
Fu Qing looked at Brother Liu proudly, "This kind of thing exists among various advanced civilizations in the universe. I am very sure that it is also a form of space."

"Although I don't know what the relationship between Invos's useless ears and [Unified Space] is."

“But it’s reasonable to exist.”

"And within reason, there are opportunities."

Brother Liu began to think.

Fu Qing tilted his head, "Are you starting to use your sesame-sized brain again to think about things that are 'never understandable'?"

"Do you have a sample of the information space?"

"Are there any research subjects?"

"you have not."

"This time, don't even think about hitting me in the face again."

Fu Qing clicked his tongue and said: "When I first came to this continent, I saw the residents here uploading their consciousness and entering the electronic world. I was full of surprises. I have never seen a civilization that uses information space so skillfully. "

"I still had a lot of confidence in you at that time."

"Let you show me their information space."



"Remember, all you saw was a bunch of colorful bubbles!"

"Do you think it's funny?"

"This continent comes from your consciousness, but you can't enter that space?"

"It seems that your brain still needs several thousand more years to evolve!"

Brother Liu turned a deaf ear.

Still thinking.

At that time, Liu Di was indeed unable to enter Peng Ge's 'Utopia' through electronic means, but he entered it through spiritual power and met the little windmill girl.

But Fu Qing didn't seem to be very good at mental power, and he couldn't understand it.

"I'll take you somewhere."

Brother Liu said something that Fu Qing was very familiar with, but also very scary.

"I don't really want to go."

Nanobugs fell from the sky and formed a very technological helmet on Fu Qing's head.

The next moment.

Fu Qing felt a blur of consciousness.

It's as if the body has passed through an information tunnel.

When the surroundings light up again.

Fu Qing and Liu Di were already standing in the streets of a modern city, bustling with traffic.

Fu Qing looked around at the humans passing by, and then looked at the skyscrapers in front of him.

There are several majestic characters on the roof - Gemini Technology.

Fu Qing was stunned for a long time.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, "Haha, I was shocked. I thought you could do anything, but you had an information space before!"

"turn out to be..."

"Haha, you finally brought me to your hometown, this magical earth!"

"Isn't it correct that it's the Earth this time?"

"I've already been to the brain world!"

"And the way you returned to Earth is weird, like you compressed space? I really don't understand it."

Brother Liu smiled, "Everything you see is indeed the earth."


"That's what I said!"

Fu Qing's eyes flashed, "This time, your kind and Wang Chong's kind will definitely not be able to see us."


Fu Qing reached out to touch the shoulder of a beautiful woman in a short skirt.

In his mind, his fingers will pass through it.


A loud slap hit Fu Qing's face.


The beauty in the short skirt glared at Fu Qing, twisted her waist and walked away.

Fu Qing is somewhat autistic.

Slowly turning around, he saw a little human boy with watermelon hair appearing next to Brother Liu.

The little boy waved his hand, "Hello, I am the devil boy."


Fu Qing looked at Brother Liu, "What...what's going on?"

Brother Liu said: "This is called the Yuan Universe."


"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Fu Qing looked in disbelief.

Brother Liu opened his eyes slightly.

An invisible code storm rolled up in the sky, and the world beneath our feet began to shrink.

Fu Qing was shocked to find that the city he was in first became the size of a bullet, and the full picture of the planet beneath his feet appeared. It was a beautiful planet floating quietly in the deep universe, emitting blue light.

Then the blue planet also shrank, like a yoga ball.

The surrounding scenery suddenly became brighter, and the solar system with nine planets gradually emerged.

Then the solar system shrank, and the vast Milky Way and the slightly rotating Milky Way appeared.

It's like being wrapped in black velvet, surrounded by hundreds of millions of stars, like diamonds scattered between heaven and earth.

The Milky Way also began to shrink.

Then there is the Local Group of galaxies, and then there is the Super Blue Sky Group of galaxies.


