My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1535 Existence (1/2)

Feng seemed to understand but not quite.

But they are four ferocious beasts.

The scenery around them is constantly degrading. Not only is time going backwards, but the objects in the space they are in are also degrading.

This is like a deformation of space, interpreting time.

It's like going back in time and changing the space.

There is no difference between the two.

The bodies of the four ferocious beasts gradually shrank and turned into humans. Then their age also began to shrink. The invisible strong wind blew them so hard that they could not open their eyes.

From their perspective, the cosmic heavenly continent beneath their feet also began to change.

The 700,000 light-year-long continent began to disintegrate and turned into scattered pieces of land. Then these lands curled up and returned to their original appearance, planets one by one.

There certainly is no native continent of such a large area in the universe. The origin of the universe is to use technological means to dismantle and splice planets together.

As the continent fell apart, four ferocious beasts stood in the universe.

But I saw that the speed of time and space regressing was accelerating again, hundreds of millions of years per second.

The boundless universe began to shrink, and countless celestial bodies fragmented and recombined to form larger and more primitive celestial bodies.

Pieces of interstellar dust dissipated, and pieces of nebula disappeared.

The four ferocious beasts have long lifespans, and as the universe degenerates, they also see their past lives.

But throughout the process, they were stunned but unable to make any sound.

They wanted to move, but found that in such a rapid time and space, their speed was extremely slow, and they could not lift their arms or blink their eyes.

Their power becomes extremely weak.

They became younger and younger, and their bodies became smaller and smaller, eventually losing their human form and turning into a single cell.

Then, that single cell also decayed and shattered into undetectable fly ash.

The four spaces they are located in are like four independent universes, degenerating towards a dot.

Feng, who was in the outside world, finally saw the end of the space-time train, slowly approaching from the horizon, and crashing into four spaces, magnificent and majestic.

Finally, the last carriages of the four trains entered four spaces respectively.

At this moment, the world was silent.

Where the four ferocious beasts stood, there was nothing else, only a dark dot floating quietly in the sky.

Of course, this black spot seems to exist independently against the four ferocious beasts, without affecting any surrounding scenery.

Feng Yanran said, "You let their world return to...the singularity alone?"

Brother Liu said calmly: "It's an electronic singularity."


Ursa located in the Black Palace.

There was a slight sweat on the forehead. It saw the scene of the four trains racing. It was deeply shocked, but it didn't understand it at all.

Immediately, Eshi used his nine-dimensional ability to revive the four ferocious beasts.

But he was shocked to find that he could not get in touch with the bodies of the four ferocious beasts. To be more precise, it was as if the four ferocious beasts had never existed in the entire universe.

The corners of Eshi's eyes trembled, "How is this possible?"


But he saw Brother Liu slightly raising his head and looking into the distance.

The four tiny singularities also flew into the distance. They penetrated through the gate of flashing space and arrived hundreds of thousands of light-years away. They were arranged in four directions and quietly suspended in the center of the cosmic heavenly continent.

Brother Liu's right eye flashed purple.

Four singularities exploded.

Four pieces of pure black space began to expand and continue to extend.

The passing land shattered, revealing huge technology bases hidden underground.

Among them are the semi-finished products of countless fleshly gods, such as the strange beast Pig, the strange beast Pi, the strange beast 猼𫍙, and the strange beast Lu Shu.

, the strange beast snake, the strange beast tiger dragon...

Tens of thousands.

As the singularity exploded, it all turned into dust.

Liu Di said: "Eshi's scheming is so insidious. Even the new four ferocious beasts are just temporary tools. No one knows that it has stored countless fleshly gods."

Feng's eyes trembled slightly.

Liu Di added: "The explosion of the singularity is not a conventional physical property. I only need to adjust one of the tiny codes, and the time, space, and order derived from it will be refreshed and cover everything."

Feng was a little sluggish, "New space, new time..."

However, the explosion range of the four singularities continued to expand and finally converged.

And in the center of this cosmic heavenly continent, the castle that seemed to stand in the darkness was also swallowed up in an instant.

Feng was even more surprised, "That's E Shi's palace!"

Feng's voice had just fallen, and the black palace seemed to have been smoothed and never existed.

Subordinate for a moment.

The singularity stops expanding.

The entire universe, Heavenly Continent, was eroded into a hollow ring.

The inside of the ring was dark and gloomy, with little blue stars falling.

There is a new time and space that will evolve independently.

Before that, Eshi was sitting on the throne of the palace.

First, he saw that all the gods he had hidden in his body were destroyed, and then his pupils reflected the expanding singularity, and then his body was submerged.

