Xiaochun? elder brother? what's the situation! Chang Hu's fat body suddenly stiffened.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, "Lord Kuangbing... what's going on?" His brain is now short-circuited! When he was arrogant, the master Kuang Bing, who he relied on so much, suddenly responded to the other party's call.

Standing behind the other party politely? Something is wrong with this situation! But the 'Kang Bing' ignored Chang Hu! In the conversation with Brother Liu as if no one else was watching! m Liu Di said lightly: "Xiaochun, why do you go to help such a scumbag?" The girl nodded slightly, "Xiaoxia is taking care of you at the orphanage.

"This man said he had a way to find out our backgrounds, so I..." "Brother."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were Di Er."

"This eighteen-year-old short-haired girl is what Chang Hu calls a 'crazy soldier'.

It was Xiaochun, one of the four adopted sons by Lord Tuo.

Before, I lived with brother Liu in Lord Tuo’s free hospital, which is worthy of brother Liu! and.

They were all impressed by Brother Liu's strength! Liu Di smiled warmly, "Brother, why would I blame you? It was just some wild fights on the roadside, and you have restrained yourself a lot.

Immediately, Brother Liu raised his head, pretended to be relaxed and looked at Xiaochun who looked guilty, and said with a smile: "Do you know why this scumbag said he could help you find out your life experience?" "Xiaochun shook his head.

"Because he himself is a criminal who abducts children!" "He has abducted many children over the years!" "It's unreasonable!" Xiaochun frowned and looked up at Chang Hu, his eyes instantly turned cold! Brother Liu sighed slightly, "However, according to my understanding, he has no ability to find out your life experience!" "He is lying to you!" Next moment! A surge of rage burst out from Xiaochun's thin body! His eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to tear the fat pig in front of him into pieces! Only then did the Black Fox Gang react! Is the opponent's expert the sister of Mr. Di Er? Oh My God! Did the flood wash away the Dragon King Temple? And Chang Hu finally saw the reality clearly! Shaking like chaff! Cigar ashes fell all over the table! Damn...what's going on! I didn’t investigate clearly before! I'm so stupid! Self-righteously leading a master to the opponent's headquarters alone? He also said that he would break the limbs of the opponent's boss and throw him into the sea to feed the fish? It turns out that his only trump card is his sister? Holy shit! Chang Hu looked up at the black fox brothers who were gearing up.

There are also 'mad soldiers' who can almost spit out flames from their eyes.

And the emperor who was sitting calmly! My back was instantly wet with cold sweat! Heart pounding! It almost popped out of my throat! It's over now! Suddenly, Chang Hu's expression changed and he said with a smile: "Look, everyone is happy!" "I helped sister Xiaochun find her brother. Congratulations on the reunion of brother and sister!" As he said that, Chang Hu had a flattering look on his face and stood up quickly.

He wiped the cigarette ashes on the table with his sleeves and wiped the chair where he sat.

"Mr. Di Er, look, this is all a misunderstanding. We are all one family!" "The crazy dragons and black foxes are all the people of your boss, Di Er!" "Without further ado, I will go back now and take stock. All the belongings from the help will be sent to you!

"Chang Hu's forehead was covered with sweat! As he spoke, he looked out the window.

On the street, the bustling Black Fox Gang had already surrounded the departing gate! His body trembled again! I thought I was going straight to Huanglong! As a result, he was trapped in the enemy camp! This time the trap is big! "You're all here, let's sit down for a while.

"I heard Liu Di said calmly.

Chang Hu collapsed instantly! He fell to his knees with a thud! "Boss Di Er, I was wrong. Give me a chance!" "I can't save the third brother. You can keep it for fun. I have no enmity with you. Please let me go..." Liu Di Smiling softly, "Xiaochun, I leave it to you, just don't kill me!" "Okay, brother.

"Xiaochun lowered his head, his hair covering his face again, and walked towards Chang Hu with a cold aura! The next moment! Chang Hu, known as the martial arts champion, was knocked down by Xiaochun's punch! He had no power to fight back! Then.

Screams like killing pigs kept coming! Even the Black Fox Gang were shocked to see it! Xiaochun, a girl of eighteen or nineteen, is quite sharp! Click, click! With a pair of slender palms, more than 100 joints on Chang Hu's body were violently broken into dislocations! 3 minutes later.

Chang Hu had no visible scars on the surface, but his joints were all twisted! The posture was weird, like a puddle of mud falling to the ground! Even the screams turned into whines... because his jaw was also dislocated! This damn thing... is so cruel... the hearts of all the Black Tiger Gang members felt chilly! We can’t be enemies with Mr. Di Er! Even his little sister is so scary! ...10 o'clock in the morning.

The Black Fox Gang headquarters, which had evacuated its younger brother, was bustling again! One luxury car after another.

Groups of strong, tattooed men kept arriving.

Passers-by were also a little surprised.

Is this the sense of déjà vu of Young and Dangerous? But surprisingly.

These visitors look like social big brothers.

But all of them had respectful expressions.

And they all took out congratulatory gifts from the trunk one by one.

These people are the bosses of various gangs in Hai City.

Come together to visit the new rising hero on the road, Mr. Di Er! The Black Fox Gang has already had contingency plans.

In the banquet hall on the fifth floor, more than a dozen banquet tables were set up! "Boss of the Jiuli Gang, Fan Tiansheng is here!" a younger brother shouted at the door of the banquet hall.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit slowly walking towards me, with an extraordinary bearing! Brother Liu was sitting on the sofa at the door.

Behind them stood Nan Ruoyi, Xiaochun and Heihu.

The man in the Zhongshan suit bowed slightly, "I am Fan Tiansheng, I have admired Mr. Di Er for a long time, and I came to visit him today!" The man passed by and saw two younger brothers holding gift boxes behind him.

"This is the Cordyceps and Deer Antlers I asked someone to bring back from northern Xinjiang overnight, and the deer antlers I brought back from Baishan. It is not a respect, please accept it, Mr. Di Er.

"In addition, my Jiuli Gang will follow the lead of the Black Fox Gang in the future!" The man clasped his fists! Brother Liu did not speak, but nodded slightly.

The man knew what to do and bowed into the house.

"Boss of the Jinwu Gang, Wen Yuanlong is here!" "Boss Wen presents a golden dragon sculpture!" "Boss Hu, the owner of the Ziyan Palace Nightclub, is here!" "Boss Hu presents 6 boxes of 1981 Burgundy red wine!" "Chairman Qiu of Ocean Shipping Company is here!" "Chairman Qiu presents a medium-sized party yacht!" "Boss of the Xing Gang, Pu Jincheng is here..." In just one hour.

Nearly 100 big brothers of all kinds and bosses of related companies on Haishi Road have arrived one after another! They all came here to admire the Emperor II.

They all looked respectful and brought valuable gifts!

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