My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1468 Enlightenment (1/2)


The metal skull of the mechanical Chi You slid, and a blue bead slowly rose up, which was its control core.

Then the bead projected a pattern toward the ground.

It was a square map, like a super maze, nested layer by layer, one area after another.

This is the whole picture of the universe and heaven.

On this 700,000 light-year continent, there are 130,000 districts and 78 million states.

Mozhou, Mizhou, Chizhou, Yuezhou... endless.

There are also some weird names, such as the Cathedral of Light, Esenger Fortress, Arsenal No. 85, etc.

If it weren't for this map, Brother Liu wouldn't be able to see the whole picture of the universe and heaven.

It's so huge.

The demon boy scanned this map.

Apart from this, Liu Di did not get any other useful information from the mechanical Chi You's mind.

Mechanical Chi You's memory is only a continuous "education" for hundreds of millions of years, consolidating the status of all gods on this continent, including him.

Moreover, Mechanical Chi You has never met Liu Xiaodi and others at all.

At the same time, the mechanical Chi You did not have his own manufacturing process in his memory. He only knew that the moment he opened his eyes, he had this body, this status, and he was a god.

No reason.


In this dark fortress.

Urshi sat on his throne, quietly looking at his men in front of him, manipulating the huge void screen.

"Lord Eshi, Chi You has fallen."

A subordinate wearing a white coat and black goggles said slowly.

After he finished speaking, the blue light beam with Chi You's sign on the screen went out.

Er Shi was immersed in the darkness and had no reaction at all. "This is good news. Brother Liu has appeared and participated in the game, in my territory."

There was a pause.

E Shi said: "First order the nearby gods to entertain him and try to give him a ride."

The subordinate wearing black goggles hesitated for a moment, "There are not many gods near Lianzhou..."


He looked back at the void screen. Near Lianzhou where Brother Liu was, 20,000 light beams representing the gods lit up.

But I saw Eshi casually saying: "Feng, where has that restless guy gone?"

The subordinate in black goggles turned around again, "As you know, Lord Feng will not report any whereabouts without orders. Shenlong will never see his whereabouts."

"This guy..."

Urshi groaned, "He should really learn from Bai Hu. Even if he has never met an enemy before, he should give priority to destroying the opponent's mind to ensure nothing goes wrong."

The subordinate with black goggles nodded slightly, "Lord Ershi, on behalf of my teacher Bai Hu, I would like to thank you for your compliment."

There was a pause.

The subordinate with black goggles added: "However, objectively speaking, with Master Feng's strength, there is no need to do anything to prioritize the destruction of the enemy's mind, because no one can defeat him."


Eshi's eyes narrowed slightly, with a faint flash of cold light.

The man with black goggles quickly bowed his waist a little more and added: "Of course, except for you."

Eshi groaned and said with a hint of gloom: "Feng..."



The blue bead in the mechanical Chi You's head suddenly cracked, and then shattered into dust with a click.

All data acquisition is interrupted.

But the remaining information doesn't have much effect, it's just more killing scenes.


Liu Di let go of his hand, and the mechanical Chi You's head rolled into the pit, "As long as there is a machine, there must be a controller behind the scenes."

This moment.

Liu Di suddenly realized that the diamond-shaped spaces in his [topological space] were extinguishing one by one.

That was the perspective of the residents of the last city, that is, the city where the half-grown child picking apples and the old man lived.

From the memory of Mechanical Chi You, we learned that the city was called Qianzhou.

Lost the perspective?

Something went wrong with them?

Is there a god causing trouble?

Liu Di's eyes were filled with anger. He came to the border of Lianzhou and stepped out of the plasma shield. The lush ancient forest was still in front of him.

Brother Liu headed towards Qianzhou.

Suddenly I heard a sharp roar from the distance. I looked sideways and saw that it was a huge mechanical python. The front half of its body stood up and was twenty meters high. The thickness of the python's body was probably the same as that of an oil tanker. How many.

This thing isn't quite a python either.

Its upper body has two thick human arms, but its head is a ferocious human with a steel beard and a mouth full of fangs.

Of course, neither the head nor the giant arms are living organisms, they are all mechanical structures.

"The snake god has a human head and arms."

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

But the huge monster opened its mouth and said: "I am the ancestral shaman of the northern water, Gonggong! How dare you, a mortal, escape from the place of enlightenment?"

Brother Liu knew that this was probably Chi You's killing assistant!

next moment.

Mechanical Gonggong's mouth opened strangely, and a slender barrel emerged from his throat. Then an almost transparent thread, like silk, shot out of the barrel and headed towards Liu Di.


That's water.

As the old saying goes, "Tenderness is like water." In fact, if the water pressure is increased to a certain level, the water will be as sharp as a knife, and cutting steel is like cutting tofu.

Brother Liu tilted his head slightly, and the thread passed by his ear.

Then there was a slight explosion sound behind him, and the extremely thin liquid thread penetrated dozens of thick ancient trees behind him in an instant.

Liu Di suddenly rushed forward, passing by Mechanical Gonggong's body, the liquid metal turned into an elbow blade, and instantly cut off Mechanical Gonggong's head!

Liu Di didn't hesitate. Two pieces of blue space appeared on both sides of Mechanical Gonggong's body. With a bang, the huge python's body was crushed into a piece of iron!

As the mechanical head fell, countless nano bugs got into it, only to find that it was still the same repeated map, as well as the massacre information of Gonggong's lifetime.

Brother Liu shook his head, "It's useless."


The head was crushed into an iron piece by the space, and fell into the ground with a clanking sound, cutting into the soil.

next moment.

Brother Liu rushed into Qianzhou.

But I saw thick smoke rising into the sky, almost all the houses were destroyed, and the bodies on the ground were as black as charcoal.

In the sky, a large dark cloud gathered.

A huge four-legged figure loomed in the dark clouds. The figure's voice was loud and terrifying, "Qianzhou, there are those who are disrespectful to the gods. They are pious on the surface but slander secretly. Let's educate them today!"

Brother Liu felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Another city!

The residents here, at least on the surface, obey the gods, but they want to destroy the entire city just because of some complaints in their hearts? !

What god?

Treat life as nothing!

But he saw the figure in the dark clouds revealing his true form.

It has a human body with four legs, a green snake hanging from its ears, and a red snake in its hand. It is extremely vicious.

A survivor below collapsed and kowtowed: "The ancestral witch of electricity, the god Qizi, please show some mercy. We will be 100% pious to all gods in the future!"

Only then did Liu Di discover that the god Xizi, who was also made purely by machinery, had been disguised as an electronic tattoo and turned into a flesh-and-blood god dressed in red in the eyes of ordinary residents.

At this time, the god Xizi stood in front of the dark clouds, with a majestic momentum. It really felt like a god descending from the sky.

I saw it raised the red snake that was spitting out the message in its hand, and said angrily: "Evil thoughts have arisen in its heart and cannot be recovered!"

Immediately, the red snake burst out like a thunder weapon and struck down from the sky with a powerful current like thunder. The target was the resident who was kneeling down begging for mercy!

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