My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1551 Singularity Surfing (1/2)

Tianjue is still sailing in the darkness.

This is the universe 460 light years away from the earth, and 5 light years away from the edge of the universe known to humans.

No starship can reach here anymore.

Tianjue is the only one moving forward.

The members suppressed huge expectations in their hearts. What is outside the universe?

And Liu Di and Mo Tong are doing their best to ensure navigation.

On the one hand, they unify the chaotic time, and on the other hand, they restore the chaotic space.

The road ahead is like the tunnels of those ancient tombs. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and get the treasures in them, you must survive under countless dangerous mechanisms.

Be careful and cautious.

But you won't encounter dry bones on the road.

Because according to the current situation, if you want to peek into this road, you must start from at least eight dimensions.

And this eight-dimensional creature must also have the ability to control time.

Fu Qing said that in this world, no one can advance to a higher dimension and gather all kinds of abilities.

Except Liu Di.

Liu Di couldn't help but daydream.

What is outside the universe?

A dark place, with the universe floating in it like a cloud of smoke?

Then what kind of substance is this so-called "darkness"?


Another cell of a giant creature? Because the universe itself is also one of its cells.

As his thoughts drifted, another 5 hours passed unconsciously.

Even at the edge of the universe, there are still wormholes, and the Tianjue has been shuttling back and forth.

Not arrived yet?

The straight-line distance is estimated to be at least 50 light years, right?

Brother Liu raised his eyebrows.


Why did my brain short-circuit?

I subconsciously regarded the universe as a continent with edges and corners.

And unconsciously brought in a kind of thinking - as long as you keep going, you can reach the edge sooner or later.


The universe is constantly expanding.

And it is expanding at the speed of light!

And Brother Liu knows a truth, there is no existence in this world that can exceed the speed of light.


Brother Liu looked ahead, and at this time the wormholes in the time halberd were finally exhausted, and the front was dark and deep, with no grass growing.

"The space here has not yet taken shape, and the folding operation cannot be performed."


"This is an unsolvable problem."

"I will never leave the universe?!"

At this moment, a picture appeared in Liu Di's mind. It was a golden bird cage, so huge that it could cover the entire universe.

At this time.

Liu Xiaodi's voice came through the communicator, "Violent Bear, how far is the road ahead?"

Liu Xiaodi pondered: "Hmm..."

"Oh, right!"

Liu Xiaodi laughed: "Do you think Kun Sang is stupid? He only remembered to remind us two hours ago that the universe is expanding at the speed of light. Haha, this basic knowledge, the rest of us realized it three days ago."

Liu Xiaodi pondered: "Hmm..."

"Violent Bear, what's wrong with you? Why is your voice vague?"

"I'm fine..."

"That's good! Since we have already driven here, with your wisdom, Violent Bear, you must have prepared for a rainy day and prepared superluminal means in advance, right? Hurry up and show it, we have moved the small stools and prepared the melon seeds, all we need is your performance!"

I don't know why.

Liu Xiaodi's mind instantly emerged, a few people on the Tianjue, and nearly a thousand Kaban scientists, sitting in the auditorium of the Tianjue, excited to watch a movie.

The voice of the demon boy suddenly came, "Brother Liu, I'm sorry, this picture is not your fantasy, but the real surveillance picture inside the Tianjue."

Brother Liu: "..."

In the picture, Dr. Luban was sitting in the first row, holding a piece of rice cake tightly, with tears in his eyes.

It said excitedly: "Brother Liu, although superluminal speed will overturn all the theoretical cognition in my mind, don't worry, I am ready. I will accept it humbly like a student. Please let the storm come more violently! For science, even if my little heart is destroyed...that's not a problem!"

Brother Liu: "Beautiful."

But little brother Liu suddenly narrowed his eyes, stared at the surveillance camera and said: "Violent Bear, you can't...have no means to break through the edge of the universe?"

Brother Liu grinned.

Then he chuckled again, and the purple light in his right eye flashed: "Of course."

The next moment.

Brother Liu threw his hand out of thin air, and a series of electronic singularities floated out from his fingertips.

Then they lined up in a straight line, and then the nearest electronic singularity exploded in the deep space in front of Tianjue!

Dr. Lu Ban squeezed the rice cake in his hand in an instant, "It's actually a simulated singularity! It's coming! It's coming!"

