changed slightly.

The action analysis of young man Taigu instantly appeared in the perspective! The body is strengthened by at least 1000%! And the bat hits extremely accurately! Not only did it bounce the grenade accurately, but it also skillfully avoided the fuse and hit the missile at a point where it would never explode! The intensity, position, timing, and prediction of the route are all extremely accurate! Demon Boy: "This guy is definitely above B+ in strength, and he has some kind of sixth sense that can assist him in precise attacks!" "Haha.

"Taigu guy scratched his head, feeling that Brother Liu had been attracted by his cool and handsome posture, "As for me, a retired baseball player, I can't live without my old buddy, so after being transformed, this shiny baseball stick The stick is my weapon! "Brother Liu gently rubbed his temples.

This foreign friend...had the poker meeting on his chest...didn't hide his motives at all...and blatantly said that he was a reformer...personality! Nothing is taboo, dare to say anything! "Oh, by the way, introduce yourself.

"Taigu boy flicked his peaked cap, "I'm Kunsang, the baseball player Kunsang! "

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