Watching the increasingly fierce quarrel between the two.

Yingzhi shareholders were dumbfounded.

What on earth is going on! Miss Yan family started fighting with the new shareholder right away? It can be said that this new shareholder is indeed a bit too arrogant! After all, this plan was discussed collectively! It is a bit too much to describe it as garbage! I saw Liu Di slowly stand up, "In my eyes, these plans are just talk! They are all garbage!" "If you want to get my praise, there is only one possibility!" "That is real practice, let Yingzhi Group rise again, increase performance, and stock price rise!" "Let's say Yingzhi Group is in crisis now, what are you doing?" m lost?" "Momentum is weak?" "Are you still waiting for me, the new chairman, to turn the tide?" "This is rubbish behavior!" "The things made are naturally rubbish!" Then, Liu Di turned his head and stared at Yan Qingwen with lightning eyes, "Do you know why I chose to make a move at the last moment of the equity auction? "Yan Qingwen's beautiful eyes opened wide, she was a little dazed, and she couldn't think for a while.

Liu Di smiled gently: "Because if a person does not experience real despair and real lows, he will not really grow!" "Only in the tranquility of being in the lows can people really think and really find the problem!" "In the darkness, when being alive becomes a kind of blessing, as long as God gives you another chance, you will definitely be able to stand up angrily and use unprecedented strength!" Liu Di's words.

Let Yan Qingwen tremble! It also revealed everyone's state of mind! It penetrated everyone's confusion! It was like a lightning that hit the heart! I saw Liu Di with his hands behind his back and said: "Yan Qingwen, Yingzhi Group, everyone, I will give you another chance, the only chance!" "It is the opportunity to punch and draw the sword again!" "Let Yingzhi regroup!" Liu Di's eyes were burning, and he swept across everyone: "I am now announcing two things as the largest shareholder and the only decision maker of Yingzhi Group! "First, in Yingzhi Group, I will only interfere with one project, and that is the M-069 project!" "Second, from now on, Yan Qingwen is appointed as the new chairman of Yingzhi Group, with full responsibility for the overall operation of Yingzhi, and all of you need to assist!" After that, Brother Liu looked at Yan Qingwen, "Remember, you can only come to me for one thing in the future, and that is to tell me the good news of Yingzhi!" Brother Liu looked at the group of executives again: "You also remember that my Yingzhi Group is not a charity and does not support any idle people!" "If you continue to be sluggish, not only Yingzhi, but the whole world will have no place for you! "Then.

Under everyone's dazed gaze, Brother Liu slowly paced and left the office straight away! This Yingzhi general meeting ended in 5 minutes! A group of executives were like clay sculptures and wooden carvings! Outside the door.

Zhao Qianqian nodded and lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Brother Liu, not daring to show the slightest frivolity! And Yan Qingwen stood in place at this time, staring blankly at Brother Liu's back.

Her heart was rumbling! Brother Liu's sudden decision caught her off guard! She couldn't remember how many times she had looked at Brother Liu's back.


Every time she was inexplicably shocked! At Hengmao Shopping Center, Brother Liu spent millions to buy top-level lighters, and then turned around to smoke... which made her confused! Talking business with Ciren Hospital, Brother Liu turned around and left, and then brought back an order of 2 billion! She was surprised Surprise! At the Yan family shooting range, Brother Liu, holding a shotgun, fired 70 flying discs in 2 minutes! It shocked her! At the Yan family banquet, the daughter of the Kyoto Nan family bowed her head to Brother Liu and followed closely... It scared her! Amid the solemn military salute of hundreds of special warfare soldiers, Brother Liu slowly left with a group of military leaders... It made her awed! On the roof of Tuo Ye's orphanage, Brother Liu sang a heavenly song, and in the gaze of hundreds of thousands of people, he turned around and disappeared... It fascinated her! At this moment, Brother Liu spent a lot of money to acquire Yingzhi Group, and directly appointed her, and turned around and left... This time... Yan Qingwen was grateful! Because at this moment.

After Brother Liu said those words.

Yan Qingwen finally understood! Brother Liu has great love in his heart! Those rectification plans again and again are In order for Yan Qingwen to constantly break through difficulties and obstacles and constantly look for opportunities! This is actually a kind of tempering! And that critical acquisition.

It is to let Yan Qingwen see hope in despair and ignite new strength! This is a spiritual redemption! At the moment, she was appointed as the chairman of the board of directors and fully managed Yingzhi.

It showed his trust in Yan Qingwen and the Yan family! Recalling all this.

What Liu Di did.

It was just to eliminate those shareholders with ulterior motives! It did not deprive the Yan family of any interest! Today, Liu Di changed his past style again, and he seemed extremely domineering and sharp! Isn’t it just to motivate himself and the entire Yingzhi executives? All this, I am afraid, was the moment when Yan Qingwen found "Emperor San".

Liu Brother Liu has already decided! At the same time, Brother Liu did not use any identity.

Instead, he appeared as ‘Brother Liu’ himself.

Isn’t this using his own Jedi counterattack to prove to the Yan family what is the rebirth of darkness? Brother Liu’s behavior can only be described as great! Inexplicably, Yan Qingwen’s eyes were a little moist.

Brother Liu, Brother Liu... Yan Qingwen murmured in her heart, you not only saved me once three years ago, but now, you saved me again! Brother Liu’s mind.

It is far beyond what Yan Qingwen can imagine! As her father said, ‘Brother Liu has never been from the same world as us! ’ Until this time, Yan Qingwen really understood Brother Liu’s words-just do good things, don’t ask about the future, everything, ask for a clear conscience! Unconsciously.

Yan Qingwen looked towards the back of the figure that was already far away from the ground.

Bowed deeply! Thanks! The senior executives of Yingzhi Group also woke up at this time.

Indeed, as Brother Liu said, I was too content with the status quo before! Too cowardly! He didn’t use all his strength! A word to wake up the dreamer! I am also impressed by this young new director! Spontaneously, they also followed the Yan Qing pattern and bowed together! Exactly 10 minutes later.

Everyone returns to reality.

Yan Qingwen took a deep breath.

In the near-death situation before.

The thought of rectification plans again and again has made her extremely clear about Yingzhi's current situation! Each effective measure is ready to come out! At this time, a raging fire of self-improvement ignited in her heart.

Suddenly he clenched his fist.

Eyes twinkling.

Brother Liu, I will never let you down!

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