My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1469 Probability Space (1/2)

"I suddenly realized that your understanding of the eighth dimension is not a matter of innate talent at all."

"But it's like... things fall into place."

Fu Qing seemed to have received some kind of shock in his heart, muttering to himself and feeling a little fuzzy.

Liu Di cautiously replied: "It's a little too early to say this. I don't know what will happen next..."

"not early."

Fu Qing shook his head slowly, "The eight-dimensional [7·Probability Space] is actually through the extra space to see clearly the probability of all things happening, such as the death of a star, will it eventually become a black hole, a white hole, or... Neutron stars, in [probability space], this will no longer be a random result. Black holes are black, white holes are white, and neutron stars are blue.”

"Just pick a color you like."

"The whole world will develop that way, and everything will be justified."

Brother Liu paused slightly.

This is like a world-scale multiple choice question.

This ability is sensational, but how to achieve it?

Fu Qing sighed, "I once told you that there are no high-dimensional creatures that are promoted from one dimension to another like seven or eight or nine. Therefore, there cannot be a certain creature that has the ability of more than seven dimensions at the same time. ”


Fu Qing looked at Brother Liu, "But you can."

"Do you know why probability space ranks seventh among eight-dimensional abilities?"

"Because it is the sublimation of seven-dimensional abilities."

Brother Liu was quiet for a moment.

suddenly see the light.

[7·Probability Space] is actually about controlling the direction of things.

Perhaps in the world of eight-dimensional life, this needs to be achieved by choosing space.

But for me, isn't this...a causal weapon.

Different paths lead to the same destination, although the forms are different.

But the effect is to make things go in the direction you planned!


Fu Qing had experienced Liu Di's sudden and rapid impact again and again. At this time, his heart was like an ancient well, calm and unwavering, and he calmly accepted the reality.

He is incomparable to Brother Liu, and they cheat each other.


Fu Qing repeated it again, "You don't need to learn [Qi·Probability Space]. Niang Xipi, you already know it. What you have to do now is to figure out how to use it."

"Remember, it's time to improve your thinking."

"If you still use seven dimensions to look at [probability space], it is equivalent to shackles on yourself."


Brother Liu's body was still, thoughts surging in his mind.

He has never used the definition of 'space' to look at seven-dimensional cause and effect.

It’s not his fault. The higher dimensions are so mysterious. His vision and knowledge are very different. He can only take one step at a time.

In the vast universe, not everything can be covered by one's imagination.


Liu Di only uses the causal weapon to create a desired result at the moment, or to kill an enemy.

This unparalleled ability, from a certain perspective, was overused by Brother Liu.

"Use the perspective of eight-dimensional space to look at cause and effect."


Brother Liu looked around and around the Peng Ge Civilized Continent, "This is a space."

Brother Liu lowered his head again and looked at the drop-shaped pendant on his chest, "This is an item in the space."

This moment.

Liu Di's body flashed rapidly.

Fu Qing knew that he had activated his seven-dimensional ability and entered the timeline, but he didn't know what he had done.


Fu Qing suddenly sighed, "My understanding is still insufficient. The first thing I thought of was the seven-dimensional ability. At the moment, it is vulnerable."

Within 3 seconds.

Liu Di's body was solid and he returned from Time Changhe with twinkling eyes.


"Do you think you have mastered [mutually exclusive space] and [probability space]?"


Fu Qing sighed and looked at the sky, "Did you know..."

Right now.

There was a loud bang in the sky!

The 'sample space' of the brain world was directly bitten by the huge black phoenix!

Du Jue, who looked like a black phoenix, used vector space to shrink his body inch by inch, turning into a volume of 2,000 kilometers, and emerged from the gap!

The residents of Peng Ge Civilization looked at the sky in shock, but they could only see the atmosphere of the sky, which seemed to have been chewed by a giant thing, and a huge hole appeared.

But as low-level creatures, they cannot see Du Jue's body.

There was only confusion and shock in my heart.

Fu Qing said: "Your eight-dimensional path is different from others. It is difficult to distinguish who is strong and who is weak. I only know that crossing the [probability space] is a pure ability."

"It is also one of the high-dimensional perspectives."

"If you think of the direction of things as a maze, then Du Jue has an absolute bird's-eye view. It can see the entire maze from above, instead of like you who can only see the wall in front of you."

"No matter how complicated things are, there's always a way out."

"Then by choosing the space..."

"Find the most correct path."

"In other words, the probability of success is always 100%."

"It's very casual."

"Unlike you, you need to go all out and change countless conditions to ensure a weak result."

Fu Qing looked at Brother Liu, "There is a big difference between nature and talent."

At this time, Brother Liu did not make any move.

Look at the sky quietly.

The huge body, like a black divine bird phoenix, covered the sky with great momentum.

And in its pair of black eyes, a brilliant river continued to spread outward.

The river was filled with colorful light.

In it, countless topological spaces were floating like broken gems.

The front and back of the space, the whole picture, were all in its eyes. Every action of its could choose the most correct choice.

"My actions are always right!"

"For example, I came here to kill you today!"

"There is no other possible result. You will only be killed by me!"

In the roar.

The wings of the black phoenix Du Jue spread out, and the world dimmed instantly.

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