My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1572 Friends (1/2)

in the sun.

A girl wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and her hair tied into a high ponytail.

Stand there quietly.

She put her hands behind her back and looked at Brother Liu from a distance with a smile.

There is a calm beauty about her, very, very beautiful, like an angel.

Liu Di only felt that that flawless smile and those beautiful eyes like crescent moon could melt everything in the world.

But it was the embodied demon boy who tugged on Liu Di's finger and said, "The edge of the universe is really melting. Liu Di, please calm down."



Liu Di quickly stabilized his mind. The twelve-level civilization on the edge of the universe was almost shot.

Gu Fan walked towards Brother Liu, and the crowded passers-by were amazed by the beautiful appearance. They had the illusion of not daring to blaspheme, and they slowly made way for a passage.

Gu Fan stood in front of Brother Liu, smiling.

Liu Di also smiled, but the next moment, Liu Di suddenly grabbed the air.

A crystal diamond ring appeared in Liu Di's palm, Liu Di said: "It's called Lu Xi..."

Gu Fan tilted his head, "Why does the diamond ring have a name?"


Liu Di pursed his lips, "Because it is 7,800 light-years away, a diamond planet weighing more than two thousand two hundred and seventy-one trillion million billions. It is the largest known 'diamond' in the universe, equal to 378,333 Earths.”

Gu Fan's laughter was like a silver bell, "A lot of data..."

The moment Liu Di held the diamond ring, astronomers all over the universe lost a trace of their memory at the same time. The diamond planet code-named "Lu Xi" disappeared from the universe.

Brother Liu said: "I'll give it to you. Is this portion...enough?"


Gu Fan took the diamond ring and held it in his left hand. He held Liu Di's palm with his right hand, his calm expression filled with happiness that could not be concealed.


The cap of a small bottle with diamond-shaped crystal flashed on his forehead and handed Gu Fan a rose, "Sister, this is my gift to you."

Gu Fan smiled even more happily, "Thank you."

Right now.

Mother Lu Shuyun rushed out of the crowd, her eyes filled with tears. She ran over and hugged Brother Liu directly, "My son, you are finally back! I miss you so much!"

Liu Di just wanted to say hello.

But I saw my mother ignoring Brother Liu, turning her gaze to Gu Fan, her eyes bursting with light, "Who is this? Brother Liu, isn't this your girlfriend?"

But Gu Fan nodded slightly, "Hello, aunt, my name is Gu Fan."

My mother immediately took a step back, with a sense of déjà vu in her eyes, 'The sky has eyes, the silly boy finally has a wife', and then she felt ecstasy in her heart!

"Hello Gu Fan!"

"Auntie likes you so much!"

Immediately, her mother, Lu Shuyun, covered her mouth with her palm and said to Brother Liu: "Son, such a beautiful girl, could she be an alien? Forget it, I accept aliens, my daughter-in-law is the best girl!"

In fact, my mother’s voice can be heard by everyone around me.

But Brother Liu pursed his lips, "Of course Gu Fan is not an alien, she is just a four-dimensional being."

"Fourth-dimensional life?"

Mom was obviously confused, "Oh, you're talking about her hometown, right? A village called Siwei?"

Brother Liu nodded, "That's right for you to understand."

At this moment, Brother Liu glanced behind his mother and asked directly: "Where is dad?"

Mother Lu Shuyun was stunned again, "Okay, so you already knew that that guy Liu Zhengqing was not dead at all, but just hiding?"

Brother Liu smiled.

To be precise, his father Liu Zhengqing did die, but Brother Liu resurrected him the moment he restarted the universe.

But the strange thing is that even Brother Liu now, looking at the entire universe, Liu Zhengqing is nowhere to be seen.

I only heard my mother complaining: "That guy, he met me once when he got home, talked about old times, and then left in a hurry, saying that he was going to explore the outside world! Oh, by the way, he said that what he saw and heard, he would Pass it to you in a diary!”

Brother Liu was startled.

outside world?

Shouldn't it?

Brother Liu took a deep breath, he was indeed my father.

At this moment, Liu Entropy, who was wearing linen clothes and cloth shoes, separated from the crowd and came to Liu Di.

He still didn't have much expression and said directly: "Did you borrow my time halberd?"

Brother Liu was stunned, that golden time halberd?

Why can't I remember it? Where did I leave it?


That's not very important.

Liu Di raised his hand slightly, and a golden halberd formed out of thin air. With a slight smile on Liu Di's face, he threw it to Liu Entropy from a distance.

Liu Entropy held the Time Halberd and stared at it for a moment, "Let's go."


"Liu Entropy, where are you going?"

"Go home with mom for dinner!"

But it was my mother, Lu Shuyun, who shouted domineeringly.

Liu Entropy was stunned immediately, turned around slowly, nodded and said, "Okay."

Brother Liu secretly laughed.

The world is big, but your parents are the biggest and let you pretend to be cool.

At this moment, Little Brother Liu next to him exclaimed, "Hey, I saw that right, that's... a red back! Haha, my partner, you're back!"

"Hey, what a cute furry chicken. Are you the red-backed little brother? Haha!"

Everyone looked at the warm scene in the distance.

The little boy strokes his pet dog.

But I don’t know why, but that wolfdog with a red hair on its back looks so majestic that it makes people tremble inexplicably.


Dragon roars came from the sky.

In the clouds, a shadow was seen, circling and dancing like a vast dragon.

Everyone was shocked, "Is that a real dragon?!!"

But the next moment.

The shadow disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "It turned out that I was dazzled!"

But the crowd did not notice that an ancient scholar in a robe, waving a paper fan with words on it, slowly came to Liu Di's side.

"I'm obviously dead, but I was resurrected by a powerful creature. It shouldn't be you, right?"

Fu Qing narrowed his eyes and tried hard to see through the man in the white shirt beside him.

But no matter how he looked, he couldn't see Liu Di's dimension at this time. Maybe he didn't have a dimension at all, just like an ordinary person, standing there.

But the next moment, Fu Qing suddenly sighed, "Okay, it's you, motherfucker."

Liu Di just chuckled.

But the next moment, Fu Qing looked at everything around him with curiosity, "At least this should be your home, haha! I want to have a good time!"

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