Feng looked at all this with some disbelief.

Even the mechanical monk reincarnated in the sky, his eyes trembled at this time, and he clasped his hands together, "Ami... Tuofu..."

a long time.

Feng asked: "Is Eshi dead?"

Brother Liu shook his head, "I'll go look for him later."


Liu Di looked at Feng, who was thin and asked, "How are you now?"

Feng said: "A lot of the elements in my body have been consumed, and it will take time to recover."

Liu Di asked again: "Have you mastered all the elements of the human body, so you can resurrect Kun Sang?"

Feng paused for a moment, "Yes, just like when I resurrected Du Jue."

Brother Liu glanced at Feng quietly, then stepped into the space and disappeared.


A corner of the universe.

Amidst the green hills, there are lush greenery and meandering streams.

A young man wearing a white shirt, slightly long hair, and a purple light flashing in his right eye squatted on a boulder and slowly bent over, holding a handful of stream water, putting it on the tip of his nose and sniffing it.

The next moment.

The young man raised his head and saw a space door light up out of thin air in front of him, and a young man who looked exactly like himself walked out slowly.

The young man gently turned his hand and poured the water back into the creek.

Two Liu brothers.

Of course, the 'Brother Liu' who travels around the mountains and rivers is made by Baihu, and his body is Kun Sang's torso.

But Bai Hu's level can copy other people's memories. Even the puppet himself will not notice it. He will only think that he is the only and genuine body.

"I know I'm fake."

The puppet Brother Liu slowly raised his head, showing a smile full of vitality, and looked at Brother Liu from a distance. Under the sun, his shirt was as white as snow.

Liu Di, who had just arrived, paused slightly, feeling that he was looking at an extremely clear mirror at this moment.

The puppet Liu Di smiled again, "White Tiger's ability is similar to seven-dimensional cause and effect. He can travel through time, write a person's life into a code, and then stuff it into the robot's brain, but he will never understand your thoughts. It’s not as simple as it seems.”

"As for me..."

The puppet Liu Di said calmly: "I found at least a thousand loopholes in my own memory to prove that I am not you, and... I was just born, only 10 hours ago."

The puppet Liu Di knocked on his right eye, making a thumping sound, "And this eye, it's just an appearance."

"I also know that in terms of force, I am not at the same level as you."

"If we fight against each other, I will die."


The puppet Liu Di sat on a stone by the creek and looked around, "I didn't obey any of the orders that Bai Hu passed to me. I chose to take a good look and feel this reality in the remaining time." , a world so colorful and the air is so sweet.”

Brother Liu hesitated slightly.

Even if the information about the puppet opposite is incomplete, it is still more or less half of oneself.


Liu Di also picked a stone by the stream and sat down, and said calmly: "Kun Sang's torso is hidden in your body. I must get it back."


Puppet Brother Liu smiled calmly. He thought for a long time and tapped his right eye which was glowing with purple light again.

He said: "I think the biggest difference between you and me is this eyeball. I can vaguely sense that there is a life hidden in that eye of yours. It is your always trusted partner. Can I ask, it What’s your name?”

Brother Liu calmed down for a moment.

If Bai Hu captures his past by observing the timeline, then there should be the shadow of the 'invisible partner' in the memory of the puppet Liu Di.

However, Brother Liu never told anyone about the existence of the devil boy.


The final understanding of the puppet Brother Liu is a bit like catching wind and shadow, so I am not sure.

There was silence again for a moment.

Brother Liu said slowly: "His name is Demon Boy."


"Demon boy."

"Demon boy..."

The puppet Brother Liu repeated it several times, then smiled with relief, "My wish is granted."


The two Liu brothers were sitting on a stone across a creek, looking at each other. Both of them were shining with purple light.

"Goodbye, Brother Liu."

"Goodbye, world."

After the puppet Brother Liu finished speaking, there was a mechanical sound in his body, and then the clothes on his chest were shattered. The mechanically cast joints were automatically disconnected. The arms and head retreated one after another. A human torso slowly protruded and moved to the body. ahead.

"I know this idea shouldn't come up."

"But actually, when I see you now, I still have the feeling that you are a counterfeit of mine."


The puppet Brother Liu tilted his head back and slowly spoke, but his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally his right eye went out and he was completely silent.

Looking at the puppet with no sign of life in front of him.

Brother Liu didn't move for a long time.

It seems that he can feel the other person's heart. He is full of attachment and regret for this world, but he has to leave because he is fake.

"Demon boy, make him a torso."

"Don't he like to see the world?"

"Then let him see it."

"Just don't come back."

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