The 5th floor of the Mass Hall.

The ‘Black Fox’ sat behind the huge desk, looking depressed.

He had a cast on his right arm and bruises on the corners of his mouth.

The heads of the various halls in the house were also injured and sat in the house dejectedly.

And Nan Ruoyi was still wearing the slim-fitting exquisite cheongsam, standing quietly behind the black fox.

The sunlight in the room was dim, and Nan Ruoyi's face was hidden in the darkness and could not be distinguished.

"Boss, are we just going to swallow this?" "We had people knock on our door today, and even the headquarters was smashed!" "Yes, boss, if we continue like this, how will our Black Fox Gang be able to stay in Haishi in the future?" To gain a foothold?" "This is a loss of face!" "Boss, I just got the news that they have started to seize our territory!" The bosses in each branch looked angry.

The 'Black Fox' lit a cigar, and the charcoal in the cigarette butt flickered, illuminating his face in flashes.

His face was red and swollen, and he was a little embarrassed.

It's hard for him to decide! Nowadays, in a society governed by the rule of law, the underworld is no longer a respectable business! Not many young people are stupid enough to join some underworld and dream of traveling in the world! Although he, the Black Fox Gang, is firmly the leader of the underworld in Shanghai.

But the number of subordinates that can be mobilized is only about 200! As for the other party, 300 people came directly to the door at once, and there were also some fighting masters! The Black Fox Gang has no power to resist! If you don't fight back, the Black Fox Gang will be disgraced.

Fight back, you're afraid you won't be able to get off the stage anymore! The 'Black Fox' secretly glanced at Nan Ruoyi aside, trying to find an answer.

But Nan Ruoyi was silent at this time! The ‘Black Fox’ was even more confused! Jingle bell…the phone on the desk rings.

Caller: Uncle Qi.

Uncle Qi and his six sworn brothers are the elder brothers on the road.

Now they take a back seat and leave matters on the road to the younger generation.

But they are still highly respected.

Big and small bosses on the road also respect these seven brothers as their seniors.

Whenever there are any rash actions, one must meet with seven seniors to get approval.

Under the coordination of a few people, the Haishi underworld also maintains some unwritten rules.

The ‘Black Fox’ looked stern and pressed the answer button.

"Uncle Seven.

"On the other end of the phone, there was an old voice with a bit of majesty, "Ah Hu, we already know what happened at your place.

"Black Fox" frowned and said, "Uncle Qi, since you already know, let's explain it to you. Is it legal for the other party to do this?" "Hey..." the other party sighed, "It doesn't matter if it is in compliance with the rules or not. The other party is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers. Not to mention you, even us old guys, they don't take it seriously!" "Ah Hu, to tell you the truth, they came to visit us old guys in the meeting hall early in the morning."

"Their attitude is so arrogant and cruel!" "Lao San disagreed with their approach, so they maimed Lao San's men on the spot and left angrily!" Heihu was stunned when he heard this, "How dare they touch Third Uncle's men in front of you?" The other party gave a bitter smile, "Hu, even if it's just a few of us, we can only knock out our teeth and swallow them in our stomachs."

"They have a lot of background, you can't afford to offend them!" "Their boss behind the scenes is not an ordinary person!" "Listen to Third Uncle's advice and give them the territory..." "Otherwise, with their methods, they may even kill you!" "After hanging up the phone, the 'Black Fox' body trembled faintly! Bang! The 'Black Fox' who was extremely depressed suddenly slammed the table.

Get up suddenly! He didn't care about Nan Ruoyi's instructions and directly gritted his teeth and said: "I have never experienced this kind of birdiness in my life!" "I don't believe it. These few foreign fools can really fight against my entire sea city." Can't do it?" "Brothers, mobilize the manpower for me. I will bring people to kill me. Today, he will die or I will die. I will fight with them!" A group of younger brothers also had a look of death in their eyes, "Okay, Boss, we are willing to follow you!" But he saw the 'Black Fox' took a puff of cigar, turned to Nan Ruoyi and said: "Ruoyi, you women should not participate in this fight, so as not to interfere with the boss's affairs. !" "You don't know, we men can't stand this kind of holding our breath, and we have to do whatever we say.

"Then the 'Black Fox' looked complicated and his voice was a little low: "As for you, you have served me for so many years, without any credit but with hard work. Once all our brothers die, don't even think about revenge.

"Pack your things and go home quickly. Be a young lady or a young wife. Don't come back anyway!" "The younger brothers were a little stunned when they heard this.

It took me a moment to understand.

The boss also values ​​love and justice, so he is arranging a way out for his woman! Only Nan Ruoyi knew clearly.

‘Black Fox’ is going to risk his life! She didn't expect that at this critical moment, this reckless man who had been her puppet for six years would be inspired to be so heroic! But in front of all the younger brothers.

The 'Black Fox' didn't want to expose the true identity of the boss, but instead told it with this 'irony'.

Nan Ruo also wanted to speak but stopped.

She is well aware of the evil spirit in the hearts of the people in front of her. Once they are put on the line, even the nine cows will not be able to pull them back! But Nan Ruoyi has no better way at this time! She is the eldest lady of the Nan family. Could it be that the Nan family is invited to take action? impossible! If the father knew about this.

Nan Ruoyi will be banned as soon as possible.

Then with a wave of his hand, the entire Black Fox Gang was wiped out in an instant! No one can survive! Nan Ruoyi looked out the window subconsciously.

She held the phone in her hand, hesitated for a long time, and did not send a message.

In this case, even he might not be able to solve it properly.


Nan Ruoyi sighed leisurely, took a step, and prepared to follow the footsteps of the "Black Fox"! But the "Black Fox" who had picked up the machete and stepped out of the door suddenly looked stunned.

Then, the "Black Fox" nodded slightly and retreated silently! I saw a young man in a white shirt slowly walking in.

He said nothing.

In the tense atmosphere, it was like a warm spring breeze!

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