My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1540 Answer Sheet (1/2)


"Your body is left behind by the ant who calls himself Dr. Jiang, right?"

"You don't think that his level is also called nine-dimensional?"

"Comparing with him is an insult to me."

Eshi turned into a black humanoid and walked slowly.

In the distant deep space, there were constantly large-mass celestial bodies, making creaking sounds. They were leaving their orbits and approaching Ershi.

And some small pieces of cosmic debris, which were close to the speed of light, were gathered together, but before they could get close to Ershi's body, they were torn apart at the atomic level and turned into imperceptible dust, which stuck to the surface of Ershi's body.

At this time, Liu Di.

Cannot feel the so-called "huge pressure", but in Ershi's body, there is a fatal gravity, as if to grab himself away and suck him into the black hole.


Eshi's body suddenly accelerated, rushing in front of Liu Di like a black light.

Ershi in the shadow punched Liu Di in the chest.

Ershi said: "You turned into zero dimension before, which made me a little worried. I thought you reached a state that even I couldn't understand."

"In the end, my worries were unnecessary."

"You actually summoned this quantum body again for me to ravage?!"

"Ants are ants!"


Ershi's fist hit the chest of the quantum body.

The white dwarf was condensed twice, and the accumulated energy was released instantly!

At this time, the kinetic energy of the explosion overcame the gravity of the black hole, and the huge force pushed Liu Di's quantum body backwards, approaching the speed of light!

It was also at this moment.

Cracks appeared on the chest of the quantum body, and instantly spread throughout the body.

Liu Di's information body also broke away from the quantum body.

He stared at the cracked quantum body in astonishment, falling into a chaos.

And that chaos was the independent universe refreshed by the explosion of the electron singularity before Liu Di.

But after the quantum body fell into the darkness, it exploded instantly, and countless quantum units in the body instantly disintegrated and turned into countless blue starlights.

And between these starlights, there are also crisscrossing quantum wormholes, which are now like a big net, spread out in the new universe.

Liu Di didn't know.

A seven-dimensional life named Du He was being hunted by the eleventh-level civilization at this time, and accidentally hid in this new universe.

Du He, who was seriously injured, suddenly found that countless wormholes fell from the sky in this independent space.

How did Du He save the star.

He immediately hid in these wormholes, kept shuttling, and finally escaped the enemy's pursuit.

After a long time.

Du He walked out of this universe, but found that the time here was not equal to the outside world, as if it had been reset.

In the end, Du He connected one of the wormholes to the small village in his hometown.

And locked the entrance in a ancestral hall.

Named it - the way home.

But he didn't know that this new universe, expanding infinitely in another timeline, eventually overlapped with the main universe, and those wormhole exits were also scattered in the main universe in equal proportion.


At this time, Liu Di.

Once again, he was left with a data body.

He looked at the shattered quantum body with great heartache.

The old man's relics were gone.

And Eshi seemed invulnerable and invincible.



The shadow-like Eshi laughed wildly in the deep space, "This time, you should be annihilated! This time, what means do you have to revive?!"

"You dare to threaten the stability of my universe?"

"You dare to disobey my Eshi!"

"From the atomic level to dust, there is no trace of you in the universe. This! This is your final end!"

At this moment.

The edge of the universe, like the edge of the sky, lit up with colorful clouds.

Red, ice blue, emerald green, ethereal like smoke, like fireworks, and like the aurora.

It is extremely vast and stretches endlessly.

"On Monday, I stayed in bed on Pluto and didn't want to get up...

On Tuesday, I went to harvest potatoes planted on Mars...

On Wednesday, I came to see you by spaceship...

On Thursday, we went on an adventure together...

On Friday, we went to move stones on the white dwarf...

On Saturday, we escaped from the mother universe together...

On Sunday, we ate all the aliens together...

Children who don't listen will be put on the moon to stand as punishment..."

A clear child's voice sang a clear nursery rhyme, and the song was light and filled the entire space.

E Shi paused slightly.

Liu Di was also slightly stunned.

This nursery rhyme is so familiar. I have heard it more than once on the Tianjue. Its singer is a little girl wearing a red puffy skirt. She is a strong artificial intelligence in the elemental field. Her name is Bo Lin.

Liu Di clearly felt it.

The colorful aurora in the sky is a spectrum of various colors, which is the result of different elements reflecting sunlight. The number of elements is 118 in total, which is amazing. Whether it is a stable state or an unstable state, they coexist harmoniously.


The colorful aurora condensed into a small figure.

She is a cute little girl with watery eyes. She put her hands behind her back and said shyly: "Hello Liu Di, Hello Demon Child."

In the void, only Liu Di could see the Demon Child, who was also in the information state, wearing denim overalls and opened his mouth, "Ah..."


Porin exclaimed, "My idol has also turned into an information state, just like Porin."


Porin exclaimed again, looking at Ershi, frowning, "There is another evil enemy, a bit powerful, threatening my idol and blue friend."

Ershi was also shocked, "An artificial intelligence can actually control 118 elements?!"

Porin's nose curled, "Hmph, we are about the same, so I can't beat you, but if I give my ability to my idol, it may not be the case!"

The next moment.

Liu Di saw Porin's body disintegrate and turn into a string of codes, which was her original state, a program.

But this time, Porin's code contained countless DNA, which was the code to control different elements.

The codes coiled and formed Porin's outline again in the air, translucent and pure.

Porin flew towards Liu Di.

"Aidou, Polin has given a perfect answer this time."

"All 118 elements, including those that Aidou lacks, have been collected."

"Aidou is now in the information state and can perfectly integrate with Polin."

But the informationized Polin opened his arms and hugged Liu Di like a little angel.

Liu Di was delighted.

All the elements?

Then I have gained the power to fight against Eshi!

But at this moment, Liu Di suddenly found that Polin, who was constantly approaching, had tears in his eyes composed of lines of code, and the characters in them were hydrogen and oxygen, which disappeared in the universe.


Liu Di felt a little weird and asked aloud.

But Polin choked up and said, "The old man said that Polin should make a qualified patch. In a while, Polin's code will merge with Mo Tong's and can never be restored."

"Don't be sad, my love."

"Polin will always be with you from now on."

The little girl in the puffy skirt opened her arms and hugged Liu Di tightly.

Although neither of them had a physical body, Liu Di felt a trace of tender warmth.


"I love you so much."

Polin's body gradually disappeared, as if melting into Liu Di's data body.

Only a string of tear codes remained, slowly drifting in the universe and turning into nothingness.

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