Brother Liu smiled mysteriously, "Sir Duan, let me tell you, my brother Liu has a lot of gifts for you today.

"Shout?" Duan Hua became interested, "What gift?" Brother Liu took the last bite of the apple and weighed the core in his hand, "An international killer."

"Killer?" Duan Hua's eyes suddenly became sharp, "Where is it?" "Hi...Suddenly, a harsh friction sound was heard! The roar of the vehicle engine was heard again! A heavy truck in the distance suddenly accelerated rapidly and crashed into Liu Di and Duan Hua desperately! The driver could already be seen That ferocious devil mask! Remember http:// Liu Di smiled gently.

He raised his hand and threw the apple core into the trash can.

"Go back!" Brother Liu boasted a few steps, raised one foot, and stepped directly on the front of the truck! Bang! Brother Liu's other foot sank into the soil! It was like the truck hit an iron pillar! The front of the car was wrinkled, the cabin was deeply dented, and the windshield exploded into slag! A burst of whistling air blew Duan Hua's hair into chaos! call! The truck spun backwards like a top, until it hit a telephone pole on the side of the road and suddenly stopped! Smoke billows.

The truck's iron sheet looked like twisted paper, full of wrinkles! There is not a single piece of glass on all four sides! I saw that the driver was also very nice! He shook his head, pushed the obstruction in front of him with both hands, and actually wanted to get out of the car! Suddenly.

A young man in white clothes with a purple light in his right eye came to the car at some point.

With a low smile, he punched out! Bang! This killer has never suffered such a heavy blow in his life! Severe pain in the head, black vision, and immediate fainting! Liu Di shook his arm and took out a metal playing card from the killer's waist - the 6 of clubs.

Then, Brother Liu dragged the man out of the car and threw him in front of Duan Hua.

Duan Hua's expression was a little dull.

That car has at least 80 mph! And it’s a heavy-duty cement mixer truck! At least ten secrets! Brother Liu kicked him away! What a terrifying power! I haven’t seen you for a few days. This guy has become a superman? Duan Hua, who came to his senses, didn't even look at the killer, but stared straight at Brother Liu.

"Tell me, what level is your kid?" "A-level peak or B-level?" "It needs to be registered!" Liu Di shook his head slightly and chuckled: "Sir Duan must give me a level. , then that’s fine.

"What?" Duan Hua was stunned, "There is no such level in the evaluation system!" "Sir, we need to popularize foreign language knowledge."

Liu Di waved his hand, "Speaking of which, I will send you an international killer in these three days. Aren't you going to award me a Good Citizen Medal or something?" "Duan Hua sighed helplessly and looked down at the unconscious killer.

Cautiously said: "Your boy has fallen into the trap of a killer. It's no problem. Do you want me to send some people..." "Forget it!" Before Brother Liu could answer, Duan Hua looked up at the sky and said with a sad expression. : "You're such a pervert, it's useless for my people to come!" "Haha, don't be discouraged, Commander Duan.

"Liu Di said with his hands behind his back, "I can't stand the misbehavior of these international reformers. As a Chinese citizen, I naturally have to safeguard the national rights and interests.

"You can choose some masters and come to my laboratory later."

Duan Hua's eyes lit up, "You have inherited the inheritance from your elder brother. Have you made a breakthrough in transforming the human body?" Liu Di said sadly: "It should work, but I don't know yet. After all, I haven't started researching it yet."

"You haven't done any research yet? Are you kidding me? Can I still see your results in my lifetime? Duan Hua looked depressed, "When did you have a laboratory? Could it be this exhibition hall? Brother Liu chuckled, "To tell you the truth, I just acquired a medical company."

""Um? ""what company? "Duan Warner said dullly.

"Yingzhi Group.

"Hiss... Duan Hua took a breath, "You actually acquired Lao Yan's company? "Yingzhi Group has a current market value of 800 billion!" "You are so rich!" "Donate some to the police force!" Liu Di smiled helplessly: "Within one month, I will help you transform 10 super soldiers above A7!" It's no problem to crush the Black Mountain general's Tianluo team! "Ah... Duan Hua suddenly showed an expression as if his dream was about to come true, "I like this! "But to do this in a month is just a joke!" "I won't make it difficult for you. I'll give you half a year to complete it!" Brother Liu smiled softly, without any excuse, and said hello: "The junior will leave first."

