Qiu Beiming's expression froze slightly! In an instant, he smiled ferociously again, "The willpower is very firm, indeed very strong!" Then he slowly turned around and shouted in a low voice: "Enhance brain erosion!" The next moment, the fluctuations emanating from his eyebrows suddenly increased! A breeze blew outside the window.

Qiu Beiming's long hair on his forehead was swayed by the airflow! Only then did Brother Liu see clearly.

Qiu Beiming wore a metal ring similar to a hairband on his forehead, and a thin line extended to the back of his head.

And in the center of the headband, a circuit module is shining slightly! And it’s getting more dazzling! Buzz! Invisible radio waves swept across instantly! "It turns out that he relies on the assistance of technology to release brain waves!" The demon boy's voice was a little excited: "This is an innovative technology. Brother Liu, please don't touch it and wait for me to study it!" Brother Liu was a little helpless.

The devil boy became interested at this time! I had no choice but to cooperate! Then, with the help of Demon Boy and Brother Liu's senses, the Demon Boy began to analyze it at high speed! The radio waves that could originally make people confused.

In Liu Di's eyes, it turned into regular curves.

Unknowingly, even Brother Liu was very interested in watching it! In Qiu Beiming's eyes.

Brother Liu was apparently confused by his own brain erosion and had lost his ability to move! "Haha... Fortunately, I have made enough preparations. It seems that your brother Liu is no good!" Qiu Beiming chuckled! Click.

Just when Qiu Beiming was about to take action to kill Brother Liu.

The door is opened! "Beiming!" But Yan Yiwen also returned to the villa. With tears in her eyes, she stepped forward and hugged Qiu Beiming! Qiu Beiming was also stunned.

A touch of tenderness instantly appeared on the extremely gloomy face! "Yi Wen..." "Beiming!" Yan Yiwen hugged Qiu Beiming tightly and choked out: "Please, please stop killing people. Don't kill Brother Liu. Brother Liu is not a bad person..." Qiu Beiming grinned stiffly, "Yi Wen, don't be stupid. If you don't kill him, the poker game will hurt you and the child..." As he said that, Qiu Beiming slowly raised his arm and pointed at Liu younger brother.

But he was caught by Yan Yiwen! "Beiming, you won't be able to look back if you continue like this!" "Even my father..." Yan Yiwen's eyes flashed with tears as he looked at Qiu Beiming pleadingly.

Qiu Beiming smiled sadly again, "Silly girl, this is all for you. I will kill the people you can't kill!" "Now, Brother Liu has become a lamb to be slaughtered, it is the best time.

"Boom! Another unexpected incident! The somewhat 'tender' scene in front of me was broken by a loud bang! Dust was scattered! The door of this bedroom was smashed through by an African black man who was nearly 2.5 meters tall and as strong as a black bear! The black man walked casually.

Not only the wooden door, but also more than half of the door frame and wall collapsed one after another, as if they were made of paper! This man is like a human tank! The dust has settled.

A figure emerges.

Jaw-dropping! This man was wearing shorts and a vest, and almost all the parts that could be exposed were bulging and bursting muscles! The chest circumference is at least 4 or 5 times that of ordinary people, and the arms are comparable to the waist circumference of an adult! He has a dark face and a fierce expression! Just standing there quietly, there was a strong sense of oppression coming over me! "King of spades?" Yan Yiwen and Qiu Beiming's expressions froze! This person is the only person in the entire poker club who never hides his identity! Top killer spade king! Even when performing tasks, he never chooses assassination methods. He always breaks in and kills openly! certainly.

This is also due to his extremely domineering strength! It is also the rumored B+, and it is B3 level! Skin that is difficult for bullets to penetrate, coupled with super strength! Spade K quietly glanced around the scene in the room, and spoke in a low voice, like a bell: "This is the first time in my career that I have been dormant. I didn't expect to gain such a huge harvest!" "Emperor San, the person on the reward list, Qiu Beiming, the leader has always been People you want to meet.

""Oh well! "K of Spades turned his huge head and looked at Yan Yiwen, "Queen of Plum Blossoms, it's not in vain that I followed you for three days, you really brought me many surprises! "Qiu Beiming's eyebrows were solemn at this time! The comer is not good! He naturally knows something about this powerful black man in front of him! Fighting against a B+ level master, the outcome is unpredictable! Subconsciously, Qiu Beiming adjusted his brain erosion and moved towards The King of Spades surrounded him! He wanted to confuse him and then kill him! "Haha..." "Do you think I don't understand you?" "Don't show off this kind of heresy here. Your so-called brain erosion can't even penetrate my skin!" "K of Spades stepped forward slightly, and a brick in front of him was trampled into powder with a bang! The sound came out, just in time to collide with Qiu Beiming's brain erosion! "That thing of yours is indeed very strong, but its weakness is also Obviously, they are afraid of interference! "K of Spades smiled contemptuously! At this moment, Brother Liu, who had been ignored by everyone.

Liu Di was thought by Qiu Beiming to have fallen into hypnosis.

Suddenly he turned his head slightly and frowned, "You are so annoying, you disrupted my science experiment class.

"Qiu Beiming's expression changed instantly! How could this kid still move? Yan Yiwen also reacted and shouted directly, "Brother Liu, run away! He's not something you can handle! "K of Spades also sneered, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you next! "Magic boy: "Is it easy for me to learn some knowledge? Brother Liu, combat consciousness is liberated in 3 seconds, please check it! "In a moment.

A burst of electricity was released from his right eye and swept through Liu Di's body instantly! But it is as comfortable as bathing in hot water! If only a microscope could focus on Liu Di's body.

You will find that the cells in his body are changing rapidly, dividing, combining, regenerating, and producing a new sequence! These changes not only brought rejuvenation to Brother Liu's body! It also changed his brain! The transmission rate between neurons increased several times! In an instant, Brother Liu's perception of the world was completely different! When he looked at Spade K again.

The thoughts in his brain changed inexplicably! Before, he felt that this man was not a match for him and could be subdued with three or two moves.

But now.

He felt like he was looking down at ants! There was no disobedience! Just like an ordinary person looking down at ants on the ground.

A huge monster, and a weak one.

Although the ant was trying to crawl.


No matter if he punched or palmed, or just pushed it lightly, it would fall to pieces! There was no equivalence! Now, in Brother Liu's eyes, this famous Spade K was such an image! Countless loopholes, weak and fragile! No matter how strong his muscles were, or how terrifying his momentum was.

There was no meaning! Within 1 second, thousands of methods flashed through Liu Di's mind, all of which could kill him in an instant! Even Liu Di himself was somewhat amazed! This... is the new human? This... is the liberation of combat consciousness? Sure enough.

Unless you reach this level, you will never understand it! Liu Di's heart was inevitably throbbing.

Blinking slightly, just a thought flashed through his mind.

The next moment.

The figure almost teleported, 3 meters away, in an instant! He jumped up and slammed his knee into Spade K's chin! A casual blow, unstoppable! Bang! A handful of blood mist burst out from behind Spade K's head! Spade K was not prepared at all, and his eyeballs gradually bulged.

A look of disbelief.


Fell on his back!

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