My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1542 The meaning of promise (1/2)

The edge of the universe.

Feng, Xuanwu, and the mechanical monk Samsara Kong looked at the direction where Brother Liu and Eshi were fighting.

My mood went through many ups and downs, but finally, like a drowning person, he surfaced and could finally breathe.

Now several people's expressions were calm and solemn.

The nearly invincible Eshi was turned into ashes by Liu Di's unfathomable ability.

At this moment, Brother Liu disappeared from the view in a weird form.

Only then did Feng understand.

It turns out that the help he and the dragon provided to Liu Di could only help him defeat the four ferocious beasts. When the real battle against Eshi came, Liu Di's self-awakening still had to be relied upon.

Feng and Xuanwu can no longer see clearly the cause and effect of Brother Liu.

This moment.

Brother Liu's body condensed like sand in the wind, and he stood beside Feng.

Xuanwu's eyes shone slightly, staring at Liu Di's body glowing with a faint blue light.

After staring for a long time, Xuanwu suddenly exclaimed, "Atoms are crushed under high pressure, including atomic nuclei, and only neutrons are precisely arranged..."

Xuanwu looked at Brother Liu again, a little shocked, "Are you in a neutron state? The strongest solid state in the universe, bar none!"

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

Xuanwu was aroused with great interest at this time, "Do you have a nine-dimensional ability? The kind that can be changed at will? I am very curious, how many forms can you choose?"

Liu Di calmly said: "12 kinds."

Xuanwu's eyes kept flashing and he murmured: "Gaseous state, liquid state, solid state, plasma state, super solid state, radiation field state, antimatter state, amorphous state, liquid crystal state, superfluid state, superconducting state, neutron state ...Tsk, 12 forms of matter!”

After hearing Xuanwu's words, Feng Ye's brows twitched slightly.

"Your ability is unrivaled in the material world."

Xuanwu's interest became even stronger. He looked at Brother Liu as if he were looking at a technological treasure waiting to be excavated.

He groped his chin and said: "I really can't understand. After your body is transformed into these forms, the original physiological structure no longer exists. For example, the biological nerves of the brain no longer exist. So... how do you maintain it? How about maintaining the accuracy of your own thinking and actions?”

Brother Liu said quietly: "No matter what form it takes, it will always have my consciousness particles as the core."


Is it also a particle?

This is not a chemical element.

Xuanwu's eyes flickered, as if he didn't understand, but Xuanwu was a well-deserved scientist among the four generals of the universe. While he was extremely accomplished, he also had a strong thirst for knowledge about all unknown sciences.

Xuanwu's eyes flashed, his interest not diminished, and he was ready to continue asking.

But Brother Liu glanced sideways at Feng and said slowly: "I have controlled 118 elements, which fully cover the needs of the human body. However, I have tried several times before, but there is no possibility of resurrecting the dead. My understanding is still insufficient."

"Eshi, I have eradicated it for you."

"The matter of resurrecting Kun Sang."

"Please help General Feng."

After Brother Liu said that, a Steel Emperor Seven returned from the Tianjue in the sky, carrying a huge black box on its back, and slowly landed in front of everyone.

Inside the black box was Kun Sang's complete body.

But this moment.

There was complete silence.

The corners of Feng's eyes trembled imperceptibly, and his forehead was inadvertently covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat.

Xuanwu, who was in high spirits just now, was suddenly speechless and swallowed his saliva slightly.

Liu Di frowned slightly, "I can't resurrect Kun Sang because there are no consciousness particles of Kun Sang, that is, there is no 'information' from him. I also asked the God of Death, and the God of Death said that he has never received any information from the universe. of the deceased.”

Brother Liu looked at Feng again and spoke louder, "Does the Universe Heavenly Palace have a separate 'soul storage space'? General Feng, please, bring Kun Sang back."

Feng's head lowered slightly, he hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I..."

Feng's tone was very long, but it was only this one word.


Liu Di's tone was calm.

Feng: "I..."

Brother Liu took a step forward, his eyes as sharp as knives, "What are you going to say?"

Feng's eyes trembled slightly, "I..."

Seeing that Feng never said anything, Brother Liu frowned and said, "Before, you revived Wang Chong with a single click, and then summoned the dead black bird Du Jue during the battle. Don't tell me, this is all to create an illusion in front of me. ”

Feng was speechless, his eyes were shaking, and he didn't speak for a long time.

The atmosphere became tense instantly.

"Brother Liu."

But it was Xuanwu who broke the silence, slowly stepped forward, and stood between Liu Di and Feng.

At this moment, Xuanwu no longer had the relaxed expression he had before, and the principles of the nine dimensions were no longer the focus of his attention.

"Brother Liu."

"I said before..."

"If Feng cannot resurrect Kun Sang, I will pay with my life."

Xuanwu looked at Brother Liu with a very different look.

Brother Liu still frowned, "Those words don't make any sense."


Xuanwu's eyes were moist and he adjusted his suit, "It makes sense."


Xuanwu raised his hand, and his fingertips flashed with cyan light, which seemed to be some kind of electronic force field that could make his fingers stronger and sharper.


Xuanwu's next move shocked Brother Liu slightly.

However, he saw Xuanwu's five fingers turning into claws, directly penetrating his chest, and then Xuanwu clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and he let out a low roar.


Xuanwu's fingers cut in a little more, and then suddenly pulled, blood splattered, Xuanwu pulled his still beating heart out of his chest!

Xuanwu's fair face was also splashed with bright red blood. He held the heart in his hand and handed it to Liu Di, suddenly showing a smile.

"That... at least it can relieve me of a little guilt."



But Xuanwu's eyes lost their spirit and fell on his back.

The bleeding heart, still held in his hand, gradually stopped beating.

Xuanwu died.

He didn't close his eyes, staring at the sky of the universe.

I don't know.

Is the universe at this time the ideal world of Xuanwu, one of the four generals?

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