My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1537 Return to Dust (1/2)

"You and I are finally face to face."

"I am Eshi from the Universe Heaven."

The man in the golden robe said calmly, his voice echoing in Liu Di's ears through a long distance.

His face was sharp and angular, with a hint of kingly aura, but there was also a hint of viciousness that could not be concealed.

Liu Di stared at him.

When Eshi appeared before, his body was blurred. Now that he saw his true face, he found that his image was like an ancient emperor.

Because the Universe Heaven is the twin environment of the earth, Eshi's appearance is that of an out-and-out human.


He can actually stand on the surface of a white dwarf calmly.

There, the gravity is 220 million times that of the earth. Not only has he not been disassembled into atoms, but even his body has not changed much.

The demon boy said: "I have analyzed Eshi's actions and behaviors. He is not a projection, nor is he in a state of consciousness or information. That is his body."

Liu Di pondered.

Although Liu Di has compressed himself into a zero-dimensional information state.

But when it comes to physical properties, Liu Di is sure that he cannot resist the white dwarf. In this respect, Er Shi is far superior to Liu Di.

From the surface, the atoms in Er Shi's body seem to be tightly adsorbed together, and the "magnetic force" is greater than the gravity of the white dwarf. In such an environment, he can keep himself unaffected.

Body, atoms...

Or related to the elemental field...

Liu Di guessed in his heart that this must be a nine-dimensional ability.

However, Er Shi casually took a few steps forward, looked up at the direction of the universe, and said with some regret: "There, it is my country."


E Shi looked at Liu Di again, and anger emerged, "Do you know the truth behind the universe? Huh? You weak and overconfident ant?!"

"Do you know what you destroyed!!!"

E Shi's expression became ferocious and panting, but then he suppressed his anger and said in a trembling voice: "I might as well tell you that the establishment of the universe was the will of a supreme!"


Liu Di's eyebrows moved, the so-called eleven-dimensional life?

Eshi's teeth were clattering. "The Supreme gave me only one task, which is to ensure the continuation of the Heavenly Court of the Universe, no matter what means, only the result matters!"

"My mission is very simple."

"It is to make the life of the Heavenly Court of the Universe reach 10 billion years."

"Now, the Heavenly Court of the Universe has been stable for 7 billion years, only 30 short!"

"But it will be destroyed in your hands!"

Liu Di's face gradually darkened.

He didn't understand why the Supreme was obsessed with this matter.

But Liu Di strongly disagreed with the sentence 'no matter what means, only the result matters'.

Immediately, Brother Liu said loudly: "So, you created such a system for the Universe Heaven, using gods to brainwash, and any resident with extra thoughts will destroy a state?"

"Not only that! How can we ensure the stability of the Universe Heaven by just killing internal people?"

Eshi's face was distorted, "In these billions of years, I have also destroyed countless external forces, such as the Rousseau civilization from the sub-universe. I used space particles to compress them into two dimensions!"

Brother Liu instantly connected everything.

Rousseau civilization is the home of the Shadow Princess.

At that time, they entered the main universe from the 01 sub-universe and attempted to invade and expand, but were directly destroyed by the Universe Heaven.

Once, Brother Liu thought that the Universe Heaven was just, but now it seems that Ershi is just trying to save himself.

I only heard Eshi say: "I will destroy all external sprouts. Any force that may threaten my universe will be destroyed in advance. They don't have the slightest possibility, not even the chance to rise!"

"And you, brother Liu."

Eshi's eyes burst into cold light, "I knew early on that you are the only species in the entire universe that can continuously upgrade dimensions. As long as you survive, you are a thorn in my eyes! As long as you are alive, I can't sleep or eat well!"

Things have come to this.

Brother Liu completely understood.

Liu Di said slowly, "Your thoughts are similar to those of an ancient king on Earth. He was called Wang Mang. He dreamed that a man named Liu Xiu would overthrow his dynasty, so he began to lose sleep and kill all the "Liu Xiu" in the world, like a madman."

E Shi grinned, "Be prepared for danger in times of peace! That's right! Kings should be like this! I guess Wang Mang's dynasty must be prosperous!"

Liu Di shook his head slowly, "But Wang Mang should never have thought of me as Liu Xiu, so I really became Liu Xiu, and he was killed by me, and his Xin Dynasty was one of the shortest-lived dynasties in Chinese history."


E Shi stomped his feet fiercely, and the white dwarf emitted a very weak Muffled sound, "You ant! Traitor! Rebel! I'm standing here now, do you dare to come forward and fight me?"

Liu Di stared at the critical point of the gravitational force of the white dwarf in front of him, and hesitated slightly, "I dare not."



E Shi laughed wildly, "Is that all you are, have I worried too much before?!"

But Liu Di said calmly: "I don't understand the essence of life as well as you do. I dare not approach the white dwarf. After all, with my current control over the elements, if I approach there, I will really be wiped out."

"But that doesn't mean that I have no means against you."

Liu Di looked at the distant universe, and saw a dazzling "train" composed of time and space rumbling towards him.

The diameter of this train is very large, similar to the diameter of the white dwarf star.

In every carriage, there is the past state of this white dwarf star!

Boom boom boom!

This huge train traveling in the void crashes into the white dwarf star!

Eshi, who was on the surface, could not feel any physical impact, but he could see the white dwarfs hidden in the train carriages one after another, breaking around him and integrating with his feet.

Er Shi was shocked and crossed his arms, as if to block the huge impact.

But everything he did was in vain.

But the space where the white dwarf star was located began to recede.

And in those carriages is the past of the white dwarf star. Hundreds of millions of carriages later, it is already the state of the white dwarf star, a star in its prime with a volume 28 times that of the sun.

Then came the star's youth, infancy, and then its core period, and then a nebula appeared here, which was the 'womb' that once brewed the star.

Finally, after billions of years of time and space regressing, everything here shrank infinitely, and with a 'pop' sound, it condensed into a dark singularity.

All was quiet.

White dwarfs don't exist, and disaster doesn't exist.

Brother Liu stared quietly.

After hesitating for a moment, Brother Liu's right eye flashed purple.

Electronic singularity explosion.

With a radius of 2 million kilometers, time and space were refreshed, and all mechanisms were completely overturned.

"It can actually simulate a singularity explosion."

“The creativity is just amazing.”

"But just that?"

This voice came from behind Brother Liu, who frowned and turned back.

But he saw huge colored smoke coiling in the void and condensing in an instant. Not only did he condense the body of Eshi, but also... condensed the white dwarf star!

Moreover, the distance between the white dwarf star and Brother Liu at this time was less than 3,000 kilometers.

This moment.

Liu Di only felt a chill running down the soles of his feet, and the skin on his face felt a slight pain. It was as if there were countless tiny static charges crackling on his face, and it was like countless tiny needlepoints piercing his skin.

Brother Liu was shocked to find out.

On the tip of his nose, tiny smoke particles spread out, drifting towards the white dwarf star that was rapidly approaching!

Eshi seemed to be controlling the white dwarf, holding his hands behind his hands and grinning ferociously, "Return to dust!"

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