The scene in front of me stopped at the boundless boundary of the interstellar world at this time, and after that, it was a mosaic of nothingness.

Even with the cosmic equations in hand, Liu Di has never stopped covering boundless areas, and the map of the Twin Metaverse has never stopped expanding.


The vast scene around him turned into purple light, and finally condensed into a little purple light, which shrank into Liu Di's right eye.

Liu Di, who was standing downstairs in the Twin Towers, said slowly: "This is my information space, called the Twin Universe. I created it a year ago. Now it covers my home and 4 other places outside my home." In a trillion times space, even your complete body, Fu Qing, is enough to hold 150 million."


Fu Qing's jaw dropped to the ground, "You really have room for information!"

Liu Di fell into a strange thought.

To be precise, the prototype of the Yuan Universe was created by the Future Waiter. After Liu Di defeated it, he first used this place as the Future Waiter's cage.

Later, because of Moore's consciousness, Liu Di decided to simulate this place into a world.

Then because of Liu Di's expansion of the universe, the territory here also expanded infinitely.

Think about it now.

All this is like some kind of electronic version of [Sample Space]. The programming ability of the devil boy, in fact, [Space Mapping]...

The future waiter was imprisoned at the beginning, just as Brother Liu was imprisoned by the theatergoers at this time.

at this time.

Brother Liu slowly raised his head.

The Yuan Universe revealed its true appearance.

Blue lines construct everything here, buildings and people, all like irregular three-dimensional figures.

"How did I build this place back then?"

Brother Liu murmured.

"First - modeling of all things, from points, lines, and surfaces, then to bodies, deformations, and composites."

"Of course, I have pre-scanned the basic values ​​​​of all models in reality."

"Then comes the material, which fills in the appearance color of everything, such as human skin, the texture of stones..."

"Then there is light, skylight, ambient light, effect lighting, etc. Although this is very cumbersome, it gives everything a shadow, which is a three-dimensional effect."

"The fourth step is rendering and individual shaping."

"After that, it is to give everything basic functions, such as sound and language."

"Give the characters something more advanced...thoughts, actions, missions."

"Finally, we are perfecting the general background environment, the causes, results, chain reactions, accidents, surprises, miracles, etc. of everything."

Brother Liu said.

The metaverse in front of us has also gone through this process. From scratch, singular points turned into lines, then three-dimensional, and then turned into rich and colorful, with every detail present, vivid colors and fragrant voices, and prosperous voices.

Fu Qing was extremely shocked.

Looking at everything with bulging eyes.

a long time.

Fu Qing trembled: "Brother Liu, what did you realize?!"

Brother Liu put his fist on his chin and thought: "I seem to understand how to create the world, but I still don't understand what space is."


Fu Qing took three steps back, "What are you talking about?"

Fu Qing really doesn’t understand!

Brother Liu has been able to create such an information world, but he is still not inspired?

"Brother Liu!"

"Did you create this space by mistake?!"

Fu Qing shouted in confusion.

Brother Liu frowned, "No... I have created more than one such space."


Space transforms again.

Surrounded by endless yellow sand.

In the sky, a strong figure was fighting against 283 other strong figures. However, within 3 rounds, the single figure was knocked down and fell heavily into the sand.

"Cowper, long time no see."

When the strong man in the sand heard these words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the man in the white shirt standing in front of him with his hands behind his back. .

"Mr. Liu!"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Brother Liu smiled and helped him up.

The first bodyguard of Lepp, whose body was once mechanically modified, was destroyed by the Doomsday Association, leaving only one brain. In order to keep him alive forever, Liu Di created a second information space for him.

And according to his wishes, 283 Tianluo were created for him.

Cowper is a warrior, and he wants to spend the rest of his life defeating Tianluo.


An imperceptible gloom flashed through Brother Liu's heart.

A month ago, Cowper's real brain died.

Repp had already powered off the system, and at this time, only a hard drive covered in dust was left.

Cowper him.

Why are you still there.

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