My right eye is a god-level computer

182. Underground God of War

In the pattering rain.

There was also silence in the stands! It’s all jaw-dropping! Uncle Qi opened his mouth wide and moved the umbrella under his hand in a daze.

Blinking his eyes, his pupils shrank sharply! really! All 600 Kuanglong gang members fell to the ground and rolled all over the ground! The second emperor of the Black Fox Gang stood tall like a proud general.

His chest was actually stable, and his breathing seemed not to be disturbed! And he was blindfolded! None of them seem to be injured! What kind of combat power is this, what kind of perception ability is this! Even the seven experienced bosses feel numb at this moment! The members of the Black Fox Gang also froze at this time.

They had just witnessed a fight.

The fight between gods and humans! 1vs600! Mr. Di Er is a god! A thug! In just ten minutes, Mr. Di Er wiped out all the Kuang Long’s forces by himself! The arrival of gods into the world is nothing more than this! Inexplicably, everyone felt that letting Mr. Di Er join this kind of battle... was a bit unfair! He should go to the battlefield! I'm afraid it's impossible to defeat ten thousand with one! Nan Ruoyi was holding an umbrella with one hand at this time.

The joints are white.

The body trembled slightly.

Water mist condenses and drips from the long eyelashes.

Mr. Di Er cannot judge with ordinary eyes.

I don’t dare to look down upon you again in this life! Brother Liu felt quietly.

The comprehensive liberation of fighting consciousness left him with unfulfilled expectations! Suddenly.

In the stands in the distance, a red light became brighter and brighter! There is still one? The killing intent is so strong! Bang! A huge gunshot shocked all the onlookers who were surprised by Brother Liu's combat power! In the dark night, a gunfire suddenly bloomed at the edge of the stands! A rifle bullet pierced the night sky, arriving in an instant! Someone shot and assassinated! Emperor Er is in danger! This thought flashed through everyone's minds! But I saw Brother Liu as motionless as a mountain! The head was slightly turned sideways between the lightning and flint! The bullet hit my ear! next moment.

The lights were dim and in the drizzle, everyone felt their vision was a little blurry! It seems like a hallucination! because.

The two figures of the emperor disappeared! Look carefully.

Di Er's figure appeared 10 meters away in an instant, and in another instant, appeared on the side of the viewing stand! Brother Liu rolled up his sleeves leisurely.

Bent over and sit in the stands! Next to him is a sniper wearing night clothes! At this time, the sniper was full of confusion and repeatedly alternated his sight between the scope and reality.

What about the goal? "At this.

Liu Di casually took out a metal poker from the sniper's waist and said, "I'll send you on your way."

"Don't wait for the sniper to react.

Brother Liu lifted his belt with one hand.

He took a few steps and ran into the venue! Boom! The sniper was plunged into the soil by Brother Liu like a green onion! At this time, Brother Liu had already taken off the black cloth from his eyes.

He glanced proudly with his hands behind his back.

There are no more red spots in the whole field! No more murderous intent! At this time, a line of words floated in Liu Di's mind: body metabolism rate 100%! Devil Boy: "Your nerve conduction speed is really abnormal, I can upgrade the sequence again!" The onlookers also came to their senses! After figuring out the situation, I was instantly stupid again! Did he dodge a bullet? Another gun-wielding killer was killed in an instant? Is that human being? How can this be! Uncle Qi's beard trembled with excitement. He held the seat with both hands and took a few steps forward. He said with tears in his eyes: "The underworld in the sea city will probably be unified from today on!" The other gang bosses only felt a cold breath coming from the soles of their feet. Rush in.

Fortunately, we are not against the black fox! Afterwards, they ordered their men to send a message to the Black Fox Gang and come to visit Mr. Di Er in person another day! Among the Black Fox Gang.

Each chest was rising and falling.

Although they are all mixed up on the road.

But no one has ever seen such a scene! The bosses at the hall seemed to understand why Miss Ruo Yi was unwilling to let her husband take action.

Sir, this method... no one can stop it! It's just that if it doesn't scream, it's terrifying when it screams! Only Nan Ruoyi was the first to react. With a graceful figure and light steps, she walked around the wailing Mad Dragon members on the field one by one.

When he came to the gentleman's side, he silently held up a black umbrella.

This scene.

The beautiful lady holds an umbrella for the hero, standing among the defeated generals everywhere.

It was drizzling, and the dilapidated street lights in the distance were dim.

This picture.

It’s a bit beautiful, a bit cruel, and a bit domineering, and it’s very enviable! "Ruoyi, to be honest with you, I defeated these people firstly to train myself.

"The second is to let people know the consequences of messing with you."

Brother Liu said softly.

Nan Ruoyi smiled softly, "Sir, if you have such a heart, why should I care about you?" "But, sir, you'd better not exercise like this in the future, lest you get out of control.

Liu Di shook his head gently, "It's not over yet, there are still two turtles who haven't shown up yet."

"Sir..." "No matter what you say, the Black Fox Gang has become famous all over the world this time.

"If you don't believe me, just listen."

Nan Ruoyi said, looking back at the stands.

Just listen to Uncle Qi's loud voice: "Today, the Black Fox and the Mad Dragon have a battle, and the Black Fox is completely victorious! The Black Fox is the largest gang in Hai City!" "And Mr. Di Er, a powerful man!" There was an uproar.

Many big brothers on the road nodded slightly and agreed in their hearts! Only then did the Black Fox members react.

Cheers in unison! Running towards Brother Liu! Today, the suffocation in my heart is really happy! Chang Bao, the third leader of Kuanglong Gang, was left behind.

Calling the sky should not call the earth and the earth not working! Damn it, what is going on! Brother, come and save me, save me from that kid! So far.

In this battle, Di Er became famous overnight! The powerful force and domineering tactics spread throughout the Hai City underworld overnight! Just the blindfolded fight against 600 thugs frightened countless Taoists who were not present! He was given the nickname - Street War God! Many juniors on the road are proud to have reached the fighting power of Emperor II and practice boxing hard! Many small gangs are preparing to climb the big tree and belong to the Black Fox Gang! certainly.

With many people talking, this piece of news will naturally reach the police.

In the early morning, Duan Hua looked at a report in front of him.

Take a drink of water.

He rubbed his temples.

1 person against 600 people? Blindfolded? Teleport to dodge bullets and catch the gunman? Can there be such a person? Even if you transform people, you can't do it, right? Alas...these informants are becoming increasingly unreliable.

"Do you have any video information?" Duan Hua asked helplessly to the team members beside him.

"Team leader, this incident is very strange. At the time of the incident, the cameras near the gymnasium were broken.

"We don't have any video footage of this Emperor Er."

"Oh, there's more."

The special operations team member frowned, "All the gangsters were injured, but one special case died on the spot. According to our investigation, his identity was an international killer."

"Hiss... the glass thermos cup in Duan Hua's hand almost slipped to the ground.

Video data disappeared inexplicably.

Assassination by an international killer.

Who else could it be! What kind of plane? Playing underworld? What is this god going to do? Duan Hua stood up directly, "Prepare the car!"

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