My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1463: Strange Territory (1/2)

The silver shuttle continued to fly in the wormhole.

Brother Liu stared ahead, recalling the best time in his heart.

There was a year.

Just in the brain world T5 I just left.

He and Gu Fan stood in the peach blossom forest all day long, guarding the boundaries of T5 and watching the movements of T6.

Although he was silent and silent, he was tacitly understanding and had no worries. The occasional distracting thoughts were taken away by the spring breeze mixed with the fragrance of peach blossoms.

Until that day, T6 attacked aggressively.

It was also at that moment that Liu Di's understanding of spiritual power suddenly became clear, and he punched T6 into dust.

When Liu Di finally took control of the brain world, he stared at the T6 dust and suddenly had a whim, and mobilized his mental power to condense the vast dust into a continent.

With a gentle push, the continent looked toward the universe and allowed it to develop on its own.

This should be regarded as the [sample space] condensed by oneself.

I don’t know.

What is happening to that continent now?

For a long time, he also left it behind.

Liu Di did not use the cosmic grid to check the current situation there. Instead, he followed the sensing in the dark and kept approaching 1,200 light-years away.

It's like a birthday gift. The anticipation before unboxing is often greater than the gift itself.

this moment.

The Tianjue sailed out of the wormhole.

What appeared in front of Liu Di and Fu Qing was a mysterious and incomprehensible scene.

There is a continent ahead, like an alien territory.

But it breaks the rule that all natural planets in the universe are round.

It is as square as a carpet, 50 million kilometers long and wide.

The weird thing is.

Surrounding this square continent, there are six quietly floating asteroids gathered at an extremely close distance.

These asteroids are almost the same size as the moon and emit a cold blue light.

From a distance, it looks like a string of out-of-proportion beads lying across the universe.

The distance between these asteroids and the continent is actually as small as less than two thousand kilometers.

For celestial bodies in the universe, this distance is approximately equivalent to destruction.

Under normal circumstances, let alone two thousand kilometers away, the gravity and magnetic field between these asteroids would create irresistible entanglement, and they should have collided with each other and destroyed each other long ago.

Brother Liu looked carefully.

But I saw that these asteroids were equipped with huge thrusters on their surfaces. There were only tens of thousands of them on a single planet.

Green flames are constantly erupting, resisting the mutual gravitational pull of these planets, keeping them relatively stationary.

And on the central road, there stands a sky-high technology pillar that shines with green light, with a height of at least 70,000 kilometers and a diameter of 8,000 kilometers.

Six space rail-like tracks extend from the top of the technology pillar, like bridges across the sky, and then connect to the surfaces of six asteroids.

Only a huge mechanical roar was heard.

At the bottom of the science and technology column, huge metal hatches opened layer by layer, and a disc glowing with green technology slowly rose along the bottom of the science and technology column. This disk was like a cosmic elevator, and finally stopped at the top of the science and technology column. Engage with six rails.

The surface of the disc is densely packed but neatly packed with huge machines.

Below those machines is a huge metal drill, with a technological light shining on the top. Each one is at least 500 meters tall.



These huge earth-drilling machines came into contact with the railway tracks, and then, similar to the maglev trains on the earth, they quickly dispersed towards the six surrounding planets at a speed that was almost blurred by light and shadow.

Throughout the process, multiple machines work closely together, making the efficiency extremely high.

But no living organisms were seen during the whole process, everything was automated.

"Tsk, tsk."

"Is this a planetary mining system?"

“It’s not very high-tech, but it’s cool.”

Fu Qing looked at Brother Liu, "Does this have something to do with your [Sample Space]? How do I feel that this is like a cosmic base for other civilizations?"

Brother Liu was also a little hesitant.

The scene in front of him gave him a feeling of familiarity, but also a huge sense of strangeness.

The silver shuttle flew to the center of the square continent.

Looking down, there are many huge circular buildings built on the ground.

In the center of those buildings, many figures shining with golden light were walking back and forth.

Fu Qing glanced sideways at Brother Liu, and suddenly smiled evilly and said, "Let me guess, your kid brought me here, and he originally wanted to pretend, but... he was confused?"

Brother Liu ignored Fu Qing.

Thinking, calculating.

In theory, the flow rate of time in the continent of T6 will be the same as that in the brain world, which means it will be different from the outside world.

It is about 2800 years of 'brain world' time since the last time this was shaped.

The continent itself is lifeless.

There is basically no possibility of life evolving in such a short period of time.

Now, it is full of such sophisticated machinery.

Could it be.

Is my territory occupied by others?

And it was made into a flower for me.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Brother Liu's face.

——Six planets, orbiting a square continent, look like the simple drawings of kindergarten children.

It just needs to be countless times more magnificent.

The silver shuttle landed in the center of a huge ring-shaped building!

The hatch opened, and Liu Di and Fu Qing slowly walked out!

There was no obstruction during the whole process.

Brother Liu saw clearly the true face of those golden lights and shadows just now.

They were goose egg-shaped robots that looked like they were made of gold.

The bodies of these robots reflected the light of distant stars. From a distance, they looked like big golden eggs. However, there were micro-propellers hidden under the golden eggs, and two slender mechanical arms stretched out in front of them.

They are busy.

Some are carrying supplies, while others are repairing various pipelines.

These robots completely ignored the silver shuttle falling from the sky and the two brothers Liu.

Some are dull and step-by-step.

Although there are many golden egg robots flying here, they make almost no noise, and the entire environment is extremely quiet and peaceful.

Fu Qing and Liu Di looked at each other and continued walking forward.

At this moment, they finally saw the wall of the circular building clearly.

But on the inside of these walls, there are huge glass jars inlaid one by one, square and standard like a Tianzi grid, spread all over the circular wall that is hundreds of kilometers long.

And in these glass jars.

Filled with green viscous liquid.

Fu Qing squinted his eyes and slowly approached a glass jar next to him, "Hey...I'll go."

The light reflects slightly.

But he saw a complete brain soaked in the green liquid.

Moreover, from the bottom of the brain, many root-like nerve tissues extend, slowly floating in the green liquid.

Fu Qing was stunned and then looked up.

But on the tall inner wall of this building, there were nearly 100,000 complete brains in nearly 100,000 glass jars.

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