"What are you doing, kid?" Why don't you do some research? "I'm going to the Black Fox Gang. There will be trouble coming today!" Duan Hua's eyes widened, "You said you are not the second emperor!" "I will admit it if you find evidence!" "But Brother Liu didn't look back, waved his hands behind his back, and walked away! "Me! ""you! "Duan Hua's body paused, which made me angry! But.

Watching Brother Liu drift away.

Duan Hua slowly recovered.

He took a sip of hot tea from the thermos cup.

The boy who is both good and evil...can do it! Control the underworld in the sea market.

Fight against the International Killer Poker Club alone.

Uproot human trafficking rings.

Research technology to transform humans.

Sounds like a myth! But...very good, excellent! I want to see how much of a storm you can make! ...after an hour.

On the other side of the ocean, Texas, a small town on the Luo River.

In the wooden house on the farm, the sound of an old telegraph machine came.

The silver-haired old man found his reading glasses and sat tremblingly in front of the telegraph machine.

‘Dear Mr. Box, there is unfortunate news from China.

’ The old man frowned and continued to listen.

‘The six of clubs and the four of hearts are dead.

’A trace of anger flashed across the old man’s face, and he replied: ‘Dear Kofi, were my children killed by that Emperor Three devil? ’ ‘Sorry, Mr. Box, this is really hard to say.

’The silver-haired old man roared at the air, “Speak!” The other party seemed to be able to feel the old man’s anger.

Hesitated for a moment and replied: ‘The spy sent a message that the 4 of Hearts died in a street fight with gangsters, and the 6 of Clubs died in a car accident...’ What? Fuck! Impossible! Impossible! My children are all God’s favorites, how could they die in a fight with gangsters? How could they die in a car accident! The silver-haired old man smashed the table in front of him fiercely! Coffee spilled! The old man was furious and threw the cup on the table with his sleeve.

He gritted his teeth and sent a message: ‘Dear Kofi, we must learn to use the power of money! I want to sell my little cow and double the bounty of Emperor Three.

’ ‘Okay, Mr. Box, the bounty of Emperor Three has risen to 60 million US dollars! 'Then, the old man sent another message: 'In addition, this time the opponent is respectable, send my 'Chain Bridge' and 'No General'! ' 'Yes, respected Mr. Box! '... Huaxia Special Warfare Department Building.

Duan Hua sat in front of the computer, a little confused.

The interface showed: Haishi cyborg registration information. In the name column: Liu Di, the input cursor was staying on the 'cyborg level' item.

Duan Hua took a sip of tea and scratched his head.

What the hell is the and level that the kid said? Duan Hua was over 60 and was not very familiar with the Internet.

But he still fumbled to open the browser.

"and... Ande..." Duan Hua muttered in his mouth and entered these words.

After the search results came out.

Duan Hua turned to the third page, and an inconspicuous message caught his attention.

"The 26 letters of the English alphabet come from the ancient Latin alphabet (also known as the Roman alphabet).

""200 years ago, the Latin alphabet actually had a 27th letter.

""This letter is pronounced and in English, and is anthropomorphized in Chinese as 'Ande'.

""Written as: \u0026 # 38;.

"\u0026 # 38;? The 27th letter? Duan Hua's mind was confused, and his pupils shrank! The level of the cyborgs quoted the English alphabetical order, level A, level B, level C... Of course, according to the current information, no cyborg has reached level C.

What does that kid mean? 26 letters are not enough to represent him? He exceeds 26 letters? Beyond the border? Surpass everyone? A bit arrogant! Duan Hua narrowed his eyes.

He sighed for a long time! This little pervert... is indeed a bit evil! After a long time, Duan Hua took another sip of hot tea, and his finger Zen trembled slightly, and he entered a symbol in the 'cyborg level' column: \u0026 # 38;.

Note: Ability cannot be guessed!

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