Speaking of this electronic singularity, Liu Di has never been in it himself.

But it can be imagined that there is no earth-shattering scene in it, just a dark place, containing the refresh of time and space.

There is also the same expansion speed as the real universe singularity, the speed of light.

Under Liu Di's control, Tianjue roared and accelerated, heading straight for the electronic singularity.

In the electronic singularity, everything is controlled by Liu Di.

Tianjue seemed to float above, dropped the "anchor", and kept the ship from collapsing.

The expanding electronic singularity seemed to have turned into a huge wave on the sea, and Tianjue became a speedboat on the crest of the wave.

The spread of the electronic singularity drives the Tianjue forward.

——Singularity surfing.

No object in the real world can exceed the speed of light, so Liu Di chose to hug a big tree.

In an instant, the speed of the Tianjue went from zero to the limit.

Everyone felt that their bodies and the Tianjue collapsed into various particles in an instant.

But the fact is not that, Liu Di had already put the Tianjue into a solid [sample space].

Dr. Lu Ban came back to his senses and looked at the cabin that had not changed around him, "Is this the speed of light? I don't feel anything?"

Liu Di, who was on the top of the Tianjue, shook his head slightly.

His electronic singularity, like a piece of black cloth, covered the real universe.

But as a product of the real universe, the Tianjue is still subject to the rules of the real universe. For example, the law within the Tianjue is still the maximum speed of light.

At this moment, the Tianjue is protected by the [sample space], and everything in it is a state similar to "relative stillness".

This is like a passenger plane on Earth. No matter how fast it is, the short-skirted stewardess can still float past you. Don't expect her skirt to suddenly fly away due to inertia.

The orange juice will still stand steadily on the small table, and it will not suddenly stick to the passenger's face due to inertia.

Liu Di's voice came, "Everyone, do you want to experience the feeling of superluminal speed?"

Thousands of Kaban scientists and several members of his Tianjue nodded like pounding garlic.

Liu Di thought for a moment, "Then use photons to make a comparison."

The next moment.

The [sample space] protecting Tianjue changed its form from the microscopic level to a 'sieve', and the microscopic holes in it just leaked the photons in the particle state.

Photons are light, which is the speed of light.

At this time, outside Tianjue, Liu Di's 'Breakthrough the Edge of the Universe Plan' has just begun. The expansion range of the first electronic singularity where Tianjue is located was set by him to 10 million kilometers.

This distance is reached in an instant.

What greeted the Tianjue was the second electronic singularity that had been prepared long ago.

The expansion ranges of the two overlapped instantly.

The Tianjue was simultaneously in two electronic singularities that were expanding at the speed of light!

The speed of light is very fast, but it is also a speed in essence and can still be superimposed.

The speed of the Tianjue suddenly increased - superluminal speed.

The photons that were originally relatively still in the cabin, because they were no longer bound by the [sample space] and because of the sudden acceleration of the Tianjue, inertia took effect.

They seemed to have encountered the push back feeling when a civil aircraft took off, paused slightly, and then were left behind!

At this moment, the light refracted into people's pupils was suddenly interrupted, the lens in the eyes had no signal, and the visual center of the brain had no information.

What would it feel like if there was no light to reflect into the eyes?

Would people become "blind"?

Or would it become pitch black?

Like looking at a black hole with the naked eye?

None of them.

The black hole at least has a shape, because there is still light escaping around it and entering the human eye, which plays a foil role.

At this time, the members of Tianjue had no light in their eyes at all.

Not even black.

This is also different from closing your eyes, because after closing your eyes, there is at least a faint light transmitted through the eyelids, and these photons can still shuttle between the eyelids and the eyeballs.

Liu Xiaodi was stunned.

Because the optic nerves have no information.

This feeling is like the enemy is only left with a "slight blood", and you are about to kill five people, but the plug of the display screen is suddenly unplugged by Shuier, leaving only nothingness, endless emptiness.


The hearing and touch are still there, you can hear the faint sound of the instrument, and your butt can still feel the small bench.

At the same time, a huge sense of alienation appeared, because the brain lacked important reference information, it seemed to crash, and could not issue any substantial commands.

Liu Xiaodi's lips trembled and said: "I have tasted it, the feeling of superluminal speed is like a ghost pressing on the bed!!!"

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